Joss' folk.
Summary: In the Wishverse...Buffy arrived a little early and Vamp Will found her.
Buffy ran her fingers through the flamed locks of her sire, smiling as she watched her sleep. It had been a month since she had been turned...a month since she had been reborn...a month since she had finally found true happiness.
"Something you want, my slayer baby?" Willow asked, a smile on her face, eyes still closed.
"You, my sire, only you," Buffy replied, her eyes never leaving the redhead. "I'm sorry I woke you. Will you punish me now?"
Willow's smile grew, the want in her mate's voice adorably obvious. Opening her eyes, she fixed them on the vampire slayer.
"Yes, yes I will. Get the paddle, pet."
Buffy smiled and turned, hanging over the bed, reaching underneath for her favorite toy. Willow sat up, her eyes fixed on the perfect ass in front of her, the bruises from the morning's spanking completely faded. Reaching out, she landed a hard hand spank, eliciting a gasp, then a moan, from her mate, who thrusted back for more, spreading her legs just enough.
"You are my naughty little slayer baby, aren't you, pet?"
Willow's fingers slid between Buffy's legs, stroking the pool of wet they found there. The slayer moaned, growling lowly as the slim, cool fingers moved upward, placing themselves at her tight little bum.
"Please, Mistress," she begged, biting her lip.
Willow slid her two fingers right into her mate's bum, slowly, teasingly and Buffy had to grip the edge of the bed to keep from falling off.
"Mmmmm, Mistress, please...mmmmm....."
Willow thrusted in and out a few times, then pulled out and sat back, leaning against the headboard.
"Slayer baby...come here."
Buffy whimpered at the loss of her sire's touch, then turned and crawled back to her, handing her the paddle and straddling her lap, her arms going around Willow's neck.
"I love you, my slayer baby."
Willow kissed her softly, her hands sliding underneath and gripping the slayer's ass hard. Buffy moaned into her mouth and kissed back, her tongue mixing with her sire's gentle yet dominating one.
The advantages of being need for air. However, there was a definate other need and both sire and childe were feeling it in force. Willow reluctantly broke their kiss and looked Buffy straight in the eye.
"Hands and knees, pet...present that sexy little slayer ass to your sire."
Buffy nearly came right then...the sound of her mate's voice, the firm, strict yet loving tone...she hurried to assume the posistion, presenting her more than ready ass to the redhead.
Willow growled lowly as she ran her fingers over the perfect beauty at her disposal, tempering her demon, who wanted to ravage the slayer right then and there, taking what was hers and feasting on her til' the blonde couldn't move.
"Ask for your spanking, pet."
Willow continued to caress, stroke and tease, her nails tenderly scraping the cool flesh beneath them.
"Mistress Willow, may I please have my spanking."
Just saying the words made her drip...and her sire, as well.
"Why do you deserve a spanking, my slayer baby?" Willow asked, her nails teasing the sweet little bumhole.
"Mmmmm, cause' I, mmmmm, I was naughty...I woke you while you were sle-OH! Mmmmm, sleeping my beautiful Mistress..."
It was everything Buffy could do to NOT push remain in position as her Mistress had ordered. But as hard as it was, the slayer knew it would be worth it, for her Mistress knew exactly how to love her...and was never selfish, making love to her until she couldn't move, stopping only once she was sure her childe was completely satisfied.
"Yes, you did, didn't you, my beautiful slayer baby," Willow purred, pumping her finger in and out of Buffy's behind. "Although I think you can do a better job of asking, don't you, pet?"
"Yes, Mistress, I'm sorry, Mistress, please Mistress, will you spank my naughty ass until it's raw...until I can't sit...until it's purple and on fire...and then will you please make love to my naughty, well spanked ass...with your favorite strap on...riding your naughty little slayer baby until she can't move...and then, may I please thank you, my beautiful Mistress, thank you for my spanking by pleasuring you with my mouth...making you scream my name until you have no voice left?"
Buffy accentuated every few words with a slight wiggle and between the words, the wiggle and the mere fact that it was her mate, Willow was ready to explode.
"That's better, my luv." She removed her finger and raised the paddle. "Count, my pet."
Willow spanked, Buffy counted, each spank rewarded with a number and a thank you, my beautiful Mistress. By twenty five, both spankee and spanker were moaning thirty five, growls were getting louder...on fifty, the wood split.
Willow, now in full vamp face, grabbed the strap on from the bedside table drawer, got on her knees and slid deep into Buffy's dripping warmth.
"Oh goddess, thank you my beautiful Mistress!!!!!" Buffy cried, gripping the mattress as she vamped and growled.
Her growl was met with one from her sire, as Willow felt her mate's body clamp down onto her faux cock. She pumped in and out a few times, her hands caressing Buffy's hot, bruised ass. Leaning to her ear, she purred lowly.
"Ask for it, my precious slayer baby."
She slipped her tongue out, licking Buffy's lobe.
"Please, my beautiful sire, my Mistress, my mate...please make love to my ass, PLEASE! *GROWLS*..."
Willow moved to her neck and nipped gently, pulling out and placing her soaking wet cock at the slayer's back entrance. Moving back to her ear, she growled.
"Open for me, my slayer baby."
Buffy whimpered and did as told and Willow slid in fast and deep, hands holding tight to her slayer's hips as she wasted no time setting a steady, deep thrusting rythym.
"MINE," she growled, moving tenderly yet with force.
She was making love to her mate, taking her slowly, showing her who she belonged to and who was loving her. Buffy, for her part, was in heaven...her whole body screaming with sheer bliss...she loved when her sire, her mate, her Willow, took her like this. As the slayer, she had always saved and protected and been strong...she had never felt safe, she had never felt wanted, she had never felt loved.
Only when she became a vampire, did she feel those things.
Willow made her feel safe, wanted and loved and everything wonderful she had never been allowed to feel in life. And Buffy returned the feelings. She would do anything for her sire, her everything...
"Goddess, slayer baby, so damn tight, mmmmmmmmmmm, love making love to this sweet ass, baby, *GROWLS*..."
"Love when you do, my Mistress, *GROWLS*...Goddess DO I!"
Buffy was on the edge, ready to explode but she knew better...only when her Mistress gave permission could she cum. She had never disappointed her Willow...and she never would.
Willow, knowing her childe, her mate, her slayer baby, her Buffy...knew the poor thing was more than ready for release...and truth was, Willow herself was right there with her. She kissed her shoulders, her neck, up to her ear where she moaned, growled and licked.
"Cum for me, my precious slayer baby."
The redhead shifted just a bit as she said the words and thrusted harder as she sunk her teeth into Buffy's shoulder. Buffy screamed loud as she came, Willow's name and her profession of love for her sire ringing throughout the air.
Willow kept thrusting, suckling her mark as she pulled two more earth shattering orgasms from her slayer baby. Finally slowing down, she eased gently out, removed the strap, tossed it aside and pulled Buffy to her. The slayer rested her head aginst her sire, purring loudly as she drifted in ecstacy, Willow's fingers gently stroking the damp, blonde hair on her lap.
"I so love you my beautiful sire, Mistress, Willow." Willow smiled. "I so love you, my precious slayer Buffy."
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