Version: Beta version 1.0 (90% Complete)
Date: 03/04/2008
Compatible: DOS & WINMUGEN
Character design: by Alucard
Sprite editor: Alucard
Programmer Code: Alucard

    Thanos Dc Vs Marvel    

Universe: Marvel Universe
Real Name: Thanos
Aliases: Mad Titan, Master, Thanos Rex, Masterlord, Overmaster
Identity: No dual identity
Occupation: Knoledge seeker; former god, destroyer conqueror, nihilist.
Place of Birth: Eternal colony, Titan (moon of Saturn)
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 985 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Powers: Thanos possesses the superhuman physiology of all Eternals, granting him superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and agility. His skin in nearly invulnerable, particulary against heat, cold, electricity, radiation, toxins, aging, and disease, and he can survive indefinately without food or water even before his "curse" from Death left him immortal, unable to die. His mind is also invulnerable to most forms of psychic attack, and can project a psionic blast of energy as well as blasts of plasma/cosmic energy from his eyes and hands.
Abilities: Master strategist, adept in sciences far beyond Earth technology, some mystical knowledge
Weapons: None.
First Appearance: Iron Man #55 (1973).

Thanos Beta 1.0 Moves List and Skill Reference


By Alucard
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