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BBC NEWS | UK | Lambeth Conference: Readers' views Accessibility Links Skip to content Skip to search Low Graphics Accessibility help Access keys help Search term Explore legacy hospice longview texas the BBC BBC News Updated every minute of every day One-Minute World News News Front blackwell legacy Page Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Middle East South Asia UK England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales UK Politics Education Magazine Business Health Science/Nature Technology Entertainment Also in isabella s on legacy the news ----------------- Video and Audio ----------------- Have Your Say In Pictures Country Profiles Special Reports Related BBC legacy hospital- portland or sites Sport Weather On This Day Editors'

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Blog BBC World Service Site Version UK Version International Version About the versions Page last updated legacy bar tuscaloosa alabama at 20:01 GMT, Monday, 4 August 2008 21:01 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Lambeth Conference: Readers' views The Lambeth Conference has legacy gunz drawn to a close. friends of a legacy The 10-yearly gathering got off to a shaky start when bear archery whitetail legacy compound bow more than 200 conservative bishops announced a boycott. Issues such as the ordination of gay priests have caused rifts in the Communion. Four Anglicans discuss the events of the past three weeks and share their thoughts subaru legacy outback about the future of the Church. Read what our panellists said before the conference started Bob MacDonald Victoria, Canada "There has been some meeting of minds at Lambeth" William Aku Abuja, Nigeria "Divisions in the Church will continue " Stephen Colchester, UK "I suspect this may have been the last Lambeth Conference " Roger Jones Birmingham, UK "I believe a split in the subaru legacy interior Communion is inevitable" WILLIAM AKU, 46, CIVIL SERVANT, NIGERIA Americans and maytag legacy Canadians cannot wooden legacy have their way in the Anglican Communion Not much was achieved at the Lambeth Conference as the Archbishop of Canterbury decided to sidestep the main issue at the heart of recent arguments - the consecration of homosexuals as priests. Moving forward, we still believe Rowan Williams will come to realise that the Americans and Canadians cannot have their way in the Anglican Communion. Church leaders should rethink legacy driver their position and remember that it is the legacy shocks Bible that should be the ultimate legacy wheels for sale guide legacy freight in these the legacy banquet matters. Ordinary Anglicans do not have any choice but to listen to their consciences and what their local church leaders have to say. I believe legacy of rome the openly gay bishop Gene Robinson decided to attend Lambeth just legacy trust company to provoke people - and he knows it. It subaru outback legacy is the display legacy and education fund of extremism in his views silver legacy hotel and casino that scares many gauntlet dark legacy gamecube used orthodox Anglicans. I was glad to see bishops marching in London to demand action on poverty. However, the issue of poverty cannot be addressed in isolation. The Church must first legacy park apartments houston texas tackle subaru legacy fuel filter change interval the main problem facing it today - the issue of homosexuality. I do not think the Anglican Communion will split - we will continue as a unified Church given playing alien legacy on windows xp the special nature knob hill legacy of Anglicanism as a bulwark against Catholicism. But the divisions between liberals and conservatives will continue until the former group realise they cannot move too far away from the core principles of the Church. Return to top BOB MACDONALD, legacy left by herodotus 62, SOFTWARE DEVELOPER, VICTORIA, CANADA There has been santos legacy emanuel some meeting of minds at legacy hospice Lambeth. A number of people from African churches have accepted that the gay issue is there and won't simply go away. At the same time, some from the North American coach legacy bags churches have come to realise the importance of cultural context in which countries from the southern hemisphere legacy of timeless beauty operate - and how this affects people's attitudes over the gay issue. Overall, I believe there is now legacy shores al the possibility for greater legacy lxr-2a and manual honesty on this topic. So I am legacy quick coupling more living a legacy glen campbell optimistic about the potential for change in the future. The only problem is the shops at legacy time. Time is of the essence for individuals but is not so important for organisations like the Anglican Church. Ultimately, the issue subaru legacy owners manual free of homosexuality is an issue that all the major faiths must tackle. I was pleased to see the bishops marching in London calling for action on the Millennium Development Goals. While poverty must have focus, honesty and justice on the ultimately personal issues

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of sexuality are not unimportant. Although I do not foresee a major split, some churches may splinter off from the main Anglican Communion. Those churches will continue along their own path until they are able to come to terms with controversial issues such as sexuality. I hope we will

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address all issues with a spirit legacy dunes orlando of gentleness. Return to top STEPHEN, 49, ORGANIST, COLCHESTER, UK I think the Lambeth Conference proved that most churches still wish to be associated despite recent difficulties. But Church leaders should remember that each church is autonomous. They need to go back to put things right in their own countries and

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stop "fishing in each others ponds". The Church should treat the gay issue the same as they have legacy farm the Biblical strictures on eating shellfish, divorce, slavery, the planting of two crops in the same

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field, the wearing of garments made of two fibres, the ministry of child legacy international women no prongs legacy ring etc. However, legacy entertainment I still think Bishop Gene Robinson should have stayed away - never go to a party if you are not invited! I suspect that this may have been the last Lambeth Conference. The Gafcon Bishops will not be satisfied with anything except total victory. They have refused every offer of compromise so far so I doubt legacy genalogy we've heard the last of it. The Anglican Communion is almost entirely paid for by Episcopal Church in the United States of America (ECUSA) who have been extremely patient but will eventually close the purse. I think the Archbishop's march suburu legacy outback against poverty was noticed by the media in a positive way so it didn't do any harm, a pleasant change from recent coverage. But what will come out of it will depend mostly on the politicians of course. I am a bit disappointed with Rowan Williams' pandering to the international stage. There seems to be very little reaction to the gay issue here at home and like ECUSA legacy financial I am getting very tired of the African Primates telling me what I should legacy magazine alberta do. Return to top ROGER JONES, 60, COMPOSER OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC, BIRMINGHAM, UK The impression I get from the media is that little legacy bill of rights was settled at the conference. A desire legacy farm cohousing to maintain unity meant there was no definitive statement on controversial issues. This is hardly good star trek legacy patch leadership and eventually there will be division on authority of scripture. I would like the Church to pronounce clearly that the only place for sexual intimacy is within heterosexual marriage and that marriage that isn't heterosexual isn't marriage at all. We would then all know what the Church stands for, and we could decide whether or not to grandpas legacy sporting acres syracuse nebraska join the denomination. It was a tragedy that so many bishops decided to boycott the conference over the gay issue. Although I understand their concerns and respect their right to take a stand, I think it would have been better if they had attended and made their voice clearly heard. As legacy mac repair manuals for Gene Robinson, I wish he had not come to the UK at this time. But, then again, I think he should not have been made a bishop at all. I believe a split in the Communion is inevitable. It will be a tragedy, but it is unavoidable. Any initiatives to head off future divisions will come to nothing as the problems surrounding homosexuality have not been solved. Return to top E-mail this to a friend Printable version Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? WORLD'S ANGLICANS FACE SPLIT KEY STORIES Way ahead found in Church gay row Archbishop accused of 'betrayal' Bishops raise homosexuality issue Anglicans 'must resolve tensions' Bishops march for poverty action Church 'wounded' over gay row FEATURES AND ANALYSIS Communion fears Concerns surface as the Lambeth conference meets Lambeth diary: Anglican donor legacy statement turmoil Anglican voices 'I was a gay priest' Hymns drown out the heckler VIDEO AND AUDIO Head to head: The controversy over gay bishops BACKGROUND What is the Lambeth Conference? 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