"); finalscore.document.write("
You scored " + score); if (score <= 4 ) { finalscore.document.write("

Sadly, you are mostly human.

Your instincts and thoughts "); finalscore.document.write("are typical of that miserable species.

"); } if (score > 4 & score <= 8) { finalscore.document.write("

You fluctuate between human and alien responses."); finalscore.document.write("

You feel trapped in this earthbound existence. It is as though "); finalscore.document.write("the alien inside is longing to break out.

"); } if (score > 8 & score <= 12) { finalscore.document.write("

You are either a psycho, or more than a little otherworldly."); finalscore.document.write("

But humanity is starting to influence your behaviour."); finalscore.document.write("Do not let yourself go native.

"); } if (score > 12 ) { finalscore.document.write("

You are mean, scary and as alien as they come."); finalscore.document.write("

This world makes little sense to you, but what you do not understand,"); finalscore.document.write("
you can always feed to your young.

"); } finalscore.document.write("
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws

"); finalscore.focus(); }

Neural Core

How Alien Are You?

1. You're stranded on a desert island, but you know you'll be okay as long as you have remembered to bring:

your qualta blade
water purifier and a swiss army knife
your teeth and a maternal instinct

2. Your hand is trapped under debris and the enemy is fast approaching. You:

beg for mercy and hope they take pity
lop it off - a new one will soon grow back
remain still and blend into the background. They will not see you.

3. At the supermarket, you realise you don't have enough money to pay for what you want. What do you do?

Blow the place up.
Pocket everything and leave without paying. This whole planet belongs to you anyway.
Put everything back and leave.

4. Psychic powers are:

a myth.
being used to manipulate mankind.
wasted on the young.

5. Sex is for :

the propagation of the species.
lower forms of life.
keeping warm.

6. The gene pool:

must be preserved at all costs.
needs to be closed for chlorination.
is where you used to work before this assignment.

7. A spaceship should be:

sleek, shiny, and capable of at least warp 6.
for life, not just for seasonal festivals.
coming for you soon.

8. It's your ambition to:

wipe out all other forms of life.
rule the galaxy.
get a pad in the country, some dogs, maybe a squirrel.
one day use a tin-opener.
boldly go where no-one has gone before.

9. You'll never understand people. They are :

so greedy, and mindlessly destructive of the environment.
so difficult to pair with a good wine.
curiously reluctant to upgrade their wetware. A few more eyes or mouths wouldn't go amiss.
really itchy to wear.

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