From Decayed: Travel Poems
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)






Bus Stalled By An Anti-Porno Rally


The Catholic country is astir,
standing up against total democracy.
Perhaps with emendations---
accepting the demands of
the Shakespeares among us,
except that

pornographers are out
all in the name of Art.
The ratings board, bored
with the masses, said Masses
to the name of democracy:
for one cannot democratically
dictate what is art and what is not,
rendering him unable to ban
anything, as marijuana
cannot be totally banished
from the soil of the earth
at the expense of asthma patients.

Yet, I think,
abuse needs not require
constitutional amendments prior
to enforcements and laws
against the abuse---
a house is not burned
to kill the termite.

For fairness' sake,
all nudity may be banned
from the screens and walls and
every newsboy's hands,
but is nudity alone
the spirit of pornography?

Is reality despicable?
Is all art deplorable
that has it, especially
those with the pumping act,
or are there other

ways of keeping our
children from the realities
beyond yet
their delicate comprehensions
and total understandings?

Put X-rated films
in theaters without pictures
displayed outside,
simply the title and the label
"adult movie" seen,

that would keep pornography
in each of us outside
in the mind
instead of upon a cinema executive's
           very groin.


                                       -- 1 October/99


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