From In The Level of Gods
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)






Everything's (Either Republican or Democrat)
To the US Green Party Campaign, 2000


Neither north nor south, Everything
impacts on all's future of sutures,
the picture you vote for/dream
about, except that won't happen

because many things are gonna be done?
Nada becomes Nader, Everything
suddenly comes forth to be addressed
(but under duress of fears). Except

nothing will happen, because Everything
will become clear---the problems we
won't face, the solutions we won't
take: and nobody'll act, under duress

of the present dress everybody wears.
Fear. Image is everything, and so is
fear. Revolutions only happen when
nothing is done, while Everything and

Everyman waits, even while this every-
thing becomes clear every time November
rises, every fourth year. Yet again
nothing is done. All becomes nada, again.

Oh, nada to Nader is from nor to neither!
Be rid of Everything's hopeless old fear!
The Kennedy's are dead, trees now
blue and red, sloganeering's the whole Earth!

But then, there's always revolution taking
a Natural course: everything becoming Nada


                                       -- 23 September/00


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