From In The Level of Gods
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)






From Pooh-Poohs to a Big Bounce
(A Father's Immodest Pride)


His American namesake's Mickey Mouse
but there's no reason there
for him to be adept with the computer
"mouse" at age 3 and a month.

The only relationship here
is in the CD-Rom disc that's from
Disney, albeit Winnie The Pooh and
Friends are the stars, and Miguel's name's

neither Winnie nor Rabbit.
His only relationship with the disk
may be found in his bouncy behavior,
earning him the housename Tigger,

but going back to the mouse and his name
there's no relationship except the
one maybe between his reflexes
and his excitement, making us bounce

all over with amusement, Pinoi amazement,
upon the mouse's slow path towards links
to discoveries. Leery, he approaches all
these challenges till we're all weary.

Certainly not Winnie "with very little brain."



                                       -- 1 October/99


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