From Gifts, Parties, Titles, Unrests: Poems from A Lost Decade
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)







                                          Contortion is the beauty
                      makes the mirror Poetry!


in silent fervor we watch
fragile cars, in tv warehouse
chases, as we might ourselves
walking or laughing through
ponds of, say, gasoline spills
(still horror, maybe), seeing a
bit of rainbow-looking weather on
them, a bit of green in the gloss,
but our faces reflected on them,
nevertheless. our steps are careful
on these dark glosses, as we could
slip on the spill that our faces
afloat on these gasoline spills
become dirty faces; for fragile is
man, as fragile as: when sudden fires
blow from accompanying tinder in a
gasoline spill, that bulldozers warp
from where we stand, where we watch
with fragile watchdogs, our eyes, to
see Gasoline Spill & other faces.
our eyes, yes lovely they are,
watch fragile car-visions,
fragile earth visions of fire,
often yet remembering nothing
but one's face on the spill
spots, and, not to forget,
one's driver's license


Copyright © 1999, 2001 Vicente-Ignacio Soria de Veyra. All rights reserved. Readers are welcome to view, save, file and print out single copies of this webpage for their personal use. No reproduction, display, performance, multiple copy, transmission, or distribution of the work herein, or any excerpt, adaptation, abridgment or translation of same, may be made without written permission from the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this work will be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.


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