From In The Level of Gods
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)






Global Warming: A Love Poem


For the record, the representative window of the neighbor
next to my bedroom window has sent feelers of love
to the life of me, with cotton-buds for ear-cleaning on
the ledge; I hear this call for sound, so I pollute the wind
myself with music tapes speaking towards the love window.
Ice-drop sticks also decorate the ledge, accusing me
of coldness, perhaps I need fellatio on my conscience;
that I felt obliged to send nicotine smoke signals
in the window's direction, representative of machismo.
I also see a thrown feather duster, saying no to excess
cleanliness, inviting me to throw in return warm curses
to this window, representative of love, of hot little deaths.


                                       -- 1 October/99


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