From In The Level of Gods
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)






History Lesson


How many remakes of old movies are there?

Every time me and my wife finishes one
In the VHS version, aunt-in-law says
The earlier version was better, even
Though she hasn't seen the new version
Or adaptation. Is it always like that

With her generation? I'm not sure.
I'm only guessing as to how I'd feel
If my favorite movies of today, even
Those that are not my favorites at all,
Even those I hate but made today—
Might always look to me better versions
In the future—when the future does
Remakes of them. Is it always like that

For any generation passing? To be unfairly
Comparative, or simply nostalgic,
See the aesthetic principles from
The angle of personal memories, or from
Getting brainwashed by the taste of the times,
Each generation's time, as when movie

Parts of old were ideally delivered
Like theater play roles, in black and
White light (better enlighteners perhaps
To my aunt-in-law)—these are the very stuff
That makes this whole race of ours
Multi-cultural already, from the home!

Isn't that attitude what makes my generation
Laugh at anything old quite readily? Or hate it?
How many remakes of old movies will it take
Before we learn one moral lesson from any of them?


-- 3 March, 2000


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