From Alternative Prosaicnesses: First Poems
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)







--- for Fathers Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora


In the embassy that faces all funds at the helm of the
Tree's denouncement, there was the sickle that pissed
Over the same irretrievable abrogation I told you about.
I mean this is the story of the otter bull's plight --
1st, A-1 said hang 'em high on that one tree's announce-
Ment, a pity to the 3, a pillory to grandeur. Did we
Follow? No because you weren't there, I was -- the mata-
Dor's bullfrog, hopped sadly on the pond of my nation's
Seasick ponderance. You, who are so cool, bang now on
The capillaries of a yellow page's psst psst tour over
The lard. Now you pick up the papers, redden your eyes
On it to ask me how it was in the radio wall. Do I have
To tell you, I ask but I tell you anyway -- knowing you
Wouldn't leak on the floor, but streak a tardy blue
Slime on the courtesy of treaties, entreaties and lore.


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