From Gifts, Parties, Titles, Unrests: Poems from A Lost Decade
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)






leather excretes


You listen to the sound
of pencil on
       leather --
             Does it hurt
your eyes,
  to see its silver black, trekking
    a shimmery gloss
      on leather, young leather --
             sheeny one.
is a market bowl
of noise,
                   t'shit But is there
                          not joy

                          in bad ardors
             leather excretes
             unsavory fumes
                          to a pencil's scratchings

But look at what they make:
watch pain's metal knock
                          sweet droplets on
                          leche flan.* Well is not
                                                                     a beast
                                      upon a princess --

                                                         he is also goddam prince?


* crème caramel, made from egg yolk and condensed milk


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