From War Photos
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)






Pride: Shallows and Pins


At first, the black and white photo compels
a theory of denial, imperfect at the yellow pin
side of its principle, wallowing though it is
in the dumb excrement of a foul explication

manifest in the very shadow of its display.
Sincerely, we enjoy such misgivings as the
incantatory poison of freedom, watching those
that omit the wave of encumbrances at the

expense of infantile cravings. So: I opt
for porn only at the point where seams
seem sad, uncanny, defective and dead. But:

that is only to say that the desk of life
is a sorry simpleton, whose deafness, rut,
and shifts, create the whale that beaches

the bitch who there sits on the wall, pin-
up girl-wise, shallow but Unafraid. Wow?


                                       -- 20 September/96


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