From Alternative Prosaicnesses: First Poems
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)





Saint God's


On his way from the nearby market,
The office called him urgent and
Only later got this chicken home
After the cleaners freed it of all
Sins -- all innards in that world for
A God consumption.

                            Being near the
Market, sanitation influenced all
Exchange. Being sanitarians their
Sanatorium was saved from all

                           For my father
The sanitary engineer trains sani-
Tarians at a sanatorium for saints;
That is why when he kept a chicken
In the refrigerator, for an urgent
Meeting, the sanitarians took the
Insides of it for old saints' sake
And the urgency of sanitation.

fices maintain freezers just as a
Good accommodation; chickens and
Eggs, no cleaner than a nation.
Urgent, a confesser!
                           The ownership
was merely a transfer --


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