From Alternative Prosaicnesses: First Poems
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)





Two Ghostly Jobs


                                     -- for Josephine Patrick*


The restaurant's full of people. Wow
I'm gonna enjoy this, I say to myself.
But I wish you were here to attend your
Own death anniversary party: Ghastly!
It's full of people who really know your
Father who's really the celebrity here,
You weren't considered society like
Your father. He still has his factory.

You go work at that factory now you'll
See how he's treating us all today, now
That you're gone, now that nobody's running
Our cause, but why did you ever have
To get smashed by unknown persons at your
Pop's factory? You had this restaurant.


*Josephine Patrick became the American companion of the Filipino-American poet and fictionist cum unionist Carlos Bulosan.


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