From How People Respond to Them, Yet Know Them Not
published by Down With Grundy, Publisher
(now Banana-Cue Books, Publisher)





Wan Sunday
(or, Running Into A Beach-Loving Poet In A Popular Chinese-Filipino Supermarket Within A Mall)

---for Krip Yuson


People-watching virtue is on these shelves of goods waiting for
                        appreciation onshore.
And our baywatch on floating carts, a pink salmon can’s sermon
                     by a grocer’s non-tan.

Far from being invasive, I implore the gods of Singapore to tell me
                     the truth overseas
About this lean army of biscuits in a box, or enemy Arab calories
                     in a bottle of dates!
The expensive tropical soy sauce, gross inconsistency there against
                        the sugared islets
On our lists this payday weekend holiday, fore to cashiers’
                        waylaying us at turnstiles.
Kiss our wallets goodbye. Say hi to the resort of a wan grocer
                        named Tan. Those feng

Shui winds seem to work for him. I work for orphic weekends:
                        sons, sand dunes, sun.








Copyright © 2004 Vicente-Ignacio Soria de Veyra. All rights reserved. Readers are welcome to view, save, file and print out single copies of this webpage for their personal use. No reproduction, display, performance, multiple copy, transmission, or distribution of the work herein, or any excerpt, adaptation, abridgment or translation of same, may be made without written permission from the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this work will be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.


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