The Pro-Minority Majority
(Unionist Poem #2)


1. Losers

In this society, anyone who’s been fired cannot
Be believed to have done right. Even as we sing

A chorus of anti-capitalist complaints, always
We end up extolling patience and obedience

Because in this society nobody loves a loser.
Everyone loves a winner, even as they are rare.


2. Suckers

In this society, there will be those who would
sympathize with somebody fired from a job.
They’ll cry with him, ask him what happened,
comfort him with "you should not have played
the hero, man." They’ll leave discussing him,
but not touching a word about what fired him.

In this society only a few will be those who’d
sympathize with everyone, anyone who seeks
them who could say "we are behind you in this"—
So the fired dude’ll go to the bar with "friends",
the "offended boss" to his cellar with a sucker.





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