That Oxymoron, Conventional Wisdom
After Bob Dylan’s "And The Times They Are A-Changing" and Czeslaw Milosz’ "The Captive Mind")


This brain of a mouth assumes once again
A lesser intelligence in others’ silences
(Absences to his authority in a territory
Or property). Such hunger for correctness!
Such thirst for respect! A greed for power

Whence a history of same achieved nothing
But more of the same, wreaking havoc—
Up to today—on the ideals of democracy:
Emphasis on "freedom to speak" over "duty
To hear others’ speech," such hatred defeats

Thinking, mouth against brain, assuring
One only, once again—his civic intelligence
Against a history of frustrations, from living
A common life reading opinion columns
With their lay of 2nd-hand ideas & polls.





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