Almost Famous
[A backhanded tribute to the Dumaguete poet Cesar Ruiz Aquino, eccentric teacher and friend]


the kid is neo-koans,
he’s far from a goat
neither is he a poem,
he doesn’t wear coats

he’s a rain man,
he’s more a picaro:
the man w/o a woman
he’s both semiotic/cosmo

but that’s simplifying
the man, the man is
an animal, he sings
of puzzles, and dis-

traught never by gold,
the kid’s a religion
he believes in the old
magic of one Surgeon.

that’s because earth
fascinates him as sun,
mad not mad, his mirth
a journey for journeymen.

the kid is old, white-
haired stallion, thin,
agile, he dreams sights:
generic Woman, sin.

it’s not as though he’s cryin’.
that all subjects are fleetin’.

some writers think him fey,
these earthlings got bulls’ eyes!

let’s get back to quat-
but it’s best you meet
     the colt,
to sing of him is vain
he’s the 4th meaning of

But let’s attempt a
as we’ve nothing more
     to do.
Cesar was my teacher,
he taught us how to

A story makes things
a story’s not a book.
A day’s not for tomorrows.
A book is in a nook.

The last thing that I
it was from him: Cesar.
Never tell a girl that
you were once a hawser.

Caesar, buzzard,
mincer, gizzard,
Dumaguete rumors,
Cesar is a buzzword!

But nobody can know
the book not in the book.


—31 Aug./92


*—n. Pathol. A morbid mass
formed in the womb by the
degeneration of the partly
developed ovum, and giving
rise to false pregnancy.

(Webster Comprehensive Dictionary, Int. Edition, c. 1976-87 by J.C. Ferguson Publishing Co., Chicago)




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