

1.) PROTECTORATES: quiver in simple abhorrence; they say to be
      continually chewing
      penned or pencil ideographs or other, the martyrdom
      in pursuit of a metallic nationality
      whispered to its least common denomination, understand-
            ably in accordance with decisions that per-
            haps ‘emselves to be mental pollutants—

      central to supervisory measures upon the everyday,
            manifest as
      the repetitive self-doubts by which an abundance of
      standby directives over an insignificant bloodletting &
            further famine from within the bars o’
            the law
      somehow knot together as one, qua instance of the touch
            artist, under ready, happy witness from the

      what was his name who spread news from a little above
            north where everybody knew him (the japanese
            Tojo), for now


2.) memories notice untold information that shall remain
      from within a pacifying emptiness, darkness: a forever
            emerging presence urgent to an honest horti-
            culture, struggling
      for infinitesimal glimpses of the black, black hole.
            Might it be that Classicism
      is a ready favorite among a fauna and a flora without
            Mr. Neruda’s intermittent definitions, all
            the while a most dependable authority

      central to precautionary dispersals within a safe day’s
            elevation from discomfort (certainly unfound
            in the ordinary gossip’s level of deception
      on the larger issues) is up to now
            being constantly discussed by whom? an apathy
            perhaps for diseases and pains
      consequent to some academic demonstration of dissent—
      a multi-national grenade morsel’s warmth of texture
            aside, or otherwise the indirect object of
            our present discussion?

      what then shall this be when everybody knows it (the
            Tojo of now what southern campus now, huh?)

      your supervisory measures on the Everyday, then,
      these shall uplift our souls over the wall of bourgeois
            contentment (an absence of malice), and these
            minute Whitmanesque
      investigations of your cynical evidences may sooner or
            later prove something about the recent
            and long past, on blades of grass
      soon loungingly tell of a future’s Ilocano or Visayan Lunar
            Empire. "HALT, HALT!

      "pusila! pusila!"







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