Video Memory


Now, wanting of an erudite shot
I haul
Out my videocamera to collect random
Pictures; back home, I begin to splice significant
Frames for subjective/objective impressions

On what the city has become, or what the
City has today. I explore lengths for immersing
In time a particular scene/view/episode/
Location, for my eyes, sole viewer, then I put

Everything in order, into some form of logic. I
Begin to arrive at a statement. I
Begin to get a stance. I begin to be left, left-of-
Center or rightist on this issue . . . that’s how they

Become, pictures they suddenly become issues.
What I’d do is record words into the pictures, turn ‘em
Poetic, and I’d do it like this: I’d watch the whole film
Again and talk to its talking. As though to argue over

With myself. Dissatisfied, I’d put the middle at the begin-
Or the end in the middle, like that. I’d push
The pause, then I’d write new scripts. With fast-forwarding
I’d create anew. Each twisting must complete The Poem.

Then rewinding, seeing, I’d decide on a juxtapose. That’s
I fish for an attitude. Also how I get a title. Then
Getting done with that, I keep the video. Never for-
Getting to write more poems from viewing it again,

Reviewing and reviewing, perhaps finally producing
A complex epic, all with the aid of replays.

Now certainly your storage can bungle. But you can
Always write without pictures, even without views.



—31 Aug./92




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