Mini-Rainforest On A Condo Terrace


Every day I water the plants I do not know the names of,
I hear the cackle of my mother pleading I do not forget
             to not drown
These with water: just enough to let them drowse in their
Curious exigencies of facility, free. And such other heat
Would have us running wild with busy pleasure (yet, also,
Seething in the name of love, and satisfactions. So, do
             not drowsily
Them to quick ovulations, son, pour upon the stems trickles
             and just enough
             sprinkles on leaves to
Waken a slow reason for collecting flower-plants. We note
Own existences of sheer warm desire and busy treasure
We shut their own fancies of vestigial flames in some des-
             ert of pots.




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