The Physics Behind The Frisbee
(or, The Frisbee Beyond Physics


"I took your picture of you, from your bag.
Sorry I had to do this but I put my frisbee in the
Bag, your bag, inside your pink bag, classmate
Because I like you and love to see your photograph
Which has your face, and I give you my metaphysical
Frisbee in exchange with my face drawn on it."

Later after class she came after me with a
Dappled smile from the doorway I was so flushed I
Had to get out of the hall but she followed me.
That embarrassed me more She gave me a clearer copy
Larger picture right there and then, and asked for:
If I could help her with her homework in phi-

Losophy I said yes, why not, what’s a friend
For The first question was on perfection, its real
Possibility I told her: that is a very difficult
And clever one What are geniuses for, she reverent-
Ly said, but questions that equal their Greatness?
She said that moonlit by one frisbee-and-face






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