Action Movies


Join our utterance to the
Other languages. If television
Has image and then color,
If record albums project
Sounds, poems for the
Struggle and the realization!
Call them what you want—for
Drama on the page, sounds
Becoming, images beginning, but
        never entertained
When somebody asks for a movie
Version they call Adaptation;
Poets prefer their talk heavy
And silent, a transitory view con-
Stantly finishing; labeling
Friends become as futile each

One consolation is when a poet
Utilizes similes to clarify ap-
Pearances, that the poet de-
Sires; what his expression is.
His expression. The interpretation
Validates the similes’ easy successes.
If poems are communication (propaganda).
Similes are for intensification
Also, so the struggles lessen and
We see at once how the poet
Is as a person. If he’s for
        "analysis," prejudices.

One last word: let our poems
Be themselves similes, like
They were poems that need
        to become

Elusive action movies,
Progressive sounds of CD’s.
But first, what are poems



—28-29 Dec./85



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