Here are V.I.S. de Veyra's brief recommendation notes on the following books, regarding their respective significances for our time:


James Kelman's Booker Prize-winning How Late It Was, How Late -- at    "A book with an obvious significance for this, our generation, soaked in a sublime "police state" and de-blessed by a subtle blindness towards the myriad of elements."

1998 Nobel Prize Winner Jose Saramago's Stone Raft    "A fable with an obvious political, social, and human significance for a geo-politicized generation, from a Portuguese communist who writes beyond the confines of sheer partisanship and for the joys of sheer existence."

Nobel Prize Winner Elias Canetti's Auto-Da-Fe    "A thick book still worth reading as a black comedy on the possible excesses of a bookworm intelligentsia and, in contrast, the stupidity and corruption of the letter-less masses. Although, as Salman Rushdie seems to suggest in an edition's blurb quote, the umbrella point may be 'agonising' when read as the same point of every developing chapter."

The sensational UK novel Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh    "As the American art magazine Artforum suggested, this is the first novel to 'non-judgmentally acknowledge the real lumpen-prole' psychology behind heroin use in mid-eighties UK."

Ancient book with a rocker's sensibility    "Although this is poetry, this old book's 'storyline' could be read as that, a story. And yes, as probably the most ancient reference/prototype for working-class rock music's rebellion against monarchic or middle-class standards for measuring/defining the good life."

-- created April 24-25/2000


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