The Esthetics and Economics of Bravery


On pretty, poetic mornings the dog on the street is not without a leash,
        usually beside/behind a jogger in borrowed logo-ridden
        costume. The curbs,
intercut by black and yellow paint above drainage drains beside the
        asphalt—black asphalt, blacker under tree branches.
The rationale behind fence walls also under the guise of green (from vines
        or special moss), otherwise playful artworks by
Culture. Pop art, too, with certain anti-academic residents, even if finally
        everyone here is anti-academic. This one's

a morn of blue cars, grey cars, red cars, yellow ones, black ones, pickups,
        or 4x4 jeeps—Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, with
the Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, Mitsubishis, &c.—all easing up/down
        tree-lined smooth roads with the special-grass lined
     curbs, on towards another day downtown . . .
on to each's respective business of overpricing for beauty, vis a vis the
        rest in this our consumerist city. We may note that the
     jogger's appreciation of

the air here gradually has to give way to hi's and hello's of dentist-
        managed smiles behind the gasoline- and diesel-
     smelling lead-spewings by rarely affordable
vehicles, behind raised-up car windows mostly defensively chlorofluoro-
        carbon-conditioned for the money hunt,
in this new day in the jungle, within pancake-filled souls moistened by
     the glittery syrup of capitalist dreams.
Leaving this jogger bemused at the reason behind the ugly dog,

shampooed expensively to eat soon his usual cattle-beef kilo, under-
        standably pricey despite all the competition.
     I admit I'm not from
this coiffed atmosphere of lawn sprinklers. I'm a guest of an artist-friend,
        one-time rich-son Socialist, now bitch-raiser.
     The big city's offered me
a low-paying framer's job at a 30%-gallery of paintings—handling poetry,
        stuff meant to be hung on pretty chapbook-
     paper walls priced as Italian-marbled.




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