We Watched The Town


b. our view of nature itself

e’en withdrawal, e’en ligation’s a mortal sin.
e’en bio-engineering’s a mortal sin. e’en a
winery’s a mortal sin, e’en manufacturing.
nature calls for us to copulate as we must,
to process grapes as we must not—nature is
the law, and the proper catholic pukes on science,
on technology, on business, all these man-made
nature is not cinematic and only the metal age
christ can be the ideal hero by Vatican’s
Hollywoodish period standards.

                                        tear down all these
temples, let go of all these health care centers,
these aid-to-refugees societies, all these
that prevent typhoons from happening hard on us,
                                    or this cloud-seeding,
fertilizers, and so on, and so on, and so on.

what God says should happen must happen.
a sick man’s sick, a flooded region’s blessed
by the law of nature, which is God himself, and the
victims are the sons and daughters of God who
are not our responsibility? God wills, so art must
be demolished, anything that reshapes nature
must be demolished, any word that perverts
our view of nature, e’en our view of nature
itself, must be demolished. (religion must not be
demolished). from now on we must not kiss
without a purpose, eat without a purpose, experi-
ment with artistic pleasures without a purpose,
we must always have a purpose. God is a utilita-
rianist and that’s precisely why he built a church
on earth, for a purpose. and the church must not
be a failure, as christ was a failure. but that’s
another story . . .

                                                (Yet now, what is the purpose of
                        being Christian
if christ with his contrivances only failed? let us
all become jains, or buddhists, or hindus, shintoists,
hail rastafaria and others, eschew christ who
has wreaked havoc on the natural, called us
vermin and snakes, it’s the nature of man to sin!).

to ‘make love’ with the purpose of poetry alone, of
alone, of pleasure alone is to sin. to listen to the
beauty of the waves, the darkness of the leaves, the
passion of birds, these are all sinful. it is God
who decides, only he has the right to sin, keeping
praying women childless
                                                            e’en as they get orgasms:

an infertile woman must be burned at the stakes
for she has no purpose being womb man, for God’s
otherwise the church must lock her thighs, lest she
insist toward nature, praying for miracles, indulg-
ing in further orgasms. for she just might succeed,
she might rise up with an infant, astounding all with
miracles that she’s even a virgin yet, the church

cannot, and never had been able to, stand unapproved

but this question of barring an egg from getting out
                        of an
ovary, or barring a sperm from entering the cervix,
can man push these objects out even as God with
his desire wants to push them in? today i shall

preach that we must increase and multiply, we shall
burn condoms and cossacks, campaign all priests
help us increase and multiply, fuck fuck fuck and
spurt spurt spurt, i don’t know if we should force
the virgin girls to fuck with us that’s another
that’s abortion issue there, our issue now is birth
control so that is out. fuck fuck fuck and spurt
spurt spurt, to increase and multiply, and here even

biotechnology can help us get more fucks and
more spurts? women must have 20 children until
they die at Caesar’s feet, that is their curse,
they shouldn’t have eaten of the mythological fruit

(and it’s precisely why we must be sexist towards
them, because it’s what the Bible teaches).
praise God Almighty, i will roam the world and
spread my seeds, but
                                                perhaps christ would rather
i procure no more wives than one. perhaps he hates
old testament stuff. okay, alright, that will be my
birth control. the legal one by the law of God, the
law of nature? i must not look at women with lust,
i remember now, and if i can’t get it up i can al-
ways get my juice in by artificial insemination
after natural ejections without masturbation?

i wonder if it’s true that angels don’t have gen-
italias and hell is a perpetual brothel, a landscape
of wife-swapping and all that. why would they
want to increase and multiply there, considering
condition of things, do they want their children to
suffer too in the hands of the rapists and pedo-
there destined? i don’t know. i don’t even know
if they care for their children, or their wives or
husbands, i don’t even know if they’re celibate or
not, all i know is that God burps with thunder,

God laughs with the cycle of joy and catastrophe,
God snickers at man-made laws haughty as a rich
bishop, God yawns at this game of puzzles
he’d been playing for thousands of years now, all
i know is that God wants us to disobey and play

through the maze as he laughs, and all because he
loves us. he wants us to make rules, and play, and
design self-control at joy to avoid sorrow, and
yet to play on, because he loves us, all i know
is that the church is wrong, because nature itself

unnatural, all its laws change without notice, and
so God teaches us that we enjoy life & sex & food &
                        life &
science & math & arguments &c., w/ nothing but rev-
because he loves us. and there's no other way to
                        teach us
reverence. which will lead us to love Him!

i know this because the law of nature, sensus fide-
                        lium, teaches so:
we all learn from hurting each other, we forgive our
children who break glasses, we enforce laws to main-
tain virtue, we make mistakes and learn on, we be-
as our brain chemicals kick us, we contrive self-
control, and so therefore God tricks us with laws!

and when we trick him w/ condoms? he laughs. he
he laughs, our Einstein-lookalike Father.





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