Radio-Friendly Unit Shifter
for the late Kurt Cobain


These poems serve your need of the moment,
hoping eternity, hoping merely. Publications
overwrite each other in memory, history, e'en
your personality. That's the piracy, advertised
originality which sells our theories. And pub-
lishing overwrites writers now living librarily.

Say they close shop, what hungers in the knee?
It's the commerce in stands that's our integrity.
So I bring you word that is only Me, I interview
myself to bring more mo-ney (that's one cool rhyme),
and coolness it is that feeds my attractive Imagery.
Listen to us, the papers rustling, but while I complain
I stupidly write on, taking my turn in the copycat boon.

What's the subject for today? What is there to paint?
What shall I say for keys and mouse? What shall I scream,
Ice Cream? It's not about you at all, I do not care for
our country, General. You don't care either, much
less buy poetry books. But needing each other, we
appear together, the cameras helter-skelter, what a
stupid rhyme, all of a sudden my self-pity hooks.

Formula One is a car. To me it's an art, crashing where
you will it, crying when you're done, seeking all that
sympathy, now you've lost but won. Life imitates cars.




Copyright © 1999, 2004 Vicente-Ignacio Soria de Veyra. All rights reserved. Readers are welcome to view, save, file and print out single copies of this webpage for their personal use. No reproduction, display, performance, multiple copy, transmission, or distribution of the work herein, or any excerpt, adaptation, abridgment or translation of same, may be made without written permission from the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this work will be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.


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