Menu Is A Game


a. watch

Religions teach us all to seek happiness.
So we pray and work for happiness. Quick we
do not find it, we begin to suspect religion,
or we sour-grape and say: God is testing me,
or God wants me to pray further, tithe more.

Reader, I teach you to seek nothingness, or
everythingness in just unwanting happiness.
Happiness gets you nearer to a nervous
breakdown when you run around pursuing
it. Let me teach you to watch God play

with you, He is the enormity of life that
offers you sorrow and joy and pain and sur-
prises, and tragedies and darkness and
light, and boredom and fullness and prison
and travel and long periods of time and time

forgot as it runs by unnoticed in a party.
God is a restaurant so solemn the menu
is a game, the game teaches us action
to a problem, it teaches virtue against
the bad, happiness is in behaving like a guest.




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