Vizcaina Generals Panama Contact Links to books, reports, and articles by Warren A. White
Index Gallery Swan Dreams
This is the Home Page of Warren A. White, Author and Artist, historical researcher and Discoverer of La Vizcaina, a shipwreck from Columbus 4th Voyage of Discovery
You will find various galleries of paintings done under the name of W. Anthony and photographs which are all part of the endeavors of Warren Anthony White.  You will also find a report on the Dreams page about La Vizcaina. Don't miss Warren's latest edition of "All Knights of the Apocalypse-A Tale of Islamic Terrorism" which may be found at
Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.
Click on any of the pictures to go to their web site?
Dreams-the Columbus Gallery
These paintings are the artist's view of these important ships in history from Columbus last Voyage to the New World.
While out wandering around the world don't miss W. Anthony's Art Gallery.
This example
Creation's First is an original work in oils by W. Anthony and measures 26 x 30 inches.
Don't miss the rest of the exhibits you can find in the gallery.
The Home of La Vizcaina

This page exhibits many of the artifacts from the
Columbus ship La Vizcaina found by Warren A. White in 1997
Last update March 3, 2005
Caribbean Cookbook
The greatest ideas in eating with all meal being a gourmet adventure; Break the monotony that surrounds most meal times with these different ideas from across the Caribbean. The simplicity and ease with each preparation will astound you  and delight your family, friends or loved ones. So click on the Chef to see his meal  time favorites.
This web page is is designed and maintained by
Warren A. and Frankie Ann White
Telephone: +507-433-0349
Address: P. O. Box 0301-01249
Colon, Rep. of Panama.
For further information please feel free to call or write.
[email protected]
If you see anything you like let me know!!!
Email me!     
[email protected]
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