A Modern Fable In One Act
By Dan Baker


Gill Land ( "Ranger Gill") A Texan in his late 50's. He's Sarah's father and Gilly's grandfather. He's been married to his wife, Mary for 35 years. He's an electrician by trade and the owner of a one man electrical shop in his hometown outside of Austin. A smart, gentle and soft spoken man, Gill communicates in that lilting Texas parlance characteristic of many who've spent their lives in Texas. His pronunciation drops most of the g's (from words ending in "ing" and substitutes "in".I've attempted to spell his lines as they would sound in conversation rather than spelling the dialogue correctly. Gill is liked and respected by most everyone who knows him. He wears a cowboy hat, boots, jeans and a western cut jacket.

Sarah is in her early thirties and Gill's only child. She lives with her husband and their 11 year old son, Gilly, on a working ranch in the hill country an hour outside of Austin.

Tan Trang:( "Cowboy Rick") is a Vietnamese immigrant in his mid 60's, short in stature. He speaks a halting, broken english. Tan and his extended family were resettled in New Jersy in the early 90's. He is dressed in cowboy hat, boots, and a decidedly outdated, ill-fitting and unfashionable sportcoat. He wears a wide, outdated tie that clashes with his jacket.

Gilly is Sarah's 11 year old son and Gill's grandson.


The scene takes place in the kitchen of Sarah's home. As the scene opens Sarah is busying herself with kitchen chores. Gill has just pulled into the yard in his pickup, and he approachs the kitchen door. He's a frequent visitor in Sarah's home but today he's come specifically to see his grandson on his eleventh birthday and to bring him the new hand tooled saddle he's had specially made for him.

(She heard Gill's truck door slam and she moves to the kitchen door to greet him)

( Sarah opens the kitchen door and Gill steps in ) Well here you are daddy! I was beginning to wonder. Mom just called,... actually she's called a couple times..she said you'd left home pretty early. She was a little worried that you hadn't gotten here. I told her you'd likely stopped off on the highway somewhere to doctor an injured prariedog.

Mornin Sarah...Nothin that interestin' I'm afraid. I did stop over in Spencer for some breakfast, and o'course I got to talkin with somea' the boys...afterwards, well, it was such a pretty mornin' I just got to roamin' around a bit.Course I've seen every mile of this country at least a couple times but I never seem to tire of lookin at it again. I get to drivin in these hills and my mind kinda wanders off. Ya know Sarah, our family's been in these parts so long I sometimes get to feelin I'm drivin through time. Course, when you're drivin' through time it's mighty easy to be late gettin' where you're goin'.

I'm never quite sure what you're talkin' about when you start waxin' philosophic like that pappa...but I do like listening to ya.. .sit down, I'll get you some coffee. Bill and Gilly are still out in the west pasture flakin hay.... Gilly's been up since 6 o'clock waitin for his grampa and tryin' to contain his excitement about that saddle... he says you and he might just saddle up and head on down to Mexico... I told him he'd have to take his homework with him.

(chuckles to self) If I were thinkin of makin' for the border, isn't anybody I'd rather ride with than Gilly. He's a fine boy. I don't believe a fella could find a better pardner.....except, of course, maybe you Sarah..

(snickers good naturedly in disbelief) Right daddy... That boy, he dearly loves his grampa. You know, you and mom should have kept at it till you had a boy. You're such a natural with him.

I'd guess raisin a boy and granfatherin' one are pretty different. I think your mom and me were smart to quit while we were ahead. You were such an easy child to raise it kinda hoodwinked us into thinking we knew more than we did. But I'm pretty sure it was just you.

If I wern't your daughter and a parent myself I'd likely be more inclined to believe that. But having been there I know better... you and mom, you were the best. Made it easy to be a good kid... and I'm guessing we all kinda lucked out in the random role of the genetic dice. Our tribe seems to have gotten more than our fair share of even temperaments.... makes parenting less of a slugfest on both ends.

You're probably right. Willie, you know, he's that fella that helps me down at the shop, He's a hard worker and a decent father best I can tell. He's got a boy thats causin' him all kinds a trouble. Boy's got rings pokin through all his parts, and the schools tellin' Willie he needs to provide him with more "structure". Willie, he'll ask me what I think he should do. I told him I don't know a thing about structure. Truth is, I think the only structure likely to help that boy is the kind that locks.



Before we get to far afield, I need to tell you about mom's calls. She said some guy's been tryin to get ahold of you all mornin'. Apparently he's called her two or three times and then he showed up at the door. Mom said he was some kinda foreign fella. She thought he mighta' been Chinese or maybe a Mayan Indian, or maybe a Chinese Mayan, she wasn't sure( smiles)You know,. that whole multicultural thing, that's kind of gotten by mom. The only thing she seemed sure of was that he was short, real short, and that he was dressed kinda funny...... Said she couldn't hardly make out what he was sayin' or what he wanted with you, but there was somethin' about a Trailer you wanted and somethin' about "fidbak". He kept tellin' her he was from New Jersey which he seemed to think explained everything. The only thing it explained to mom was his odd appearance. Anyway, she sounded kinda nervous about the guy and she wanted you to call as soon as you got in.

New Jersey huh? I don't believe I know anybody from New Jersey...don't even care much for the idea of New Jersey.(smiles) You don't suppose those Soprano boys have finally drawn a bead on me do ya Sarah?...

I've always found you to be a man of mystery pappa..Your not, by chance, in one of those witness protection programs are you?

(smiles and pauses obviously returning attention to the "stranger" mystery)...mmmm. It must have somethin to do with this Trailer I was tryin to buy on that E-Bay thing. You havn't heard that story.... it still kinda rankles me when I think about it.


Daddy, I'm shocked. I've never imagined you an E Bay kinda guy.


Willie from the shop, he's the one that got me inta' the thing. He knew I'd been lookin' for one of those old Airsteam rigs and he started watchin' for one on that E Bay. Well, he found one allright but in the end the whole deal went south on us... Still, I don't know what a short foreigner from New Jersey would have to do with it, or why he'd be chasin around after me if he did. But I best call your mother and see if I can't figure the thing out.

(Gill picks up the phone, dials home and we hear his half of the conversation)


Mary, it's Gill. Yeah I did a bit'a wanderin on the way ...just got here a little bit ago.......yeah, Sarah told me. .......I don't know, it must have somethin to do with that screwed up Airstream deal.......I don't know anybody in New Jersey, specially no itty- bitty people....So you told him where I was?, no, that was fine....well, I don't know what the little fella wants with me but I spose I'll find out if he manages ta' find his way out Mary, there's nothin for you to worry about...I'll call you later and you can talk to the birthday boy....I love you too Mary. (Hangs up phone, and turns to Sarah) Well Sarah, it sounds like I've got some small internet people trackin me.(smiles) I spose they've got to be small to get through those tiny wires...

You know Daddy for a man who knows more about more things than anyone else I know, you sure do like playing the country Luddite. It's endearing, but you're not fooling anybody.

Be that as it may Sarah, your mother apparently told this mysterious foreign fella that I was out here and she's pretty sure he's headed our way.

This is an enlightening conversation we're having pappa....lets see... I've learned that you've become an E Bay devotee and that you've got a thing for travel trailers. Anything else you'd care to come clean about?

It's not trailers Sarah, it's a particular trailer. I'm interested in an old Airsteam travel trailer.. you know those shiney, silver futuristic jobs. Sometimes ya see em passin' through town in packs lookin kinda' like a geriatric outlaw gang.... I've had my eye out for one for awhile now, ...your mom and me, we lived in one when we were first married, fore you were born. You know your mother, shes never been one to want much, but she's told me more than a few times how much she regretted letting that trailer go. She thought maybe we could find an old one and fix it up like the one we had.... She and I, we're comin up on forty years together and I thought I'd try to get hold a one and surprise her. Turns out those things are hard to come by. Apparently they're quite the thing with the fashionable folk. Willy tells me that that actor fella, that Sean Penn, he lives in an old one outside of his posh hollywood place. He prefers it out there. Course we didn't live in one cause it was fashionable, we lived there cause it was cheap. ...Your mom, she was there by herself for the year I was away, and she had it fixed it up real nice. After I come back she told me that she had herself convinced that if she made it pretty enough and kept it shiney enough I'd be able to find my way back from that miserable jungle... anyway, I think she's had it in her mind that we'd finish up together like we started out.


That's a sweet story daddy. And you think this short stranger has somethin' to do with your sour E Bay experience??

Beats me Sarah, but it appears we're fixin ta' find out. What happened is that Willie, he found a nice old Airstream on the eBay and he thought I'd better jump in if I was serious .They run this kinda' high tech auction deal on that eBay.


I know what the E Bay is pappa....


Well I been around auctions all my life so I was pretty sure I could figure this one out. So I got ino the thing. It got a might confusin' near the end, but I thought I'd managed to seal the deal. Afterwards, the fella sellin the trailer, he cut the legs out from under me. Sold it to someone else for a few bucks more.

I thought if you were the high bidder, they had to sell it to you.

Well that's what I thought too. But judging from my experience there's enough wiggle room in the rules to give a shark the edge. To be honest I'm still not sure I know what happened. Accordin ta' Willie it's spose to work like this.... a fella puts an ad up to auction somethin' he's interested in sellin...The auction lasts a week and then, the high bidder, he gets it. If your interested in what's bein' auctioned you can waste the week followin' the biddin' or you can tell the E-Bay folks the most your willin to pay and they'll bid up for you till they get to your high number. The seller, he's usually got a startin'price and sometimes he'll have what they call a "Buy It Now Price". If your inclined to meet that price you can buy it outright and avoid the nerve rackin' auction...So anyway, I see what the high bid was on this Airstream, and what the" Buy It Now Price" is. The high bid's not too bad, bout' what I figured I'd have to pay. The "Buy It Now" price, now thats way steep. Willie tells me I'd be a damn fool to pay the man the "Buy It Now Price". He says thats just a "damn fool price" the seller tosses out on the off chance someone's fool enough to pay it. So I made my bid., upped the other guy's offer by $200. I look in on the thing from time ta' time, and my bid stays on top. We're gettin' to the end and I'm feeling pretty confident...So confident, in fact, that I make the mistake of telling your mother. Before I can explain the iffy nature of the deal she's got the spot picked out in the yard where we'll set it and she's got the flowers as much as ordered that she'll be plantin' around it. (pause)... I tell ya Sarah, she was beamin!

So what happened?

Well, we're near the end of the biddin and things start heatin up. Willie said this was how it worked sometimes, people wait to get in till near the end. I could see where things were goin' and I was thinking how your mom's heart was set on this thing and I was kinda sorry I'd ever gotten involved. I'd bid it up some then someone else would come along and top my bid. Finally, I thought, I'm too damned old for this kind of thing. I'm just gonna have to go belly up and pay the man his "damn fool price" and be done with it... So I send the fella a message. I tell him I'll give him his askin price. I ask him to phone me so we can put that torturous biddin thing to rest...and a few minutes later he called . I asked him a couple'a questions about the rig... he tells me it's actually his dad's trailer but he's authorized to make the deal. Of course, he was right pleased with the price I give him.. We talked some about my coming up to get it and so forth. Before we hung up I says to him , "now this is a done deal, right?" And he says, "It's a done deal when they tell me you've arranged for payment" And thats where it got left. I went back to Willie's computor , it was near the end now, and I hit that "Buy It Now" button. That switched me over to the payin' end of things.... All that drama had pretty much worn me out so I told Willy we needed ta' go out for a beer to celebrate my new lawn ornament. Course I called you mom to give her the good news. Didn't tell her how much I had to give for it, but I could tell she was tickled.

Alright daddy you've got me on the edge of my seat.... I don't get it, what went wrong?

Well, we come back an hour later and turn on the computer expectin my bill o' sale or whatever they giv ya'and we find out that this snake had sold it to someone else for a hundred dollars more than he and I had settled on. Made me madder than a hornet. Course in that cyber world there aren't any actual people to raise a ruckus with. Your just left to rail at the computer screen. After I'd settled down some, Willie said that bout the only thing I could do was write some negative "feedback" about the guy and the way the deal had gone down. Willie seemed to think this "feedback" had alot of importance to these guys cause it goes on their future listings and buyers will steer clear of them if they haven't been straight shooters. But, I'll tell ya, writin' feedback doesn't give a fella nearly the satisfaction that grabbin' him up his collar woulda given me, but I let loose on him anyway... Sarah, thats the first and last time I'll be doin business in the cyber marketplace. I'm goin back to the old fashioned way'a tradin, eyeball to eyeball.

Daddy there's someone comin up the drive. I don't know the car, must be your New Jersey mystery man.


(Gill gets up and he and Sarah watch out the window as the car pulls to a stop at the yard fence and a small man in a cowboy hat emerges from the vehicle. He pauses a few moments looking at the house and starts up the walk... Sarah opens the door to meet him as he nears the door)


(opens door) Good Morning, can I help you with something?

( takes off hat) Gut morning .. I Tan Trang. I look for Mr Gill Lan. Please wish to spik wit Mr Gill Lan

Please come in Mr. Trang. I'm Sarah, I'm Mr. Lands daughter. My dad's inside.

Tank you. Hope no bother. (moves inside)

Can I get you some coffee Mr. Trang?

No please, not wish cause miss Sarah work.

It's no work at all please come in and sit down. Mr. Trang, this is my dad, dad this is Mr. Trang...


(Gill rises from his chair at table as Tan moves into the kitchen. They shake hands)
I'm Gill Land Mr. Trang.. sit down. You must be the mystery fella who's gotten my wife all stirred up this morning. You sure have made us all mighty curious. What is it that you've been so anxious to speak with me about Mr. Trang?

I go to Mr. Lands house, speak with Mr Lan's wife. She say you wit daughta. I drive here from Mr. Lands house.(pauses)... Mr. Lan, ... he "Ranger Gill"? He Ranger Gill on E Bay ..that right?

I suppose that's right Mr Trang. Is that what you came to see me about , that E Bay mess up?

"Ranger Gill"daddy?....the mystery deepens....


I Cowboy Rick ....Cowboy Rick Dikcount Rv and RV Suppies on da E Bay.... Cowboy Rick from New Jersey. I take plane in New Jersey, come Texas, rent car. Come to spik wit you. Cowboy Rick want to pologize' to Ranger Gill for pobum with E Bay, for pobum wit trayer. E Bay tell Cowboy Rick that Ranger Gill very angry wit Cowboy Rick... say Ranger Gill write bad fidbak about Cowboy Rick. Say bad fidbak to go on Cowboy Rick E Bay page this day....fidbak.say Cowboy Rick not honest... fidbak say he cheat custmer... I come to see Ranger Gill splain big mistak...come to ask Ranger Gill please he change fidbak. I come to Texas try make right for Ranger Gill..Cowboy Rick wish find Ranger Gill new trayer, betta trayer. Cowboy Rick give Ranger Gill gut deal on betta trayer. Very bad fidbak hurt Cowboy Rick bidness... very bad fidbak hurt Cowboy Rick's fammy.

Slow down Mr Trang... or Cowboy Rick, or whoever you are. You're telling me you flew here from New Jersey to talk me out of being angry about that E Bay deal.. That seems kinda crazy Mr. Trang....Truth is, I believe we had all the conversation we needed to have about that trailer last night. (Pause)..


Ranger Gill fidbak say Cowboy Rick make deal then break deal, say Cowboy Rick cheat him. Bad fidbak hurt bidness, hurt fammy. Custmer read fidbak he no buy from Cowboy Rick.... he buy RV suppies from Crazy Ralph or Dickount Dave. When Tan splain Ranger Gill undstand...he tell E Bay not put up fidbak..... he tell E Bay bad fidbak not right...


I believe you've come a long way for nothin Mr may be that where you come from a man can say one thing then do another but in my world you make a deal you live with it. Ain't no amount of "splanin" as you put it, that makes a mans word negotiable. I said what I had to say to those folks runnin the auction and I believe it pretty fairly summed up our dealins...if the truth causes you problems ..well, Cowboy Rick the experience has caused "The Ranger" problems as well. Fact is that my dealins with you resulted in my doin somethin I try never to do, that's disappoint my wife. My wife, Mr Trang is one of the kindest, one of the most honest people on the planet and she sure don't deserve your kinda flimflam. She had her heart set on that overpriced trailer for a lotta reasons you wouldn't understand and nothin you can tell me, except maybe that it's parked outside, is going to make me feel much different... I don't wish to be rude, Mr Trang but I guess we're both just gonna have to live with the consequences of this sorry deal.


(with increasing urgency) Mr. Gill no undstand. Cowboy Rick RV honest bidness ... give fair price... ..not cheat custmer..give custmer garntee..bring back not happy.. I try splain but engish not good. Ranger Gill he make deal with son on phone. Ranger Gill say he pay "Buy Now Price" for trayer. Son try end sale but too late. Other man bid more than "Buy Now" price. E Bay rules say Cowboy Rick must sell trayer to other man. Ranger Gill make deal too late... Son no have time stop auction... no time tell e Bay trayer sode. Mr Gill undstand? Cowboy Rick not cheat ... Cowboy Rick, he follow rules. Cowboy Rick honorable man. Come from Vietnam so fammy have home that safe. Have home where there rules. Cowboy Rick try follo rules....teach children this. Teach chillun to be honorable.

Mr Trang, I had the misfortune of spending time in your honorable country , way too much time. ...didn't seem to be anybody there but sneaks and cheats. (Pause)....Now, I've got a grandson havin a birthday here today so, if we've covered all of what you came here to say I think we'd like to get on with our celebratin' and you can get back to peddlin trailer supplies....I.appreciate your comin by. .


Ranger Gill, he know my country? Ranger Gill, he GI in my country? He fight American war? ..., Tan he fight too. Help US G I's. Tan not sneak then, not cheat GI in war. Tan lose much then, lose more when GI go home. Maybe GI make deal then break deal. Maybe GI go home to big Texas. Tan not able go home not welcome in his home...mus leave where he born, where anscesors born.... Mus bring fammy to pace where fammy safe.

We're gettin pretty far from the topic at hand here Mr. Trang.

(Tan continues to tell his story seemingly oblivious to Gill's remark) Tan farmer in Vetnam, his father farmer and fathers father, he farmer. Tan son of honorable family. Must leave behind. Tan, wife, chillun mus come New Jersy. Work hard. Work evey day for man who own RV bidness. He real Cowboy Rick. Tan work in early morning till late night. Tan's wife and chillun they work too. Dey clean office, clean RV's, work wash cars, save money to bring wife fammy New Jersey....everybody work.. .. Real Cowboy Rick, he drink too much. Real Cowboy Rick he cheat customers. When bank want take bidness from real Cowboy Rick he make deal wit Tan.... he sell bidness to Tan. Tan new Cowboy Rick. Tan fust Vietnamese cowboy in New Jersey. Son helpTan learn bidness. Not have RV' in Vietnam... ony Rv in Vietnam is water buffalo.....that joke Ranger Gill. Tan and fammy muss pay drunk Cowboy Rick evvy munt for bidness. Not easy pay . Not easy make bidness work...Tan find out customer not like to buy RV from Vietmese, not trust Vietnamese. Son smart, he make bidness on E-bay. Everybody same color on E-bay. Fidbak very important bidness...good fidbak, good business, bad fidbak , no bidness... bad fidbak make hard to pay other Cowboy Rick...bad fidbak make hard to sport family..Ranger Gill fidbak mebbe kill bidness. Tan not make enough pay contract, mebbee lose bidness.


(Sarah intercedes in the exchange before Gill can respond. Her remarks seem directed as much at Gill as Tan ) This Rv business of yours Mr. Trang, it's just somethin that exists inside peoples computers? There's no actual place where a person can wander around and kick the tires? ..... and the way this feedback thing works,....if I understand what your saying, if you manage to make someone unhappy ,whether it's your fault or not, they're free to say whatever they wish to all of your potential customers? Thats how it works? And your entire family relies on this for their livlihood?

Tan go to car get pictures of fammy. Show Ranger Gill and honorable daughter pictures of Tan's home. You see Cowboy Rick not phony- bloney . See Tan's chillen, see grandchillen, see honorable parents. You see Cowboy Rick honorble man. Pleas to wait.. Tan get pictures.Come right back.
(Cowboy Rick gets up from the table to go to car)

You carry pictures with you wherever you go Mr Trang?

Pictures all Tan have. Carry with so not lose. Carry with so not forget.

(Tan exits and Gill and Sarah sit silently looking at each other )


Daddy, I may have to rethink that comment I made earlier about your placid temperament. I haven't seen you light into anyone like that since that guy caused your car to roll into the lake at that boat launch...I mean... Ok, I can see where you would have found this experience irritating and all, but in the larger scope of human trevails it doesn't hold a candle to your submerged whats got you so piqued?


(Silently considers Sarah's question) I was beginning to wonder about that myself Sarah. I spose in part it frosts me to see your mother disappointed, specially when I'm the one doin the disappointin'....but, I don't know...this whole deal makes me wonder whether I haven't maybe..ya know....let my thumb slip off the pulse o things...It seems like I used to know how the world worked but I'm not so sure anymore.... As I recall it, the only feedback of interest to the last Vietnamese person I encountered.was whether or not I fell over when he shot at me. Now I'm sittin in your kitchen listenin to the broken english apology of an aging Vietnamese cowboy from Newark who sells RV's and supplies from a store that doesn't actually exist in the real world. And, what troubles me is that I can see that this actually makes sense to you. Time was when a fella had the good fortune to be dead before everyday life began to mock him...I guess that's why I'm so "piqued" as you put it..


Daddy do you recall when I was little and we had that flash flood. The Anastat rose so fast it nearly took out everything within a mile of it? I was maybe seven or eight when it happened but I remember it like it was yesterday. You were in Clarksville that day doing a job and the storm came on so quick that it closed the roads before you could get home. Mom and I were at home listening to the radio and we were scared. We thought we were gonna be in the path of it.... then we see the Sheriffs emergency truck picking his way down the flooded drive and you get out of his truck looking like a drowned rat. I remember the sheriff said he'd picked you up in waist deep water halfway between our house and Clarksville.Said he'd never met a more foolish and determined man. Why'd you do that daddy?

Well, I spose I was just worried, gettin home was the only way to be sure you were safe.

(pause) Mom used to tell me that one of the reasons she fell in love with you and knew she wanted to marry you was because you made her feel safe... she said she always knew that you'd do whatever it took to protect us and make things as OK as they could be( pause) I don't know why Cowboy Rick came all this way but it sounds a lot like something you'd have done if the situation were the same.

There is a long pause ......

Well I don't..... I don't know... maybe.....(a Pause )...Damn Sarah, you musta gotten your good sense from your mother...... And of course your right, I guess it's likely old Cowboy Rick is just doin what he can to look out for his own. A man inclined to come this far, with pictures of his anscestors isn't likely to be a swindler. I suppose it wouldn't hurt me none to try and put this thing right tween him and that cyber world... God knows,... him and his have been hung out to dry enough for one lifetime.

(smiles at Gill)- maybe I didn't get all that good sense from mom..well,most of it probably , but maybe not all...

(Cowboy Rick knocks on the door and Gill waves him in. He has a worn scrapbook under his arm and takes his seat at the table.opens book)

Sorry take so in trunk an Tan not know how get in trunk...mus crawl through bak sit.... but now Tan show Ranger Gill and miss Sarah where Tan fammy home....where anscestors are...

(The noise of a pickup truck in the drive interrupts)
There's Bill and Gilly now pappa

(Gilly comes bursting through the screen door)

Grampa! (Hugs Gill) You finely got here!

Happy birthday cowboy. It's darn good to see ya. (Gilly pauses as he becomes aware of the guest)
Gilly this is Mr. Trang, but you can call him Cowboy Rick ( Billy extends his hand) Mr. Trang, this is my grandson, Gilly.

Nice meet Mr Lan grandson Gilly.Happy birdday.

Pleased to meet ya sir. Are you a friend of my grampas?

Cowboy Rick and me, we soldiered together a long time ago Gilly... way back before you was born. That was way before he and I both took to cowboyin'..... Why don't you and me take Rick out to my truck and we'll have a look at your new saddle. I suspect Cowboy Rick will appreciate the detail and craftsmanship of a fine hand tooled Texas saddle...

You'll be stayin for lunch and a piece of cake won't you Mr. Trang? We'd like very much to see your pictures, might even impose on you to have a look at some of ours.....


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