Who's Dan?

Thanks for stopping by. I'm Dan, a fifty five year old, prematurely retired guy with MS and a thing for Islands. I've written the essays and stories on this site largely for my own entertainment. My friend Dan Greer, a computor savvy guy, helped create the site. My thanks Dan.

What's Lysian Fields?

Lysian Field's is my web page inspired by my experience as a part time resident of Washington Island, Wisconsin.
Lysian Fields is also the name I would give my house if I abided by the practice of naming houses, which I do not. The name, if it were one, would have been taken from those wise old Greeks.

Elysian Fields- The bucolic paradise in Greek Mythology where heroes where conveyed after death.

Lysian Fields- The bocolic paradise that is my little island refuge. Pretty much the same idea as above place except, substitute live, lame boomer with brain lesions for mythical, dead hero.

Where is Washington Island?
For those of you who've not had the pleasure let me get you oriented. The Island, pop. 650, floats in Lake Michigan , six nautical miles off the northeastern most point of Wisconsin. The nautical boundary of Michigan lies a mile to the north of the Island. This has been true since they swindled us out of the UP.

When and why?
I first visited Washington Island more than twenty years ago. My heart took up
permanent residence there sometime thereafter.. One thing led to another, and before long I was building a house, performing in the community theater, and writing clever little ditties for the island newspaper.

I spend as much time on the Island as I am able to. In recent years that has ranged from abut half of the year to a May-September with periodic weeks and weekends during the rest. It's a delicate balancing act between my family and domestic responsibilities in Madison and my fondness for the Island. In truth, I expended all of my domestic credits long ago. I'm fortunate to be married to a very tolerant individual.

I live the preponderance of the time in Madison Wisconsin, which is, I should note, a great place. I live with my wife Carroll, and our children Sam and Janey,
I'm a very lucky guy.

Should you get up to the Island I can usually be found on the porch of what is arguably the best coffeehouse on the planet, The Red Cup Coffehouse. Stop in.

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