|w|a|s/r|o|r|r|i|m|: ))))))(((((())))(((()))))(((()))))))((((((()))((())))))((((())))))))((((((())))))))(((()|



So I made some rice last night, and this morning i'm about to go to bed - I think i'm emulating my computer... it happens that way at this time of morning - about 4:11am right now... listening to steppenwolf, excerpt of some lyrics that stood out:

Someone should call his parents, a sister or a brother
And they'll come to take him back home on a bus
But he'll always be a problem to his poor and puzzled mother
Yeah he'll always be another one of us
He said he wanted Heaven but prayin' was too slow
So he bought a one way ticket on an airline made of snow
Did you say you saw your good friend flyin' low?
Flyin' low
Dyin' slow

Oh how I love thee Anna Blume! You IM'd me, with a excerpt from Shwitter's poem "The Dying Man" how morbid... oh yes I love thee.


Argument with Petey:
wasrorrim: eeeeeeeewwww.... your into the... the... Get Up Kids?!?
wasrorrim: bleah... I didn't know you were that emo...
wasrorrim: god help you and your smashing pumpkin idoling self...
CryingTreePeter: faugh
CryingTreePeter: what-ever, Mr. oHgr...
wasrorrim: oooh... it's ohGr!!!
wasrorrim: not... oHgr... that looks stupid
CryingTreePeter: Well la di da, Mr. ohGr!
CryingTreePeter: lol
wasrorrim: your just a punk little spineless liberal emo kiddie...
CryingTreePeter: Yeah, well you're just a punk little spineless liberal goth kid
CryingTreePeter: lol, but seriously though
wasrorrim: baby, i'm an anarchist, your just a spineless lib-er-all...
CryingTreePeter: Sometimes you fit every goth stereotype
CryingTreePeter: haha, whatever
wasrorrim: yuch... whateva...
CryingTreePeter: You're like "call me Buttercup, that's my new name now"
wasrorrim: oh? thats goth?



why you shouldn't play with the governments computers... or
why shouldn't you play with the governments computers?

note: name(s) were changed and dates were excluded

playing with military ftp servers...

This is a U.S. Government System. Unauthorized use of this system is
a violation of Title 18, Section 1030 of the U.S. Code. U.S.
Government telecommunications systems and automated information
systems are subject to periodic security testing and monitoring to
ensure that proper communications security (COMSEC) procedures are
being observed. Use of these systems is consent to monitoring.
NOTICE: This is a United States Department of Defense computer
system. This computer system and all related equipment, networks
and network devices (including Internet access) are provided only
for authorized U.S. government use. Unauthorized use may subject
you to criminal prosecution. DoD computer systems may be monitored
for all lawful purposes, including: to ensure that their use is
authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection
against unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures,
survivability and operational security. Monitoring includes active
attacks by authorized DoD entities to test or verify the security
of this system. During monitoring, information may be examined,
recorded, copied and used for authorized purposes. All information,
including personal information, placed on or sent over this system
may be monitored. Evidence of unauthorized use collected by
monitoring may be used for administrative, criminal or adverse
action. Use of this DoD computer system, whetherauthorized or
unauthorized, constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.

My NASA experience:


$ ftp tomcat.gsfc.nasa.gov

Connected to aleph.gsfc.nasa.gov.



220-| This U.S. Government resource is for authorized use only. If |

220-| not authorized to access this resource, disconnect now. |

220-| Unauthorized use of, or access to, this resource may subject you |

220-| to disciplinary action or criminal prosecution. By accessing and |

220-| using this resource, you are consenting to monitoring, keystroke |

220-| recording, or auditing. |




220 aleph.gsfc.nasa.gov FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) *** *** # ##:##:## EST 2

001) ready.

Name (tomcat.gsfc.nasa.gov:GUEST+wasrorrim): DISPLAY

VIII.XI.MMIV - ~12:00 PMwidth=32

ANOTHER old picture... in my goth daze... or at least trying to be. I was in a "band" that didn't go far... but I don't do anything, anyways it was when I tried to hide the fact that I was a geek... whatever... it was with the other picture (below) so shortly afterward... probably circa Jan/2001... only about 3 1/2 years old. ! ->


Learn how to be a Private Investigator - I posted this for my "boss" - we were hoping it will help enrollment in the class he teaches.


I'm leaving... thats it... I'm going to - where? Ohio! Thanks to a website called http://www.swingsemester.org, I'll be leaving the dense alternative art district I live in now for (probably) a divided suburban Ohio residence somewhere. If you want to blame someone else for my spuratic decision, then blame Davida or Anima... they made me do it.


I just saw one of the most beautiful concerts ever, Kronos Quartet - a beautiful mix of experimental and classical, with a few violins and violas and a beautiful cello, it was one of the most amazing concerts I've ever seen, even though I spent half the time in a trance-like state - eyes half closed and head rythmicly bobbing to the music. They started their set with a rendition of a soundtrack, then few electronic/acustic blended very alt. expressionist pieces, then moved to some more classical pieces. They followed with a very beautiful clssical piece playing with time signatures and ended the set with a electronic/classical blend that had a strong message of "one people" within it. They came back for a few songs due to a standing ovation, and they came back with a rendition of Jimi Hendrix's "Star Spangled Banner" and a piece by a early 20th Century Ottoman Composer which was stunning. what beauty...


I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach, I had breakfast and caught a few goodbyes from my newly made friends before I left. My aunt gave me a ride back to my grandmothers house in Santa Cruz, I slept in the car then opened an account with the California Union Bank aka The Bank of Tokyo. I talked with a friend about a possability of moving to Ohio to work with the 21st Century Dems.


I spent the day going to some talks and visiting with the "young adult" group. I said my goodbyes to a few people and went to paint in japanese sumi style. I then left and went to the closing keynote speakers. I left a bit early then saw the last part of the beautiful sunset over the ocean. I went then to dinner and afterward wandered around and found some of my newly made friends, they had a few bottles of vodka and some wine, so I left with them and drank on the beach at night. I finally got back in to my room around 3am, after puking a bit of the vile and bile that I was ingesting.


The first half of the day was spent sleeping, I woke up at 4:00pm to go to yoga. I then showered and went to dinner. There was a expressionist painting workshop I went to, then I went to bed early: around 12am.


Spent time with the "young adult" group and in some workshops, argued about the morality of our church and judgement of other churches. Hugged some people, talked to Talia for the first time in a while - she might move to San Francisco, nothing much else.

s k i p


Arrived to Asilomar (6pm) and went to a meeting. Rachel saw me, and recognized me - we met last year when we talked and saw a moonset and such togetther, good memories.

s k i p


I got a gmail account [[email protected]] and I've learned today... my love (Davi) Said she wouldn't come to visit! Again she breaks my heart... I'll never learn...

VII.XXVIII.MMIV - you gotta crap computer

Looking around my old website from early high-school and found a hiddeous photo of me that I guess the school took... on... april eleventh two-thousond. -?->


some SOMA Pictures: to see them, they are posted on http://groups.msn.com/monarchalumni, as well as http://photos.yahoo.com/wasrorrim

SOMA is great, I've been able to go to a different party every night with quite ease and beauty -lots of clubs. I've been quite busy - I've taken some contracts for web-design and I'm thinking of starting a small web business specializing in such. I find sleeping in the early morning is usually the best because of noise in this area. Food is expensive - coffee and juice are what I'm surviving on. The downside to underground parties happens to be the ability to buy alchohol... anyways, I'm applying for a job at Rainbow Market, a workers Co-Op, it pays REALLY well, (all profits go to the workers) and I would be able to eat good healthy food cheaply.

The people here have been really nice, or really crazy, or both - sometimes they are rude - or rude and crazy... but mostly they are nice or... I guess mostly they are crazy... a lot of nice crazy, pretty much the type of group you would expect in the run down artistic part of town. I've already met a few people, and I'm sure that I'll make a lot of friends, since I've only been here for less than a week.

Anyways... if you come visit bring food. Love, Davin

archival posts... from another site...

June 6th, 2004

Wow... it's been six months, and I've done alot, first of all, I've traveled yet some more. I quit my job (sort of) and I left to go to visit my love Davida in Indiana. We had a lot of fun and I met quite a few really cool people. I had a lot of fun in the underground, both literally and metaphoricly, and I appreciated the ecological and artistic sides of the college.

I left there and went to Albequerque / Santa Fe, and met with my good friend, as well as the reason I broke up with Courtney, Talia. I had a lot of fun there, I met quite a few people that were associated with her and such. I left Santa Fe and went to Santa Cruz, where I was greeted by my brother, and we went up to see my mother, who said that I was most definitly and strictly kicked out of the house for sure and for a long time.

I then went to my friends house in El Dorado Hills, where I stayed for a little less than a week. I then went to Vacaville and Fairfield where I stayed with a friend for a couple days. Sacramento was next, meeting an old friend and making some new ones. I spent the night there and went back to my friends house in El Dorado, where I am at the moment. But on the 10th I'll be going to Chicago, and then Santa Fe again where I'm meeting Talia, then to Colorado Springs, where I'll be hopefully meeting my friends in Colorado Springs by the 25th of June. There is too much to type in a webpage, I think I'll try to write a book... with love, davin.

December 31st, 2003

crazy times... since i've last written I've broken up horrabily with courtney... (the two week girl) I've gone through a few hard times, I was a little reckless with my drinking during one party... i kissed way too many girls, and i'm ashamed and feel wickedly stupid whenever anyone mentions it. I'm doing allright, I'm working a job at Mervyn's which is going allright, I think they might keep me even though I was seasonal. I'm hosting a get-together tonight for new years eve *(tonight!) I'm going to have fun, it doesn't really matter how many people show up... I was stressing about it, but I know some really good friends (hehe nicole!) are going to be there, and it will be ok for me to be a dork and dance all night. As far as relations... I won't tell much, you can ask me individually and I'll tell you all. I'm learning to control myself, I haven't been in a relationship since courtney, and I'm determined to keep all relations with a better foundation, and a slow beginning. bleh... i babble... anyways I dress up sometimes... it's a hobby that i try to love, I almost kissed a gay guy... but it was to weird... so I realized that i'm not gay or bi... which was not that big of a burning question, but I think everyones curious at one time... not much else is new.

September 25th, 2003

It has happened since I've been back: I went to Chicago and met with my best friend Davida, we had a week long affair then she broke my heart. I then went to see my friends in Montana Graduate; I gained a lot of support from them. I then left for home, I came home and realized there are a lot of people here I didn't know because I couldn't, so I met them and they are very nice. I started kissing girls then desided I needed a girlfriend, I had a girlfriend, then left her, then wanted to go out with someone, asked, she said yes, then I broke up with her the day afterward because I was being an asshole. I'm with an attractive, smart, nice girl now, and it's been two weeks today, my longest one since I've been back.

I've met some amazing people since I've been back. I've also started going to a coffee shop where I'll go every so often and talk to a few of the many that are there. I've been remembering how to feel and stop every once in awhile when I feel depressed. I've been doing well in my thoughts and dreams have been coming out better and better as I've grown. I'm in more of an artistic mood, and it is hard to write facts. (I already wrote a page of stream of concousnesses) I'm going to end this now and go to sleep where I'll dream of whatever floats or sinks my boat, adios and love, davin.

July 6th, 2003

I've just arrived back from my Europian trips, early unfortionatly because my grandfather died. I'm going to his funeral on monday (July 7th, 2003) In Europe I went to France and hiked a path from Le Puy to Conques over two weeks called St. Jaques de Compostelle... loosly translated as Saint James of the field of stars. The path was used as a way to find god, now it is used mostly by people to find themselves. The people I met in France were very amazing people, some in a good way... only one was rude, and most were very compassionate with the "ignorent" american that I was. I learned alot there, about myself and the four friends I was with & wish to go back when I am fluent in the language.

I went back to Montana, graduated, then that day left for SF to meet my family and leave for London. In London I saw the main tourist attractions, a Dali exibit, a theater piece about Queen, met some people on the street, then left. All together I spent five days there, and couldn't fully apreciate the city.

Next we went to Greece, where I couldn't even express how much I experienced there. I went with my mother(Tara), her boyfriend(Leon), and his son(Dimitri). While I was there I met Leon's family, and my mother showed me off to them, stating how intelligent, healthy and integral I was. The end result was my induction to the Greek family. I experienced the most culture in the least time possible. I went to a funeral, a village celebration, a mass, an all night party in the mountains, and quite a few family feasts. I was taken out by some relitaves my age to take a "tour" of the village. But mostly I ate, slept, and swam. It was nice the first week of the schedual, then I found it, although perfect for living in the moment and having zen-like happiness, not intellectual enough.

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