My Pictures
Tiffany's Place
I am moving from job to job, gaining experience in a variety of fields. For the next couple months my internship experience is taking place in Seward, AK where I am an helping out in the Avian Dept. of the Alaska SeaLife Center. It's been fun but I think I will be ready to move on in January. Where to next? I don't know. I would like to try something in Research back on the East Coast. But we shall see...
My Resume
Mt. Mitchell Field Guide
Having just graduated with an Environmental Studies Degree from Montreat College I am currently a career intern. What does that mean you ask? Well it basically means that
When I'm not globe-trotting I head back home to Florida to see my family. My family consists of my parents, my sister Jessica, 2 brothers Bryan and Aaron, Katie, Fruffy, and Peaches (our kitties), a bunny (Nibbles), a hamster (Hami), a snake (Cornie), 7 zebra finches, and an assortment of fish.(and people ask me why ES...). I also get to see some of my friends when I go back for brief visits but my best friends are either still up at Montreat or have graduated and scattered to the four winds.
Other Pages:
Faith Baptist Church (My Home Church)
One of my best friends, Mary Jane, posing for
a picture on a brisk fall day.
Interested in Env. Studies?
Highlands Biological Station
Aaron in his soccer uniform.
Ecosystems Pictures
Stargate SG1
Montreat College
E-Nature Localguides
Favorite Links:
Pleonast Blog
Alaska SeaLife Center
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