This is a web site dedicated to the trip myself and two good friends and fellow Nebraska Cornhusker fans from Virginia made up to State College, PA to watch the Big Red take on Joe Paterno's Nittany Lions. If you follow college football or know anything about the state of Nebraska football this year, you'll know they lost big. 40 to 7 big. There were a lot of asshat Lions fans at State College, but there were a lot of cool ones too. We partied with some and verbally fought with others (more on that later). Near the end, even us Husker fans couldn't help but feel good about Joe Pa's program and congratulate them on their victory. Some State fans took this gracefully, others were assholes. The one thing we could just about all agree with is that the Huskers looked confused out on the field. Confused and unprepared. They were not as outplayed as they were outcoached. There have been Husker teams in history with half this much talent that were never blown out quite so bad. So the blame therefore had to rest squarely on the shoulders of the coaching staff. Thus the name of this website.

Aside from the game and the crappy roads you had to take in Pennsylvania before reaching Beaver Stadium, however, the trip to State College was quite fun and was a definite college football experience. I had brought my digital camera to document the occasion and the following snapshots tell the story better than I ever could. I'll mention everything I remember about each, some of them are definitely a bit fuzzy:

My Husker friends Andrew and Chris respectivally. This picture was taken at approx 5:15 am Gameday just before we left for the game in Chris' Honda CRV. Note how full of verve they both are, ready to watch the Big Red beat up on a hapless opponent like Lawrence Phillips on his latest date. They are both wearing reversible Husker caps that Andrew procured a couple of weeks before the game. The red side is to wear when the Nebraska O (short for Option, or Offense) is on the field, the other for the Blackshirts' D.

This is Andrew and I. Andrew has again chosen to sport the Skull and Crossbones of the Blackshirts while I find a way to make headgear this cool look homosexual as I somehow get the entire front side of the brim flipped on top of my head. Note that the three of us are dressed in rough approximations of Nittany Lion colors. This is not because of ironic foreshadowing. This was because we had no tickets and we had heard that it was going to be impossible for Nebraska fans to get them. Note the stealth red underneath my navy shirt. This is a Husker T-shirt, which I had planned to expose to the sucker Penn State fans who sold me their tickets once I had them firmly in hand.

Next: The Arrival to State College

Disclaimer: This web page is in no way affiliated with the University of Nebraska, Penn State, Frank Solich, or NCAA Football. All views expressed here are opinions observed by myself of my cohorts on the trip. If you want to bitch about anything you see here, please direct all such commentary to the brick wall nearest you. If you have constructive criticism or if you see any inaccuracies, please direct them to [email protected].
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