Presented in glorious shades of purple...



Firstly, I apologise to anyone who is under the impression that 'Wat F.C.' is perhaps a misspelling of 'What F.C.' and that this is a site dedicated to helping fickle people choose what football club to support this week.

This is no such page.

Instead, 'Wat F.C.' stands for 'Who ate the Flying Chair'. If you choose to read the answer, you may find a more meaningful conclusion than you would have imagined...

Latest thingy: Site to be moved shortly.

As we pass fields, my mother sometimes comments on how peaceful and content the cows look. But I'm not really sure if this is true. I personally think that they look incredibly bored.

What sex do you think hermaphrodites are attracted to?

People often say that violence solves nothing. But killing a few of my schoolmates certainly stopped them picking on me.

To read more deep stuff, click here.


Latest Snes Reviews

Chrono Trigger
Troddlers - update
Unirally - update
Tiny Toon Adventures Buster Busts Loose


The sun dips slowly...
Descends into the earth.
Above me appear
Golden cracks and purple swirls.
The day gives way to the night.

To read more tanka, click here.


To play more Skears games, click here.


05-02-04: Site to be moved shortly.

Yay! I've payed up for a proper domain name and so I'll be soon be moving this site.

What you can expect: more regular updates (seriously), more content, better presentation, more colours.

Click here to see the new address - The main site will be used to showcase my creative work (what there is of it). My rejigged personal site will be a subdomain.


01-03-03: Miyamoto likes Skears CD.

Okay. Firstly, let me just say that I know it's been well over a month since I last updated. But what do you think I am? Your slave? Seriously tho', I've been busy attempting (and being failed at) possibly the most mundane task I've ever been given. Making a telephone directory.

I'll try to update this wee bit at least once a month, even if I don't actually have the time to add anything significant. Just to reassure you all that I'm alive.

Now the story about Miyamoto and Skears.

As some of you may know, Shigeru Miyamoto came down to London 8 days ago for a public signing. As well as taking down some stuff to get signed, I also took a CD with Skears and the 4 Mini Skears games on it, along with 2 recordings of me playing the keyboard. I spent the whole of the previous day decorating the CD and when I finally gave it to Shigeru Miyamoto, he looked over it and expressed a liking for the look of the cover.

I was later a bit annoyed, since so many folk had managed to get 2 things signed, whereas I only got my Snes signed, but life's too short to be crabbit all the time.

For a longer story click here.

In other news, I've now started work on Skears 2. I know I started it last summer, but due to technical difficulties, it was abandoned. It's now being re-started from scratch and will quite possibly be the last version in Flash. If I ever do another one, it'll be in Open GL or something like that. Slowdown is a real problem just now, seriously limiting the sort of levels that I can make.

If you fancy giving a hand, then don't hesitate to e-mail me.

I haven't played my Snes now for nearly 2 months, making this an abnormally long break. Instead, I've been spending my time in London, doing uni work, working on Skears 2, watching the Simpsons and playing a wee bit of Ikaruga, which is indeed rather excellent.

I still haven't got past the 4th stage, but this is more due to the length of time I've played it for than anything else.


03-11-02: First contribution.

It's been a long time coming, but finally someone else contributed something to the site. Thanks to Alain Racette, I now know about this horrible mistake made in the script of Final Fantasy II (IV). I can only hope that more submissions will follow.

If you know of any other mistakes/bugs in any other Snes games, then please don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Also, if you have any general comments about the site, then please e-mail me. Do you like the way I do Snes reviews? Do you think I should change something about the presentation? Are there any bugs which need to be fixed or broken links on this site?

I'm going to continue adding stuff to this site, making it bigger and better. However, if there's something I'm doing wrong, I'd like to know.

By the way, since last month, as well as (hopefully) sorting out some serious problems, I've added 3 new Snes reviews, updated the Unirally review after finally completing the game, written a couple of new tanka and added a couple of new Mini Skears games. Look above.


11-10-02: Now updated once a month.

It became too much. Trying to write or make something new for every Sunday, having to go somewhere to upload it... it all got in the way of the rest of my life and started being a nuisance rather than a pleasure.

From now on, this site will be updated once a month. Apart from during the Christmas period maybe. Maybe on the 1st of each month apart from January. I'll sort out something (although I'm sure that no-one really cares that much).

Since the site is going to be updated a bit more infrequently, I may start doing the word of the month or something... but as above, chances are that no-one really cares.

From now on, I'll also point out some of the latest additions above. In these dated reports, I'll just point out stuff that doesn't fit in above.



05-08-02: Over 1000 hits.

I've been making new Skears 2 levels for a subsantiol portion of this week. I hope to finish 50 levels by this time next week, after which a few people are going to play test it for me while I go away on holiday. The game will hopefully be totally finished by September.

During the course of the last week, the number of hits, according to Geocities' counter passed 1000. However, this page has had only 163 hits, indicating that that is the number of visits, which is slightly less impressive.

Nothing's really been done this week though. The site is still in a state of limbo.


Improving the Snes 'database'.

When I originally changed the Snes section to divide objective information and subjective opinion, it was because of my own frustrations with others' reviews.

When I wanted to learn about a game that I had spotted in eBay and didn't know anything about, the first place I looked for information was on the internet. Yes, it was good to know that the reviewer had hated the game and stated clearly that I was missing out on nothing, but what exactly was it that I wasn't missing out on?

Often, the review simply didn't say and beyond knowing its genre, the only way to get more information about it was to play it for myself.

On the other hand, there were times when I would read a review for a game which I knew inside out. To me, the review seemed to be spending too much time on reciting fact which I already knew. All I was mildly curious in was their opinion.

I believe that my splitting up the objective and subjective parts of a review was a good move. After all, now, individuals can read what they are interested in and no more. Those who wish to learn about 'Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends' in great detail can, whilst those who simply wish to read about why I don't think it's a good game can simply read the subjective part. The overall summary hopefully caters for those who only want to read a few quick words.

Obviously, to make this a useful guide for others, 3 conditions must be true. Many games must be covered so that whatever people wish to find out about, they can find out about on this site. The coverage must be well written so as to impart information clearly without boring anyone. Lastly, my opinion must be 'correct'.

Few games are covered in the Snes section so far. However, considering my library of roughly 200 Snes games, there remains the possibility of me expanding the coverage to a satisfactory level.

I consider my writing to be above average, but sometimes less than satisfactory. However, this too can be rectified - after all, my writing will surely improve after practice and I can rewrite older (poorer) reviews.

Whilst others may disagree with me on occasion, I do consider myself to be correct when I make a judgement about a Snes game. However, those who disagree would obviously consider themselves to be correct as well, and here lies a problem. Whilst I play the games extensively, whilst I try to consider other points of view, there will always be a some controversy in what I say. To this end, I intend to copy all of Super Play's summaries and overall scores.

Super Play was a fine magazine, which still makes for good reading. Many still consider this one of the finest magazines ever published, and trust their honest reviews. I have believed for a long time that having some sort of alphabetical list of all their summaries and overall scores would make an excellent guide in itself. Hopefully, my writings will complement this and eventually make this site a place where people can expect to learn all they want.

Jonathan Davies, an ex-editor of the magazine has assured me that there should be no problems with what I am doing and wished me good luck. The typing will commence shortly.

Oh, and incidentally, I'm still interested in any reviews you may wish to submit. It's just that since this is still such a small site (and I've been asking for a few months) I'm really not expecting any. But if you do have a review to submit, please e-mail me. I'd appreciate it.



'The Chocolate Book' is a reasonably large section already. It's a load of chocolate reviews that used to exist in paper form. It's all written by a guy called Bez, but you can read all that here.


And, if you've got a few minutes spare, why don't you submit something? I need manga reviews, Snes reviews, reports of any mistakes in Snes games, high scores for Samba de Amigo and any chocolate reviews for the Chocolate Book.. Just e-mail me your review, high scores or whatever. If it's something you want to be put on the site, it's pretty much guaranteed to go up.

And don't forget to Tell me what you think of what I've done so far. If there's something you like, or something you hate, tell me.

If you've read this far, thanks for your patience, click on a few of the links below and happy surfing!


Completed Links:

Who ate the Flying Chair?,
my ratings,

Ready Links (ongoing stuff):

word of the week,
deep stuff,
stuff I've linked to.
other stuff,
stuff to download,

Unready Links:

Graffiti-related stuff,
Manga-related stuff,
Computer-Games-related stuff,





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