Kinda Foreign: [ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because kinda foreign is not protected by IM Security ]
Kinda Foreign: HIYA
plasmashot6161: Hi Chaku. ^^
Kinda Foreign: Porn?
plasmashot6161: Heh, if you don't mind only having a half-hour of it. I have to go paint the house some at five. ^^
Kinda Foreign: PAINT! I want to help! -will mentally aid you-
Kinda Foreign: And sure, half hour sounds good to me
plasmashot6161: ... ^^ If you want to paint you're more than welcome to come down here and help me. Do you have the log? x_x This isn't my laptop I'm on right now.
Kinda Foreign: Eh, traveling? That sounds like too much work...but yes I have it, two secs!
plasmashot6161: But you'll be in Florida! ^_^ It's very warm down here! And beach!
Kinda Foreign: I like coooold!
plasmashot6161: We've got sand!
Kinda Foreign: Sand makes me, I have some too :-)
plasmashot6161: Oh fine. *sulks*
Kinda Foreign: -pets- Some other time! But now, PORN. Here are the last lines:
Kinda Foreign: plasmashot6161: "Family problems. You wouldn't care." In went the icecream! It was a small wonder Bobby hadn't bloated up at this point from all the therapeutic icecream he'd consume.
Kinda Foreign: "Family problems," John repeated. He knew all about family problems. <i>His family</i> was one big problem. "Try me," he challenged.
plasmashot6161: Bobby snorted, but with the icecream in his mouth that caused things to go down the wrong way and he started coughing instead, trying not to spew icecream all over the counter and with his hand over his mouth stumbled over to the sink so he could hack without making a mess.

Kinda Foreign: John watched, only slightly concerned. "You done coughing up that lung of yours?" He asked, ready to stand what? Pat Bobby on the back until he stopped, probably.
plasmashot6161: "Yea." There was another cough, and Bobby reached to grab some paper towels. "Great. Now I have to go see Dr. Grey about getting it put back in now." A joke? Out of Bobby?
Kinda Foreign: Lame, but John was willing to work with it. "Man, I wouldn't mind coughing up a lung if it meant having Grey's hands on me," John commented, his fingers resuming their tapping.
plasmashot6161: "... ok, that's gross man. Dr. Grey is what, at least fiftteen years older than you?" Bobby had a strong devision between himself and 'adults,' and Jean was very firmly on the other side of it.
Kinda Foreign: "...So?" John asked, eyebrows raised. He grinned. "What, you're not into girls or something?" Because only someone not interested in women wouldn't admit that Jean Grey was hot.
plasmashot6161: "I'm not into women who are a good decade older than I am." Bobby raised an eyebrow. "And be careful not to let Summers hear you talking about her like that. He'll kick your ass and then I'll have to listen to you whine."
Kinda Foreign: John rolled his eyes but didn't say anything in return. Getting up again and stretching, he made his way over to a cupboard to find some snacks. He knew that Lee girl kepy some of her Sugar Bomb cereal somewhere there...Aha! There we are, he thought, reaching pass canned fruit to pull out the hidden sugary treat.
plasmashot6161: ((Damnit! They're not making out! C'mon! >.<))

Bobby raised an eyebrow, and would have made a comment along the lines of, 'isn't it early for that dyed sugar-cube stuff?' But Bobby was nearly through a galleon of icecream, so that would be hypocritical. Strangely enough, John had distracted Bobby enough from his inner angst, and Bobby focused on watching John. It wasn't really often Bobby could just
watch John, despite the fact that they roomed together. They still didn't know eachother well. He did however, make sure he wasn't staring when John turned around, his attention back on his rapidly depleting supply of icecream. Oddly enough, he felt better. And it had nothign to do with all the junk he'd consumed.
Kinda Foreign: [ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because kinda foreign is not protected by IM Security ]
Kinda Foreign: John rummaged around another cupboard for a bowl, found a clean spoon in a drawer, and pulled out some milk from the fridge. "So, you do this late night snack thing often?" John asked, scratching at his chest unconsciously, before pouring the cereal and milk into his bowl. He was asking because sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night, with the room half frozen and Bobby nowhere in sight. Those nights, he would wonder if he should be a good friend, (Were they friends yet? John didn't know.), and find the ice mutant to see what was up. Instead, he would thaw out the ice with his own powers, grab another blanket from his trunk, and go back to bed.
plasmashot6161: Bobby nodded absently. "Though sometimes I just go down to the basketball court." That was if there was no icecream, or if Bobby had woken up with energy to burn. He wasn't a rule-breaker by habbit, but he figured that there was really nothing wrong with what he'd been doing. He just didn't like being cooped up with his parents arguments bouncing around in his head.
plasmashot6161: ((Aaaaand, I gotta go paint house. ^^ I'll be back later.))\
Kinda Foreign: ((ttyl, have fun!))
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