watcher6161: *prowel* Liveth?
Midnightepyon: Liveth. ^_^
watcher6161: Longeth?
Midnightepyon: Sure. As long as I can stay awake. Which, considering my nightly habits the past few days, should be long enough. o_o
watcher6161: *glompeth* Cause the last few times I tried to talk to you or Chev you guys always went to bed right after I got on. o.o And it biiiiites. It's what, midnight over there?
Midnightepyon: 1:21 am, actually. ^_^
watcher6161: I was close.
Midnightepyon: Yep. ^^
Midnightepyon: Cookies for you. *gives*
watcher6161: Cookie! *nibbles obsessively* Cookie cookie cookie! I had a wierd dream. x_x
Midnightepyon: About?
watcher6161: Vampires. O.o I dreamed I was Shiva (ok, dreaming about turning into one of my charas, this is bad) and she got turned into a vampire (by Michael, who wasn't around for some reason) and there was Dracula (who looked like the one in Van Helsing) and a giant train filled with vampires. And it was wierd.
Midnightepyon: o_O What you been eatin' lately?
watcher6161: Uh, pizza, brockwurst.... (I didn't spell that correctly) and... uh, stuff? There was more things going on in the magic train of vampires. Someone tried to stake Dracula and he still didn't die and got pissed but for somereason he liked me. o.o Wiiiiierd. I liked it though. ^^ Dracula was hot.
Midnightepyon: Oh god. XD *pets* Well, crack-dreams can sometimes produce interesting plot-bunnies. o.o As...I know.
Midnightepyon: Kyeh. x_x Can you help? I need help thinking of a background for a piccy. x_x
watcher6161: Such as? (The Shiva-vampire thing was probably inspired by a random bunny I had a while back. But I killed it.)
watcher6161: Sure. o.o What pic?
Midnightepyon: Nyeh. Tenipuri obsession runs rampant in my dreams now. It plots to give me plots of which to write with, and I am resisting as much as possible.
Midnightepyon: And ...o.o Damnit, I have to scan it. Just a wee sec. ^^
watcher6161: Sure.
watcher6161: Tempuri. x_x I can't download anything. Grr.
Midnightepyon: o.o And I can't burn and mail?
watcher6161: No. x_x Mom would get paranoid. "Ohhh! Stalker!" ... ... ... Gr.
Midnightepyon: Cuz "OMG!!"
Midnightepyon: ...evil enter button
Midnightepyon: ...*ahem*
Midnightepyon: omg!! I'm sending you anime about Tennis! I must be stalking you from afar!
watcher6161: *pats*
watcher6161: Even though you're a twenty year old woman who doesn't even have my legal name! (I think? I don't know. o.o) And only knows I live in the retirement home of the world! (Grr. All this damn stuff because of the parental. When I move out... stuff. I'll give you a damn road-map or something just to be defiant and shit.)
watcher6161: And there will be a giant x that will say, "I am here. Damnit"
Midnightepyon: *cackles* And then I shall sneak my ass over there and roast on your doorstep. ^^
Midnightepyon: And if you can see anything wrong, tell me? o.o
watcher6161: Sorin piccy! o.o ... *drools* ... ... *smacks self and tries to look objectively*
Midnightepyon: *snickers* ^^
watcher6161: Alexia: *wibbling at the picture*
*stuffs her in a box* Pretty. ^^ Something seems a little off about the neck, but it's not noticeable unless one looks for it. ....I'd sugjest a table, or one of bar-thingies, but I remember how tall Sorin is, and no bar-table is ever going to be THAT tall. Unless the people there are eight-foot mammoths or something.
Midnightepyon: Hmm... and his left hand...does that look right? *stabs at it*?? I drew this at Chev' I didn't have any of my reference doo-hickies or whatever. x_X
watcher6161: Looks fine. He has the sezzay hands.
Midnightepyon: Mwah. Sankyuu. ^.^ I shall...o_o stab at ideas for a background. x_x Or I could just temporarily shrink him so a table would actually work ... >.> Gah
watcher6161: ... or you could just call on artistic liscence.
watcher6161: You could put a really bit, neat animal there! ... ... but that'd be kinda wierd. O.o
Midnightepyon: o_O Just a bit...yeah. *stabs at Sorin* ... and I have no idea why he's wearing such huge-ass pants. He's not allowed to have huge-ass pants. Those are MY pants damnit
watcher6161: Realy? Are they black by any streatch of imagination? o.o
Midnightepyon: ...I have two pairs. One black. So...yes? ^^
watcher6161: ... I have pants like that. x_x Not exactly that design, but big-ass black ones with huge pockets.
Midnightepyon: Though his might be like...tan. Cargo...ish. o_O
watcher6161: Go cargo?
Alexia: Because we know they're carrying big cago!
... where are the little swirlies on this thing?
watcher6161: You know, the 'at' sign? I desperately need it right now.
Midnightepyon: @
watcher6161: Thanks. @_@
Midnightepyon: *cackles*

Sorin: *just laughs* ^_^

watcher6161: Alexia: Well it's true. ^^
... just shoot me now.

Midnightepyon: Sorin: Never said it wasn't. *winks* Hey love. ^^

Hoi. o.o SBs will be SBs I guess. o.o

watcher6161: Uh-huh. What do you call a character that can and does frequently defy you?
Alexia: Hi hun. ^^ Sup?
Midnightepyon: Um... stubborn?

Sorin: *points at his hair, which is long again* Otherwise, not much. You?

watcher6161: Alexia:
watcher6161: Damn enter key.
Midnightepyon: *hates on it*
watcher6161: I think there's a more menacing term for it. x_x
Alexia: Still dead. Tried looking for Quinn again, still can't find him.
Midnightepyon: Sorin; *headtilt* Entire planet's dead, isn't it?

...conniving, insolent little git? ^^;;;;

watcher6161: No. Something so sinister, so vile, that only a special few ever attain it. And it strikes fear and terror into the hearts of creators.
Alexia: Pretty much. There might be one or two people - or groups of people - holed up somewhere and surviving somehow, but he's not in one of them. He died before that whole mess went over.
watcher6161: *plays scary music*
Midnightepyon: ...Mary Sue?

Sorin: So you're just looking for his body, then? *perplexed frown*

watcher6161: Alexia: I'm looking for his soul. You know, like me? Memory, personality and so on?
... ok, not that bad.
watcher6161: But the next worst thing.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Ah, gotcha. o_O

... I am at a loss. o.o

watcher6161: Me too.
Alexia: Well, I guess it IS a lot of dead people to have to go through, but there's not all that many people matching his description. ><
watcher6161: *grooves*
watcher6161: Doom�!
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Well keep looking. I'm sure you'll find him. ^^
watcher6161: Alexia: I intend to. Now what's with your hair? It magically grow back?
... how many people actually know who Quinn is?
watcher6161: ... *snuggles Kirb*
Midnightepyon: Sorry. Suddenly got attacked by a few people. *meeps* And me! I know who he is!! He's the guy that died that they pinned on Alexia right? Her lover dude?

Sorin: Pretty much. Creator couldn't really pull off my short hair, so voila. ^^

Kirb: o_O ... ah...yes?

watcher6161: Yep. That was him. Alexia hardly ever gets 'over' people. She'll go back to normal, but if anything pops up, she re-attatches like some sort of leech. *luffs Kirban*
Alexia: Good. It's a better look for you, and I could't quite adjust to the shorter look. *SO wants to ruffle his hair right now*
watcher6161: *and stabs the people who take the mids away from her. ebil people*
watcher6161: o.o ... my Dad has a mini-Aragorn figurine.
Midnightepyon: o.o why?
watcher6161: I... don't know. He likes LotR. That's probably it. He's like me. ^^ Or I got it from him. I'm not sure which.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: *smiles, runs a hand through it* I missed it. Just not the same without it.

^_^ LotR heriditary family likeness! Woot!

watcher6161: Yea. He got me into gaming too. o.o Mom never forgave him for that. The anime thing was entirely my own though. ^^
Alexia: *nods* ... ... ... I wanna touch it! ><
*spews her drink*
Midnightepyon: *dies* XDD

Sorin: *smirks* I'm sure you do, love.

watcher6161: *poor Kirb, she was still on him*
Alexia: *wiggles her eyebrows comically* Gotta love those double-meanings eh?
Midnightepyon: Sorin: *grins, stretches* They make the world go 'round. ^^

Kirban: ... -_- *sighs, tail twitches*

watcher6161: Sorry Kirb. *gets a towel*
Alexia: *laughs* There's some sort of bad innudo about merry-go-rounds and horses in that, but it's a crude one.
Midnightepyon: Kirban: Could you at leats aim away from me next time? *plucks at his clothes* >_o

Sorin: I can imagine. 6^

Midnightepyon: ^^*
watcher6161: I didn't mean to! *cleans him up all nice and spiffy. If a little shiny from all the wax. (If confused: remember Gahren? Yea.)*
Alexia: *plops herself on the ground at his feet* So what was that about horseback riding you mentioned a while back?
Midnightepyon: Kirban: ...Ah, thanks.

Sorin: Wanted to take you. *shrugs* Meant to... never got around to it... so... uhm.... ^^

watcher6161: Alexia: And you STILL owe me a massage, a pina colada, and a song in bed. *makes to poke him but goes through him instead.* ><
*buffs him* No prob. ^^ *glomps, but slides off* o.o
Midnightepyon: Sorin: o_O Man... I normally pride myself as being a man of my word. But geez...

Kirban: -_- I'm going this way now. *walks away*

watcher6161: Alexia: 'Geez'? *head tilt*
Waaa~! *attempts to cling but keeps sliding off.* ... ... *waxes his shoe-soles.*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: I'm sorry. o_o I didn't mean to like... say all that and then... never do it. -_-

Kirban: Whatever you are doing, stop it. It's fine. x_x

Midnightepyon: gah, brb, *wants pudding*
Midnightepyon: well actually, I want a steak...but I have to settle for pudding.
watcher6161: Hah. ^^ Think I'll grab some breakfast. If can find any.
watcher6161: Mm, doughnuts.
Alexia: It's ok! It's not like you promised me a spleen if I ever needed one!
Midnightepyon: Or yogurt. No pudding. Have to have yogurt. Damnit all.

Sorin: Still. *scratches at the back of his head* >_o

watcher6161: Alexa: Don't worry about it. Not much can really be done about it now. How 'bout this: we'll make a day of it. Go horseback riding, lunch or dinner or something, then as massage and a song. ^^ I'll probably need a massage after riding. o.o Never done it before but I've heard things about being sore after.
watcher6161: Poor Middums. Eat yogurt?
Midnightepyon: Sorin; *smiles* Well, providing Piper ever gets around to the whole thing. o_o But hey, that sounds great. ^_^ Done deal, love.
watcher6161: Alexia: Great. ^^ As for Piper... well, he'll get around to it. I haven't seen him lately. ... ... longest time I've gone without seeing him. *seems vaugely troubled* Meh. *shakes her head*
watcher6161: Um, toast? You have toast?
Midnightepyon: Can't eat solids. Or...probably could. But won't. x_x Hurts. *will eat the yogurt*
watcher6161: Oh yea. x_x Damn that sucks. *pats* At least it's good yogurt? *hopeful*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Well, his creator was crashing with mine for a week, but they're back at they're respective houses now. Should see him soon, ne?
watcher6161: Alexia: *nods* Yea. I'll talk to him then. Next time I mean. *streatches her legs out* ... I don't know.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: You don't know what? o_O
watcher6161: Alexia: ... we never did that whole, deep-and-meaningful thing you know? *flops back and streatches her arms above her head* I dunno, maybe we never needed to. Maybe it should stay that way. I don't know. ... ... hell. *laughs*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: You mean you and Piper?
watcher6161: Alexia: Naw, you an' me. Piper and I yelled at eachother a lot. I lost count of the times we stormed out of a room cause we were so pissed at eachother. No. You an' me hun. *laughs* And funny thing is, the the that's got me all in a snit involves Piper! Son of a bitch.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Hey, you can't help what you feel, love. *smiles* But you're right, we never really did, did we? *tilts his head a moment*
watcher6161: Alexia: Yea. Cept I just kinda blew that to hell a few moments ago didn't I? *snorts - is definately high-strung at the moment* Kinda moot point eh? And feeling. Shit. I've been rambling at you for the past few moments like the madwoman I am. Sorry hun. Happens every now and then.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: I ain't complaining. Ramble away, love. *smiles and gives a shrug* Don't get to see you much, a ramble is as good as anything.
watcher6161: Alexia: Oh no hun. I don't want you to see me like that. Like this. You've never seen me at my worst hun and I don't want you to. Noboy has, at least, nobody still alive! *a sort of high-pitched giggle* I'm god-awful like this. First time was when I got the wierd idea that I could change things. That my eyes were open so I could change things. "They control your world - free it," they said. And then I just suddenly shot off in the mouth two days later in front of everyone. They thought I'd gotten unhinged, John certainly did though he said it'd happened awfuly fast. *all this is said at an increasingly fast pace, some of the words bluring* I mean, I just paced back and fourth in front of them all babling about how we could do something, really do something. Not just kill whatever we came accross, but save some of them, convert them, make pacts with them. We could find a way. Some of them weren't all bad. Like Quinn wasn't all bad. He was actually human, by definition though to the sight he was wrong. There was my first mistake there, telling them all about Quinn. Maya, Ian and John knew about him, but Dom was a "kill them all and let god sort them out" type and I intended to keep that as far away from him as possible. That's what happened to Quinn. Dom I mean. I mean, Dom killed him, and what I did to Dom wasn't much better after.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: *quirks an amused brow, and smirks in amusement, but says nothing as he expects more to follow*
watcher6161: Alexia: Quinn and I tried to get away from them. Move away. John was the only one who could really keep a lid on Dom then and he was dead by then, and Dom thought I'd betray them all. Already betrayed them that is. "Lover of the enemy" was the prhase he used if I remember right. Quinn and I got to Kansas before he caught up with us. That's how far he tracked us. Fucking Kansas. Quinn got shot, and I had to leave him. God knows I wanted to go back, do something for the body. But I ran like hell. Forgot that supernatural shit that's supposed to shake tracking didn't work with us. But I knew where he lived. I was in my perfectly right mind when I did what I did to him. Right mind. Hell. I don't think I have a right mind! I'm going on and on and on and I'm not even drunk! I'm dead! *hysterical laugh* Dead dead dead dead. Just like the rest of my god-damned world. Screwed from the start, and we didn't even know it! Didn't even know what was really wrong cause we didn't have the senses capeable of picking up on it! Or the tools that could fix it! At least Kari didn't have to see it. She was already dead by then too. Kari didn't deserve that. She was an utter sweet heart, and how the hell she got to be like that at the age of 22 probably had something to do with her bing a little rich girl, never met a black person before in her life. Her fiancee was a vampire y'know. She got her sight in the middle of her own fucking wedding, at the altar. Along with Tony, and Malcolm, and most of the rest of the group. Maya and I were the outsiders. Got ours in the middle of a fucking grocery store the day after. That's how I met Quinn, my awakening. God, if it weren't for the mibs I would have... I dunno, attatcked him instead maybe. I don't know anymore.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: *tilts his head with a slightly concerned frown now* Love?
watcher6161: Alexia: *just continues babbling, her form twitching and shivering occasionally* I was the only one who'd actually killed anything in my awakening. I got one of the mibs. There were two of them and Quinn got one of them, and I grabbed its gun and shot the other. Maya confused it somehow. I don't ... it still isn't clear to me. Maya confused the hell out of me. She was some sort of phycologist in training or something. Hair all colors of the rainbow when I met her. She seemed convinced that we save the ones we could. How the hell do you save a vampire? They HAVE to kill. Forgtet that shit about 'the little drink' that the whole vampire Lestat thing started. They can't help it. I saw it once. I screamed bloody murder and it nearly got me too. I shot it a few times in the chest before I actually got the head. I'd gotten one of the younger ones cause it just went SPLAT! *giggles* Blood everywhere. Geometric shapes. I took some of it and scrolled our symbol for 'corrupted' on the side of the nightclub where the things liked to hunt. I think we lost a lot of newer hunters to the things there. I don't know. If we did I never met them and didn't know them, and I didn't care. The older vampires turn into dust when you kill them. So I've heard. Never managed to get one of the older ones. We lost Malcolm like that. We tried going after one of the older vampires in the city, tried to come to some sort of truce with it. We learned better after that that there's no dealing with vampires. Maya learned that then too, when she was picking bits of Mal's scalp out of her clothes later. I think she couldn't handle it anymore. Maya disappeared. No note, no body, no trace. She's dead now too. I saw her but she wouln't talk to me. Saw Malcolm and his wife too, Elise. She was a pretty woman, pregnant when Mal died. They went after her next, since Mal had his wallet on him and we were too busy running for our lives to do much about that. We didn't know! The police found bits of Elise and her unborn baby scattered all over the neighborhood where she lived for weeks after.
watcher6161: Alexia: That really pissed Dom off. He was already down the war path as it was, but was willing to give other things a try back then. Straw that broke the camels back and all that. Cept that we didn't know we were already broken. I would go into "vision fits" as Tony started calling them at least once every two days. Half the stuff didn't make sense, and I'd get smaller bits and pieces every now and then. Tony had visions every now and then too, but I had it worst, and nobody else had them at all. That and my occasional raving didn't help matters, and neither did my relationship with Quinn. We didn't bother keeping it a big secret that we were lovers, but we DID try and keep it discreet y'know? Dom didn't like Quinn much. Didn't like me much either even before Quinn. Quinn gave him a nice excuse and we had a really nasty fight over it. It started as an argument and deteriorated from there. The cell - what was left of it - broke up after that. Quinn and I decided to leave. Dom followed. Quinn died. And I did something awful later. Dom was married too, like Malcolm. Except his wife didn't know what was going on. You can't be a walker without major lifestyle changes, and she didn't have a fucking clue what had caused such a radical change in her husband. I played on that. I didn't need to kill anyone to screw up Dom's life. I had enough of death. Instead, I left a few notes in the mailbox, and one time when Dom and I had a nasty encounter, I made it a point to rake my nails down his face. Bare minimum of anything I needed to do and I ruined his life right there. Some paper and a few scratches. I was so fucking proud of myself.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: *steps closer to her, wants to touch her, but knows he can't* ... *and has never seen her like this before, so honestly doesn't know what to do*
watcher6161: Alexia: I didn't know what to do with myself after that. I didn't have anything left to do, no where to go. I was wanted in at least one state for "acts of terrorism" amoung other things. Yea, so I was a murderer, why not a terrorist as well? I... I don't want to know what my parents think of me. I saw enough of them to make sure they didn't become rots like the ones that are currently running mindless back home, but not anything else. *shakes* I couldn't go back to them. The cell was gone. Quinn was gone. I had no home. Chel covered for me as best she could, and I was on good terms with a werewolf pack nearby, so they helped me get out. I was something of an honorary member. They called me "seeks-the-way." Huh. I found Piper after that. It was hellish, getting out. I don't think he knows how much. I don't know why I put up with him. I told you about how I left him in Maryland once. He confuses me. We fight, we can barely stand eachother most of the time. I tease him a lot. I think I confuse him a bit too. When I first died, I had to tell him not to bring me back. I didn't want to come back. I didn't know that being dead was so... fucking dull! I wanted to see people I hadn't had the opertunity to say goodbye to. Some of it went well. Most of it didn't. I actually ran into Dom. He'd gotten himself killed by the pack that helped me get out! He figured out I'd been behind what had finished ruining his life, and he ran into them along the way. You know what Dom's like so you should have a good idea of what happened. Anyway. I confused Piper, I think. A month later I think, I managed to break free of that 'thou shalt not visit people damnit' think the Shining Ones have, and I told him I wanted to come back. He said he'd do anything for me. That kinda tipped me off early, and he seemed really awkward with it. He smiled at me when I joked with him. Later, he told me he loved me. It scares me. *rolls onto her stomach, the hysteria seems to be dieing down*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: *tilts his head* ....Better?
watcher6161: Alexia: *takes a breath and nods, a little shakey* I hate it when that happens. I'm better now. In control of my mouth that is. *weak laugh* Any wonder they thought me crazy? I'm ready to talk sensably. Or at least with more organiyation and coherency!
watcher6161: Damn this keyboard for having the y's and z's in strance places.
watcher6161: strange!
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Gotta admit, that was alot of info. But it's good that you got it all out, ne? *headtilt*
Midnightepyon: ebil keyboard o.o
watcher6161: It is. *pokes it with a stick*
Alexia: That was hardly all of it. Think of it as the seriously abbreviated version of the later six months of my life. All that shit just to get to my current ... fuck up. Kinda. Not sure what it'd be called. Piper. Right.
watcher6161: And damn that was a lot of text. o.o
Midnightepyon: it was. ^^
Midnightepyon: Hurrah! *showers Skys with confetti*
watcher6161: *eats the confetti* Well, I think Sorin now has a better idea of just how screwed up she is. ^^ Alexia's been good at acting as if she's fine and normal and shizznit.
Alexia: *'breathing' deeply so she doesn't wig out again* He said he loved me, and I don't think he has a CLUE what he's done by telling me that. I won't be able to let it rest, and it'll follow me around afecting what I do and how I act. I'd like to think I'm free as a bird without a damn care for what other people think. I am, except for my friends. What he thinks of me affects what I do. What YOU think of me affects me. And that he loves me will be hovering in front of me. Heh. �Those I care for bind me in ways no material or philosophical thing could, and I don't care.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Would you rather he didn't tell you, then?
watcher6161: Alexia: No. What I'd rather he'd done was at least let me know what he expected from telling me that. He's odd like that. He'll tell me something like that and expect nothing to come from it? Like hell. I could love him back, I could. That scares me for a bunch of differnt reasons. Beyond it simply being an uncomfortable situation. But he's ticked me off by telling me that and now I'm stuck, because I can't confront him about it yet, cause I haven't SEEN him in almost ... what, a week? Two weeks? .... damn, feels longer. Grr.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Well what is he supposed to tell you he expected? Alexia... maybe he does expect nothing from it. Maybe he said it just so you know, or maybe he said it because pixies whispered in his ear. Reason doesn't matter now. He said it. Done. You know Piper better than I do, so you know better if he was lying or not. And even from what I know of him, I highly doubt it. Thing is, what do you do now, right? When he gets around to it, you'll be alive again. Then what?
watcher6161: Alexia: Now there's a nice summary. I've always been too wordy. Then what? Don't know. No expectation beyond wanting me to know? Man, that's going to gnaw at me but I can live with it. That's the problem. I don't know if that's just what it is.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: So ask him? When you see him, of course. But don't worry about it now. Worry about it then. Ne? You're just stressing yourself out if you worry now.
watcher6161: Alexia: That's what I said earlier! I need to talk to him about it that is. *rolls onto her back and sits up* Can't help it though. I get emotional sometimes. ... frequently. *grins*
watcher6161: Alexia: ... I wanna be held damnit. >< I want a body! *huffs*
... ... ... ... damn she's wierd.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: ...*sighs* You'd think a God could touch the dead, too. *reaches out, hover a hand over her shoulder, then drops it*
Midnightepyon: god. small G. baka Middy.
watcher6161: *pats the Midds* It's ok. It's gotta be late where you are. o.o
Alexia: I know. *sighs* ... hold on. *thinks* ... SKY! You missed a loop damn you!
... huh?
Alexia: I'm a ghost.
Yea? And?
Alexia: I'm a split off of Shiva's timeline.
... yea?
Alexia: But ghosts in her timeline can touch stuff. And move stuff. And don't go through stuff. ... why can't I?
... uh... o.o Sad thing is I just realized this.
Midnightepyon: o.o Loop-y loop...

Sorin: ... Those don't really sound like ghosts so much as... living people. o_O

Midnightepyon: gah. must go. sleepy for me. x_x
watcher6161: *sheepish*
Alexia: Hey, talk to the kid. She knows more about why that is than I do. I know it just IS. I know cause one of them tossed things at me.
watcher6161: Okies. It must be late for you. O.o
Midnightepyon: 5 30. mew. o.o *glompeths* nights!
Midnightepyon: or...morning. or... something
watcher6161: Dude. Yea. Night!
Midnightepyon: *withers away*
watcher6161: *waters*
Midnightepyon signed off at 1:25:33 PM.
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