watcher6161 (11:03:39 AM): Merf?
Midnightepyon (11:03:45 AM): mew?
watcher6161 (11:03:50 AM): Woof?
Midnightepyon (11:03:59 AM): ...uhm....chirp?
watcher6161 (11:04:10 AM): Neigh? ^^ Couldn't sleep huh?
Midnightepyon (11:04:16 AM): not really, nu ^^
watcher6161 (11:04:31 AM): Poor baby. *pats*
Midnightepyon (11:04:42 AM): Sorin was calling to me. So... ... *stabbities picture* WORK DAMN YOU
watcher6161 (11:05:15 AM): *L* Well, ze muses call. ^^ I need to get ready to see the picture-museum type thing. o.o
Midnightepyon (11:05:56 AM): o.o Nya? Have fun?
watcher6161 (11:07:23 AM): I will. I hope. O.o I know Rembrant was some artist guy but don't know what he did. *struts - has kiced ass in Cossacks*
watcher6161 (11:08:05 AM): *kicked that is.
Midnightepyon (11:08:17 AM): ^^ Figured. Yay for you!
watcher6161 (11:09:09 AM): I have discovered that I like boats. Really. Forget the army. I make TONS of boats, send them over, surround, destroy harbors and anything else in reach, then make army and send it over with barges. Hah!
Midnightepyon (11:09:44 AM): o.o
watcher6161 (11:10:27 AM): *struts* Barges are slow as fuck. o.o And why can't I use the howitzers on them?
watcher6161 (11:11:52 AM): ... ok, wierd idea: charas sitting around on computers playing Cossacks. o.o
Midnightepyon (11:11:57 AM): o_O
watcher6161 (11:12:27 AM): I can imagine how it would turn out too. o.o Scary.
Midnightepyon (11:13:05 AM): o.o I have no idea what this game IS aside a war ga- ... wait a second. I might have seen it. Heather had a war game she played a lot. o_O
watcher6161 (11:13:45 AM): Well, a lot of war games are pretty similar. O.o You probably have an idea of what it's like just by the words "war game."
Midnightepyon (11:13:59 AM): *noddity*
Midnightepyon (11:14:17 AM): WHICH REMINDS ME!! GAH! *goes to redownload Heroes of Might and Magic whatever the hell*
watcher6161 (11:14:38 AM): ... it's not like Hero's though. O.o
watcher6161 (11:14:47 AM): Real time combat.
Midnightepyon (11:15:00 AM): Well I figured. o_o Heroes is like....different and a half.
Midnightepyon (11:15:32 AM): In Heather's game. You build your colony of people...and you build stuff and make the people go out and chop wood or whatever. And then they go out and conquer other colonies...or something. o_O
watcher6161 (11:16:23 AM): Yea, it's like that. ^^ And you mine stuff and have to get food and so on.
watcher6161 (11:16:33 AM): And you can build an academy for researching stuff!
Midnightepyon (11:16:52 AM): Yeah!
watcher6161 (11:17:19 AM): And you have peasants!
Midnightepyon (11:18:14 AM): *noddity!*
Midnightepyon (11:18:27 AM): Huh. o_O Maybe it is the same game then.
watcher6161 (11:19:16 AM): Maybe. O.o But it's bad when you start thinking how ye charas would play it. x_x *massive sweatdrop* It's fun, and I kick ass on easy mode. ^^
watcher6161 (11:21:28 AM): *grooves*
watcher6161 (11:22:53 AM): *sits on Middy's head*
Midnightepyon (11:22:57 AM): o.o
watcher6161 (11:23:27 AM): Ever hear a song called "Delicate Boz" by Garbage?
Midnightepyon (11:23:34 AM): nope o.o
watcher6161 (11:23:35 AM): Boy that is. ><
watcher6161 (11:23:44 AM): It's cute. *nods*
watcher6161 (11:24:16 AM): Look for it. *nibbles on Middy's hair'
Midnightepyon (11:24:25 AM): uhm...ok. ^_^
watcher6161 (11:24:46 AM): Muses cooperating finally?
Midnightepyon (11:25:07 AM): sort of. ^^ *has a...beginning of a bg* o.o
watcher6161 (11:25:25 AM): Wai! ^^ *glomps Sorin, climbs in his pants*
Midnightepyon (11:30:32 AM): Sorin: *smirks* Hello to you too, love.
watcher6161 (11:31:10 AM): Spaaaace paaaants! ^^ *bounces*
Box: Mrrf!

watcher6161 (11:33:28 AM): Box: Get me out of here!
Oh shush.
Midnightepyon (11:33:55 AM): Sorin: o.O *walks over to the box, picks it up* .... *shake*
watcher6161 (11:34:35 AM): Box: *makes a gibbering noise as whatever is inside is shook up and down*
... *snickers*
Midnightepyon (11:35:46 AM): Sorin: Oy box. You spoke. Speak again.
watcher6161 (11:36:21 AM): Box: That hurt... Damnit, who did that? Get me out of this thing!
Midnightepyon (11:36:49 AM): Sorin: *recognizes the voice* Thought so. *sets it down and opens it*
watcher6161 (11:37:35 AM): Alexia: *Gets out, wincing* Owwww.... Sorin? What the fuck was with the shaking?
Midnightepyon (11:37:50 AM): Sorin: Sorry love. ^^;;
watcher6161 (11:39:26 AM): Alexia: ... how the hell do I have a headache? I don'T have a head! >< *is grumpy*
Midnightepyon (11:39:57 AM): Sorin: You're a ghost, couldn't you just...flit through the bloody thing?
watcher6161 (11:40:56 AM): Alexia: ... *pause, thinks* ... ... *touches Sorin, which causes a sort of static ZAP* ... Apparently not. o.o
I hate loops.
Midnightepyon (11:42:11 AM): Sorin: Oy! o_O ... ok, wtf?
watcher6161 (11:43:38 AM): Alexia: Seems I'm... semi-solid? O.o *pokes him again, gives him static-electricity hair*
Midnightepyon (11:44:31 AM): Sorin: *has the hair of Celestials, and never gets static-y* ^^;;;;
watcher6161 (11:45:15 AM): Alexia: o.o *goes around touching and picking up things, and making little zapping noises, especially when she comes into contact with metal* o.o ...
watcher6161 (11:47:21 AM): Alexia: *oh yea, is also leaving behind scorch marks*
Midnightepyon (11:48:28 AM): Sorin: *watches this with an intrigued look* ... does that hurt?
watcher6161 (11:49:14 AM): Alexia: No. I don't really have... well, nerves, so I don't feel anything. I have to pay attention to what I'm doing. o.o It's HARD to pick up anything.
watcher6161 (11:51:30 AM): No worries - it'll stop once she's alive again.
watcher6161 (11:55:54 AM): Arg!
Midnightepyon (11:55:59 AM): o.o
watcher6161 (11:56:12 AM): Arrg! *waves a cutlass*
watcher6161 (11:56:46 AM): Alexia: *wanders around prodding things* O.o
watcher6161 (11:59:45 AM): Doom?
watcher6161 (12:05:12 PM): ... live?
Midnightepyon (12:06:00 PM): sorry! Art muse is eating me alive! *flail*
watcher6161 (12:06:46 PM): Ah. And here I thought you'd suddenly droped dead from a rare and lethal desease that kills on contact.
watcher6161 (12:08:12 PM): My bad.
Midnightepyon (12:08:47 PM): But I have. It's called Muse-itis. And it kills without warning!
watcher6161 (12:09:19 PM): ... but you're still typing.
Midnightepyon (12:09:36 PM): The muse has taken over my body. It's a virus, you see.
watcher6161 (12:09:58 PM): Ah. ... ... I thought you were dead? O.o
Midnightepyon (12:10:07 PM): ... it's a zombie thing
Midnightepyon (12:10:21 PM): >.>
watcher6161 (12:11:05 PM): ... *confused* O.o
Alexia: ... Yay?
watcher6161 (12:14:38 PM): o.o ... ... *pokes ze Midds*
Midnightepyon (12:14:48 PM): *EATS*
watcher6161 (12:15:19 PM): *eaten* o.o
Cow: ... moo.
*stares at it* ... ... ...
watcher6161 (12:16:26 PM): ... o.o
Midnightepyon (12:16:33 PM): o.O
watcher6161 (12:16:48 PM): ... ... ... you eat a lot of dairy don't you?
Midnightepyon (12:17:04 PM): well lately...yeah. o_o milkshakes. *points at jaw*
watcher6161 (12:30:06 PM): That explains it. ^^
watcher6161 (12:30:13 PM): *pokes the cow* o.o
watcher6161 (12:36:31 PM): Heading off. ^^ Art to see.
Midnightepyon (12:36:43 PM): gotcha. ^^ catch you later!
watcher6161 (12:36:56 PM): Ja!
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