watcher6161: *snuggles*
Midnightepyon: ^_^ Heya
watcher6161: Heyas. ^^ *snuggles*
watcher6161: *aaaaand... more snuggling*
Midnightepyon: o.o *is snuggled much*
watcher6161: *... and snuggles.*
Shiva: *shrieking in the distance*
Midnightepyon: o.o *flails, falls over* x_x What was that?
watcher6161: Oh, nothing.
... really. ^^
watcher6161: *snuggle*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...Just a thought...but perhaps you should check on the child.
Malithil: *SMACKS him upside the head as he hurries past him towards Shiva's shrieking*

watcher6161: *cackles at Elfalis, who is snuggled*
Shiva: *being snuggled by a large worlf.* @_@ *wacks at its side ineffecually.* Get OFF me you bag of fur!
Midnightepyon: Malithil: *arrives quickly enough, sees the scene, and moves to leap at the animal*

Arael: *grabs him by the arm* Woah...let me handle this. *as can talk to animals and whatnot*

Malithil: *looks extremely aggravated*

Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *calmly thumps Skys on the head with the hilt of his sword* Let go.
watcher6161: Wolf: *looks at Arael and Mali and growels and says quite clearly through its muzzle* Riine!
Shiva: *twaps it again* I am not! Now get off!
*makes a hollow clanging noise* Nuu.
Midnightepyon: Mali: ...The lady requests that you remove yourself from her person, now I suggest you do as she asks.
Arael: Come on, get off. o_O

Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...*scowls*
watcher6161: *luffs, adores- gets speared off.* @_@ ... owie....
Wolf: *lais its ears back and growels again* Ro!
Shiva: x_x Joshua, c'mon, get off. You're crushing me. I can't scratch your ears if I can't breathe...
Midnightepyon: Malithil: *ears flick to the side once*
Arael: ^_^ Bah. She's fine.

watcher6161: Joshua: *continues growling at Mali and Arael* Go 'way!
Shiva: @_@ ... *pushes at his side, trying to get out*
*is now on the end of a sharp, pointy stick.* x_x The... pain.... *passes out*
Midnightepyon: Arael: Nah. Think I'll stick around. ^_^
Malithil: ...Likewise.

watcher6161: Joshua: *snarls, snaps at them* Kill you!
Shiva: *bonks him on the head this time* You'll do no such thing!
Joshua: *turns his head, about to snap at her but remembers exactly who he's laying on and stops* *growels*
Jetta: *retrieves her spear*
Midnightepyon: Arael: Kill me? Nyaha. ^_^ Funny.
Malithil: *sighs* We mean you no harm. But you are currently laying on a dear friend of mine, and as she doesn't want you there, I am asking that you heed her request.
Elfalis: ...Thank you.

watcher6161: Jetta: Twas naught. *nods, starts cleaning it*
Joshua: *ears flick back and fourth, before lieing flat again and groweling.*
Shiva: *sighs* Joshua... get off me already!
Joshua: Rine!
Shiva: I am not and you know it. Let me up.
Joshua: *growels.*
Shiva: *Voice Of Authority (tm)* Now.
Joshua: *sulks, gets off, still eyes Mali and Arael though.*
Midnightepyon: Mali: *promptly moves forward and helps Shiva to her feet* Are you alright, My Lady?
Arael: *smiling happily at Joshua* ^_^
Elfalis: ...It's been a while.

watcher6161: Joshua: *turns to bit Mali, but bounces back with a 'ping!', after which he goes back to sulking*
Shiva: Yea, I'm ok. He just... get possesive. x_x
Jetta: *nods* It has. I trust you've been well during that time?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *snorts* Well enough. You?
Malithil: I see that.
Arael: Hey. Be nice. ^^

watcher6161: Jetta: *nods* I have been well. Hunting has been good this season, and I trust there shall be littles by the next one. *smiles.*
Joshua: *Growels at Arael*
Shiva: He's a werewolf. O.o I don't mind it when Korul gets clingy, but I keep remembering that somewhere in the big, furry thing is an adult male. So... no.
watcher6161: *twitches*
Midnightepyon: Arael: You can try. But you seem to have a muzzle on. ^^
Elfalis: *was moving to get his whet stone and misses it, nearly falling over* Littles?

watcher6161: Joshua: *growels a bit, then sulks back to Shiva, whgo scratches him behind the ears.*
watcher6161: Jetta: Well, yes. *gives him a perplexed look* ... is something wrong?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: No. Nothing. *starts sharpening his sword habitually* ... *pauses a moment* What are littles?
watcher6161: Jetta: *thinks, trying to find the vocabulary for this* Small people, the very young, newly ... born? *nods* Yes. The newly born. Littles.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: That's what I thought. *Shakes his head as if to rid himself of that thought, continues tending to his sword*
watcher6161: Jetta: *watches this for a moment, her ears twitching before she grins* Littles make you uncomfortable?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *scowls up at her* No.
watcher6161: Jetta: Then... what was this? *imitates his earlier head-shaking*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: I don't know. It was just... something. o_O
watcher6161: Jetta; ... it was done for no reason? *looks confused*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...Sure. o_O
watcher6161: Poor Jetta. Elfalis is quite possible the last person one wants to try and explain cultural ... thingies.
Jetta: *clicks her teeth together, still baffled by his behavior.*
watcher6161: Zoot zuit riot.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Just didn't think ah... never mind. *shakes his head again, sharpens sword, sharpens sword*
watcher6161: Jetta: ... did not think what? *is starting to wonder if sword-sharpening is supposed to be theraputic.*
watcher6161: *twitters in little circles*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Nothing. *plants his sword in the ground, uses it as an armrest* So who's the father?
watcher6161: Jetta: *blinks - blank look* Who's father?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Of the 'littles'. o_O
watcher6161: Jetta: Ah. Well, whoever got taken as a year-mate, or life-mated male. O.o
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ... year...mate?
watcher6161: Jetta: Well, yes. *head tilt*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ... I'm not sure I even want to know.
watcher6161: Jetta: ... you don't understand? *blinks*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: As I said, I'm not sure I particularly want to. o_O
watcher6161: Jetta: Why not?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Because I'm slightly afraid of the answer.
watcher6161: If he's afraid of how she answers, I'm worried about how he'll react to how she eats.
Jetta: How... odd. O.o It is not as if we consume our year mates when we tire of them.
watcher6161: Jetta: ... if that is what worries thee? *perplexed look*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *barks out a laugh* Surely you jest. Just...forget I asked.
watcher6161: Jetta: *ears flick - she just doesn't get his reactions.* As thou wish...
watcher6161: This is the story of a man named John, a poor ex-marine with his little wanker gone...
Midnightepyon: o_O
watcher6161: Seems one night after getting with his wife, she lopped off his dong with the swipe of a knife...
Jetta: *hrms, then gets up.* I'm going to find a meal. ^^ I shall return later.
watcher6161: And it just gets worse from there, so I won't go. ^^
Midnightepyon: *snickers* No! Go on! XD

Elfalis; Right then. Until later.

watcher6161: Jetta: Not that much latter. I think I'll bring it back with me. *makes a sharp bark-like noise, which could mean 'I'll be right back' and darts off to find a late breakfast.*
Alright. ^^ Oh! Question: I kept getting the impression that Elfalis thought that Jetta was the one who was pregnant. O.o Was I right?
watcher6161: This is the story of a man named John
a poor ex-marine with his little wanker gone
Seems one night after getting with his wifeshe lopped off his dong with the swipe of a knife...

watcher6161: Penis that is.
Clean cut
Missed his nuts

Well the next thing you know there's a ginsu by his side
And Lorena's in the car taking Willie for a ride
But she soon grew tired of her purple-headed friend
And tossed him out the window as she went around the bend

Curve that is
Tossed the nub
In the shrub

Midnightepyon: ^_^ You were. He didn't want to admit that, though. Would make him seem idiot. He likes to avoid that. ^_^
watcher6161: Go me. ^^
Well she went to the police and confessed the attack
And they brought out the hounds just to get his weenie back
And they sniffed and they barked and they pointed 'over there!'
To John Wayne's Henry that was waving in the air

Found that is
By the fence

watcher6161: Well Peter and John couldn't stay appart for long
So a dick-doc said, "Hey I can fix that dong!
Some needle and thread is all we're gonna need"
So the whole world waited till they heard that Johnny pee'd

Whizzed that is
Straight stream
Even seam

watcher6161: Well he healed and he hardened and he took his case to court
With a half-assed lawer cause his assets came up short
They cleared her of assault and aquitted him of rape
And his pecker was the only thing they wouldn't show on tape

Film that is
Case closed

Y'all sleep on your stomachs now ya hear?

Midnightepyon: I heard of that. Happened in the states, didn't it? o.o
watcher6161: And that's it. ^^ And yes, considering it was a marine it supposedly happened to. O.o
Jetta: *comes back with a large bird, which she's nibbling on*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...>_o
watcher6161: Jetta: Hrm? *has at least removed the feathers from the thing. She's using her nails (long, sharp, pointy, yea) to tear meat off the bits she can't get at*
watcher6161: That's an old song/poem type thing though. I've known that for years. O.o
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *averts his eyes* ...Methia de...
Midnightepyon: I know. But I remember the news story waaaaaaaaaaay back in the day. ^^
watcher6161: Did I ever tell you about the guy that got killed by a duck?
watcher6161: Jetta: Rn? Would you like some? *head-tilt*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Not in the least.
Midnightepyon: o.o nu
watcher6161: Man, I thought I'd told everyone that story by now. ^^ Anyway, it was a few years ago after thanksgiving and some guy decides to go jet-skiing. So he's going along, and he hits a low-flying duck. At speeds like that it's like getting hit in the head with a cinder-block. Sadly, the duck did not survive the encounter.
Jetta: *her ears droop slightly, and she goes back to eating a bit more subdued.*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...*sighs, gets up, starts making a fire*
Midnightepyon: oh wait. Yes. You did tell me that one. ^^
watcher6161: Thought so. Fortunately it's not a long story. o.o (And again - we see a culture clash. O.o Offering someone a part of a kill is a friendship thing. ^^)
Jetta: *watches thus curiously*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *has easily done this, and has a nice good fire going, he then stands and walks over to his things, among them, a small rabbit. He proceeds to skin this and impale it on an already prepared pike.*
Midnightepyon: ...I've seen this done I don't know if I'm describing this correctly. I do think he's supposed to rip out some innards while he's at it, but meh. o_O
watcher6161: Jetta: *Watches this, her nose twitching curiously* ... what are you doing?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Well...I can't eat your food. It would make me sick. *glances up at her* Would you care to eat mine? *starts cooking it*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: That and I don't think you've ever eaten cooked food before. *shakes his head*
watcher6161: Jetta: *makes an agreeing noise* Cooked? You mean stuck in a fire?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Sort of. You can't cook it too long, or it gets burnt. And then it doesn't taste good. In my world, eating food raw would kill most mortals, and makes elves very sick. *keeps an eye on the rabbit as he speaks*
watcher6161: Jetta: Hmm. *head-tilt* Even plants? O.o
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: No, plants are fine. Well...some anyways.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Some are poisonous and just...shouldn't be eaten period.
watcher6161: Jetta: *nods* It's the same amoung my people, more or less. Some - eating the roots are fine, others just the leaves. But if you eat other parts, one can become very ill.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *decides the rabbit is cooked enough, and removes it from the fire* I wish I had some spices with me. Alas... *grabs a knife from his boot and carves out a slice of meat, and holds it out to Jetta* Careful. It's hot.
watcher6161: Jetta: *nose is twitching like mad, and she spears it with her nails - retractable like cats claws - so it doesn't burn her and nibbles* This is... peculiar. Good, but very strange.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Strange? *laughs* Well that's new. Help yourself. *takes a leg for himself*
Midnightepyon: Wait. Did he just laugh? o.o
watcher6161: *double-take* ... he did. Middy, I think he's sick.
Jetta: My thanks! *grabs the other leg, and gnaws on it, taking care to suck the marrow out of the bones*

Midnightepyon: *eyes the elf* ... wierd pointy ear.

Elfalis: *raises a brow at her, but just shakes his head with a small smile and eats his own*

watcher6161: If I didn't know better I'd think he liked her.
Jetta: *seems rather pleased with the whole thing, and has no qualms about nabbing bits Elfalis would probably consider unplatable*
Midnightepyon: She would be the closest thing he's ever had to an interest in women. how's that? He lives for the battlefield. Women in his Realm are content as mages. They won't touch a sword.

Elfalis: *finished his share, grabs his sword while she eats and sharpens it some more*

watcher6161: Maybe it's the whole - 'yea, I eat things raw and I can throw a spear pretty damn well' thing?
Jetta: *is actually a pretty meticulous eater - nothing winnds up on the ground, and she hasn't made a mess of herself, though she does seem to find licking things off her hands to be perfectly acceptable behavior* *tilts her head at her own, unfinished kill, and wonders what that would taste like cooked.* ... *eart twitch* ... ... ... *is thinking how Elfalis cooked the rabbit, and wonders if he'd let her use the stick-thing*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *blinks up at her, seems to notice her inquisitive air* ...yes?
watcher6161: I'm guessing Jetta doesn't get much more different than the girls back home. O.o Though may wanna hold off on mentioning she's a shaman trainee of sorts. ^^
Jetta: The... object, you used to... 'cook,' the rabbit? May I use it?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: The pike? *shrugs* Go ahead. Make sure you don't burn it.
watcher6161: Jetta: *nods, grabs it, and after a few minuets figures out how it would be best to spear her bird on it and sticks it over the fire, wondering how she was going to tell when it was done*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *is...amused at this turn of events, slows his sharpening so he can watch*
watcher6161: Jetta: *eventually figures out a method - she turns the pike and punctures the skin with her nails, if it beelds, it's not done.*
watcher6161: Jetta: *of course, this means it has a few holes in it but...*
Midnightepyon: *cackles* XDD
watcher6161: Holy shit it's cute. O.o
Jetta: *finally decides it's done and pulls it off, and nibbles on a wing to figure out if it's any good - it seems to be.*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Well? *tilts his head* Which do you prefer? Cooked or uncooked?
watcher6161: Jetta: I... am unsure. I'd say ... what was that word, 'uncooked?' But only because I'm most familiar with it as such. I cannot call it bad, just... different. Very different.
watcher6161: Jetta: Would you try it...?
watcher6161: I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok...
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Sure.
watcher6161: Jetta: ^^ *gives him the other wing*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *takes a bite* ... *nods* Good. A bit rare, but good.
watcher6161: Jetta: *blinks* Rare?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Slightly under-cooked. Some people prefer it this way.
watcher6161: Jetta: *stares at him for a moment.* ... you mean there are different ways to cook things? O.o
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Well...yes. There's 'rare', 'medium-rare', 'well-done'... but that's only for meat. Eggs are different.
watcher6161: Jetta: *looks at him expectantly*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Sunny-side up, basted, over-easy, over-medium, over-hard, scrambled, poached, boiled, devilled, omelettes, ah... *tilts his head*
watcher6161: Jetta: I... have no idea what any of that means. O.o *nibbles on part of the breast*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: They're ways of cooking the eggs. I prefer boiled. *shrugs*
watcher6161: Jetta: ... Ja. o.o Would you show me these things someday?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: You want me to make you eggs? o_O
watcher6161: Jetta: Well, yes. Is that strange?
watcher6161: *just dies laughing*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ... *looks like he wants to laugh, but doesn't*
Midnightepyon: *snickers* ^^
watcher6161: Jetta: ... it is strange isn't it?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: No! No...o_O No.
watcher6161: Jetta: *blinks at him* Well. ^^ I still want you to show me about the eggs sometime.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Right...well...alright. Just...don't tell anyone I'm making you eggs. o_O
watcher6161: Jetta: O.o Why?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...Ah. I can't...tell you.
watcher6161: Jetta: ... ... why not?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Bec-
Sorin: Hey elf boy. ^_^ How's it hanging? *smiles at Jetta* Hey. ^_^
Elfalis: x_x

watcher6161: Jetta: ... hello? *looks back and fourth from Elfalis and Sorin*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: o_O What? I came to socialize. What's up? *sniffs the air* Something smells good. o.o
watcher6161: Jetta: *is edging away from Sorin, nervy* Rn...
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *jabs his sword at the god* Go away.
Sorin: o_O Watch where you're pointing that thing. And why? *looks at Jetta, then looks at Elfalis* ...what are you doing?
Elfalis:: Nothing!! Now go...annoy Aven or something.

watcher6161: *finds this vastly amusing*
Jetta: *is not quite sure how to react to Sorin, but for some reason his presence seem to agitate her a good deal and she's on 'fight or flight' mode.*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: I would annoy the Aelorian, but he's ah....busy. Mali's ... I don't know. So I came to poke at you. And what's with her? *gestures at Jetta* She acts like I'm going to bite you guys or something. o_O Chill girl. I'm about as harmless as shampoo.

Elfalis: She wouldn't know what Shampoo IS, idiot. *stabs at him again*

Sorin: o_O I'm beginning to think you are not a very happy person.

Elfalis: *if looks could kill*

watcher6161: You know what? I just remembered that Jetta has a vauge aquaintance with Sorin. ... ... a little too late of course, but I remembered.
Jetta: *is protective of the food, and has her ears laid back*
Midnightepyon: I think all your characters have a vague acquaintance with Sorin o.o

Sorin: *smirks, grabs Elfalis sword hand so he can't stab at him again and leans in close* What are you going to do if I don't?

Elfalis: ...I am going to impale you on a pike and let Jetta test her new culinary skills on you. Now go away.

watcher6161: Uh, oops?
Jetta: *bad move Sorin - she dives at his legs and makes an attempt to bite (sharp, pointy teeth remember?), and sink her claws in*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: What the f- OW. *lets go of Elfalis, reaches down and wrenches Jetta from his legs, he sets her on her feet out infront of him* What is your DEAL woman!?

Elfalis: *looks quite baffled by this* o_O

watcher6161: Jetta: *growels at him and goes for the eyes*
Uh, there's an explination for this. Really.
Midnightepyon: Sorin: *holds her back* o_O Yo her off!!

Elfalis: She's not a DOG, Sorin.

Sorin: Well STOP her. Geez. o_O

watcher6161: Jetta: *ties to bite a hand off*
Midnightepyon: Sorin: Are you sure she's not a dog? o_O *said as he evades this, he eyes her teeth*

Elfalis: *scowls at him* I have half a mind to just-

Sorin: Alright alright. I'm sorry. o_O

Elfalis: ...Jetta. Stop. He won't harm us. He'll leave, right?

Sorin: Yeah yeah yeah. Just get her off me. o_O

watcher6161: Jetta: *has her ears back and hisses angrily at him, but backs up a few steps.*
Midnightepyon: Jetta has her own language, correct?
watcher6161: Yes. *nods*
Midnightepyon: Just wanted to make sure. ^^

Sorin: *opens his mouth to speak, the words that come out are in Jetta's native tongue* Thank you. Didn't know you were so protective of him. *smirks, turns, walks off*

Elfalis: ...*has no idea what he said* ...idiot.

watcher6161: Jetta: *blinks - her ears flick up in surprise before resuming their normal position* ... ... ... ... Rrnn. *goes back to her seat, ears flicking occasionally* ... Perhaps.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...what did he say? Why did you attack him? I could have handled him.
watcher6161: Jetta: I... am not sure how to explain my behavior. *tilts her head*
I can!
Midnightepyon: Please do! ^_^

Elfalis: ...

watcher6161: Ok - think of the world Jetta lives in: big, wide open spaces, not a lot of trees, herds of wierd animals. Very natural, primative, predator-and-prey type place. What is one of the best ways to befriend an animal? Feed it. ^^ It's one of the reasons why the food-gift thing would be considered a sign of friendship amoung her folks. (For future reference - a gift of an entire, large animal [or several] would be something of a mate-gift, for want of a better term). Sorin comes strolling into her current territory, compleately unnanounced thus startling the hell out of her like the sudden appearance of any large predator would, he seems to be looking for her food (his comment about the smell) and Elfalis's hostile reaction didn't help either. Then Sorin grabbed Elf-boy. Now factor it all in all-together.
watcher6161: In some ways, Jetta is a lot like a wild animal, cause that's the kind of world she was raised in.
Midnightepyon: *is amused* ^^

Elfalis: ...Well you didn't have to. He's generally harmless. Annoying....but harmless.

A bit like you?

Elfalis: *smirks* I'm hardly harmless.

watcher6161: Jetta: He could have announced himself first. *sulky - doing what Sorin did was considered rude*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *shrugs* The man's not exactly the brightest.
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