watcher6161: *snuggle*
watcher6161: Merf!
watcher6161: ... Midds?
Midnightepyon: nya. ^_^ Heya!
watcher6161: *luffs* There is a pickel in the barn and the elvs are picking cotton candy.
Midnightepyon: Then I'm staying away from the barn. o_o
watcher6161: You don't like pickels? o.o
Midnightepyon: I HATE pickles. o_o
watcher6161: *gasps!* Sacrilige! ... I can't spell.
Midnightepyon: Sacrilage. o.o
Midnightepyon: ...I think
Midnightepyon: But yes. Pickles are evil
watcher6161: *cuddles the pickles* o.o ... ... ... there is a guy called Rubon Huud and he wants to kick my ass. O.o
Midnightepyon: o_o what the hell for?
watcher6161: I don't know. O.o For the same reason the fairies, and the sprits, and those chumped-up runaways wanna beat me with a stick?
Midnightepyon: o_o
watcher6161: *jumps in Sorin's pants* Have you seen la Chev around lately? O.o
Midnightepyon: Yes. o.o
watcher6161: ... I haven't. o.o Wanted to make sure. ^^ *worries and frets for no good reason.* Sup?
Midnightepyon: ah, not much. Amused myself today when I showed Matt a picture of Gackt ^^
watcher6161: Oh?
Midnightepyon: Me: Oh! I wanted to show you something. *runs off, comes back with piccy* Behold!!! ^_^
Matt: *quirks a brow and smirks* So ah...who's that?
Me: ^_^ the prettiest man in existence.
Matt: O_O That's a MAN!?!?
Me: ^_^ Yup.
Matt: ...woah. Oh man...that's...not....good. So not good. *rubs at his temples, shakes his head many a time*
Me: ^_^ So. Share your initial thoughts with us.
Matt: o.O I' .....THAT'S A MAN!?!
Me: ^_^ *is amused*

watcher6161: *just cackles* He IS pretty. I don't think he can sing at all, but pretty he is.
Midnightepyon: I love his voice. XD
Midnightepyon: So...deep and...prettiful.
watcher6161: I never said you didn't have to. *pats* Just don't inflict it on me.
Midnightepyon: Never said you said I didn't have to. o.o
watcher6161: Yea, but remember that one time I said his voice reminded me of a cow singing kareoke?
Midnightepyon: yeahhhhhhh, I really don't agree with you. ^^
watcher6161: *pats* Right. So lets leave it at that. ^^
watcher6161: Oh! *bouncy* Switchfoot! *luffs them* You should listen to them. I think I sent you 'On Fire' once. O.o
Midnightepyon: I don't...remember. o.o hold on, lemme check.
Midnightepyon: oh! Yep. Got it. ^_^
watcher6161: Switchfoot is awsome. *luffs it* You should listen to them and worship appropriately.
watcher6161: You wouldn't believe how I stumbled on them though. o.o
Midnightepyon: how? o_o
watcher6161: I don't know what I was looking for at the time... but I'd come accross all these movie soundtracks. One of their songs (Only Hope) was on the soundtrack for the UBER!sappy movie A Walk to Remember. o.o It was good. So I decided to look at some other songs by them. ALL good. O.o *flutters*
watcher6161: Switchfoot does a lot of Sappy!songs, but ther're good sappy songs. O.o
watcher6161: That is a rare, rare thing.
Midnightepyon: *loves sappy songs*
watcher6161: They do sap. Lots of it. *wibbles at them* And they have one-non-sap song that I like a lot, which is an Alexia!song. "Gone." More upbeat than it sounds.
watcher6161: SO you, go fourth, and worship. *nods*
Midnightepyon: forth. And I only worship three bands in existence. But we'll see. ^_^
watcher6161: Alright. ^^ I worhsip many bads, but in different degrees. O.o
Midnightepyon: I worship Kamelot, Disturbed, and Evanscence. That's for Rock and Metal. Then there's the BSB, and they get their own little corner of worship.
watcher6161: ^^ I have Evanescence, 3DD, and Lifehouse. O.o
watcher6161: Savage Garden, Vertical Horizon and Switchfoot have thier spots as minor gods. ^^
Midnightepyon: Mmm, love Savage Garden and Vertical Horizon. They're lesser gods, yes. ^_^
Midnightepyon: STAIND!! OMG, I forgot Staind. o.o
watcher6161: ... I can't remember what they sound like. O.o (And I can send you music! I can! I have the songs right here damnit!)
Midnightepyon: o.o songs? *paw*
watcher6161: ... I have a list. O.o Want me to send at random?
Midnightepyon: sure o.o
watcher6161 wants to send file D:\Switchfoot - Gone.mp3.
watcher6161: That would be "Gone," it came up first. O.o
Midnightepyon: I see that. ^^
Midnightepyon: Have you listened to X-Japan?
watcher6161: For a fan of FF and anime, I listen to very little Japanese music.
Midnightepyon: Can I send you one song? ^^
Midnightepyon: It'll be in English. o.o
watcher6161: Sure. *blinks* ... ... can this thing send and recieve at the same time? O.o
Midnightepyon: I don't think so. ^^
watcher6161: Oh. *blink*
Midnightepyon: This one's almost done anyways
watcher6161: Half-way there.
watcher6161: Oh! If you've ever heard, "Meant to Live," that's by Switchfoot too. O.o
Midnightepyon: don't know if I have or not. o.o
watcher6161: "We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselvs?"
Sound familiar?
Midnightepyon: o.O
watcher6161: ... I'm sending that to you next.
Midnightepyon: kk. ^^
watcher6161: *twtiches* I can't believe you've never heard it.
Midnightepyon received D:\Switchfoot - Gone.mp3.

watcher6161 wants to send file D:\Switchfoot - Meant To Live.mp3.
Midnightepyon wants to send file X-Japan - Crucify my Love.mp3.
watcher6161: *blink*
Midnightepyon: o.o *wibble*
watcher6161: Alright alright...
Midnightepyon: XDDD
watcher6161: Now listen to the �"$&% song!
Midnightepyon: o_o ok ok
watcher6161: ... I did a Cid. ^^ Sit down and drink your $%"%$& tea!
watcher6161: Crucify my Life? I think I've heard of this...
watcher6161: *Love.
Midnightepyon: Love
watcher6161: I noticed.
Midnightepyon: o.o have you?
watcher6161: Heard OF it.
Midnightepyon: Ah. ^_^
Midnightepyon: Ish pretty angsty love song
watcher6161 received F:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Reggie\Eigene Dateien\download\watcher6161\X-Japan - Crucify my Love.mp3.
Midnightepyon: Gone is...funky o.o
watcher6161: I guessed. *blinks.* ... now I have to figure out where it went. And yes, it is. Ish Alexia!song.^^ Pay attention to the lyrics. Seriously.
watcher6161: Listen to it twice, let me know when you have, and pay attention to the lyircs.
watcher6161: Prettyful. Something's odd... but it's pretty.
Midnightepyon: This Alexia song...holy shit o_o
watcher6161: I told you so.
Midnightepyon: ...that's almost creepy. o_O
watcher6161: I know. o.o
Midnightepyon: do you have Kamelot - Lunar Sanctum? *paw?*
watcher6161: Yes, I do. ^^ I have yet to figure out how to SEND the damn thing though. When I do, you have to promise to send it to me when I get home - I don't have it on the computer there.
Midnightepyon: Well of course. o_o
watcher6161 wants to send file D:\Switchfoot - Meant To Live.mp3.
watcher6161: Alrighty. *rumages* It has to be on here somewhere.
Midnightepyon: Do you have 'Across the Highlands'? Man I love that song. *adores, luffles*
watcher6161: Yea, but that's back home. O.o
Midnightepyon received D:\Switchfoot - Meant To Live.mp3.

Midnightepyon: ...sounds familiar o_O
Midnightepyon: OH THIS
Midnightepyon: ...yeah, I know this song. ^^ They play it at work all the time
watcher6161: Yep, this is Switchfoot.
watcher6161: Hah! There is a way!
watcher6161 wants to send file F:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Reggie\Desktop\kamelot - lunar sanctum.mp3.
Midnightepyon: KYA!! XDDD *GLOMPS*
watcher6161: *preens* I am uber.
watcher6161: Muwahaha. I rule. *is adored, ego grows to rediculous amounts*
Midnightepyon: Nya. ^_^
watcher6161: Lunar Scantum is uber! ^^
Midnightepyon: sanctum? ^^
watcher6161: ... x_x Sorry, brain-fart.
Midnightepyon: ^_^ 'tis fine
watcher6161: *preen, also found Alexandria and Black Tower.* You wouldn't believe how easy it was to find Wander over here. O.o It took me weeks back home to find a working download.
Midnightepyon: Alexandria! XD Kya. And yeah. Anything from the Epica album is easy to find. It's the older albums that are a bitch. o_O
watcher6161: I found a lot of the older abums, actually. Just hadn't known it at the time. O.o But I didn't bring them with meeee. x_x
Midnightepyon: Black Tower I don't much like. I don't like any of the songs where the original singer...sings. x_x
Midnightepyon: his voice is entirely too whiney
watcher6161: I found the older ones kinda... bleh. O.o *nods.*
Midnightepyon: Before The Almighty One Known As Khan...there was Mark Vanderbilt. And his voice is one to run from. x_x
watcher6161: That explains it. O.o
watcher6161: *wants to send Only Hope - uber!sappy songs to end all uber!sappy songs.
Midnightepyon received F:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Reggie\Desktop\kamelot - lunar sanctum.mp3.

watcher6161 wants to send file D:\Switchfoot - On Fire.mp3.
watcher6161: Eeek. O.o Wrong one anyway.
watcher6161: *plops down*
Midnightepyon: Ah...oops. ^^
watcher6161: That's ok. It was the wrong one anyway. O.o
Midnightepyon: ah. good. ^_^
watcher6161 wants to send file D:\Switchfoot - Only Hope.mp3.
watcher6161: ... the circus elephant has lost its way.
Midnightepyon: o.O
Midnightepyon: Lunar know...I've never heard this before. o_o
watcher6161: *blinks* Really? I thought you'd heard all things Kamelot.
Midnightepyon: Holy shit. This o_O
watcher6161: I know. ^^
Midnightepyon: Not all. The Fourth Legacy Album tends to avoid me like the plague. And that's where like...lots of good songs are. X_x
watcher6161: *blinks* I think I have a good deal from that one back home. O.o
Midnightepyon received D:\Switchfoot - Only Hope.mp3.

Midnightepyon: I have ... 6 songs now.
Midnightepyon: Seige Perilous is hard to find, too
watcher6161: ... I have that. o.o
Midnightepyon: I have...four from that one. o_O
watcher6161: *head-scratch*
Midnightepyon: Providence, Millenium, King's Eyes, and Expedition.
Midnightepyon: The rest are like...missing. Under a rug somewhere.
watcher6161: I don't remember all the ones I have. O.o I'D have to go home to get them. *pokes* Listen.
Midnightepyon: Cello! *squeaky*
watcher6161: ... Cello? O.
watcher6161: O.o
Midnightepyon: Cello. there's cello in the background. ^_^
Midnightepyon: And Violin..and and...XD
Midnightepyon: omg...*Sways*
watcher6161: Oh. *blinks* I couldn't identify most instruments if I got hit over the head with them. *grins* Pretty different from the other two I sent huh?
Midnightepyon: A bit. ^^
Midnightepyon: Nyar. I was band geek. ^_^
watcher6161: Like I said, uber!sapy. I was a drama geek myself. *nods*
Midnightepyon: Do you have a Sailorman's Hymn?
watcher6161: Well, whatcha think? ^^ And yes, I do.
Midnightepyon: I quite like them. ^_^ And good. Nya ha. XD
watcher6161: And there's more... ^^ *cackles* I think you have Sailormans's Hymm though don'T you?
Midnightepyon: Yes. ^_^ I'm looking for something to send you.
watcher6161: Don't wory about sending me anything now - I won't be able to take it home. o.o
Midnightepyon: o.o but to listen. Do you have any Elfalis songs? o.o
watcher6161: Yea, I remember you sending me Flowers of the Sea, and one other that I don't remember.
Midnightepyon: That's a Malithil song. ^^
watcher6161: Oh, no. O.o Damn, I'm braindead this morning.
Midnightepyon: Aw. *huggles*
watcher6161: *wibbles* It's not usually this bad. I didn't know Elfalis HAD any songs. o.o
Midnightepyon: He has three. ^^
Midnightepyon: Not many...^^
watcher6161: As opposed to the ones that attract songs like lint?
Midnightepyon: Yeah. The SBs. Damn them. ^_^
watcher6161: Yea. *sweatdrops* And get this - SB's get THEME songs for different occasions. x_x
Midnightepyon: Yes, they do. Annoying little buggers. o_o
Midnightepyon: So...want an Elfalis song? ^^
watcher6161: Sure. Of course, you'll have to send it to me again later but...
Midnightepyon: But we have la uber fast connections.
watcher6161: True. ^^
Midnightepyon wants to send file Era - Era - 03 Cathar Rhythm.mp3.

watcher6161: *glomps Elfalis*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *Scowls* How many times must I threaten you before you get the picture?
watcher6161: Um, is there a number that high?
watcher6161: Oh! Have you heard "Sunday Morning After?"
Midnightepyon: By?
watcher6161: Amanda Marhsall?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ... The next time you touch me, you will find yourself aflame, kid.
Midnightepyon: o.o I don' her music
watcher6161: Ok. Won't bother you with it then. *snuggles Elfalis* Flaming! ^^ Nobody's set me on fire in ages.
watcher6161 received F:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Reggie\Desktop\Era - Era - 03 Cathar Rhythm.mp3.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *narrows his eyes, mutters something, and Skys bursts into flame*
watcher6161: Wheeee! *prances around - a living torch* Burnination!
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ... Middy. I demand you start using a hundred question survey in your selection of friends.


watcher6161: Jetta: *stares at her creator, mortified and more than a little terrified.* o.o ... ... .... *runs like hell*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: ...Ah... Right then. I'll be out hunting or something. Don't burn the place down. *shoulders his pack and a variety of weapons, and heads off*
Midnightepyon: did listen? *paw*
watcher6161: *blinks - forgot she was downloading something* Oh! *rumages* ... *burns*
Jetta: *up on a large, flat rock, watching the grass.*
watcher6161: *listens* ... *blinks*
Midnightepyon: *headtilt* o.O
watcher6161: ... wierd. O.o Cool, but really funky.
Midnightepyon: The other two songs are Enya songs. ^^
Midnightepyon: Adiemus and ... Pax Deorum o.o
watcher6161: Jetta: *croons to herself as she work with some animal hide*
I have Adiemus. ^^ Reminds me of Urania. O.o The other I haven't heard.
Midnightepyon: It's low latin/gaelic? chanting. Reminds me of when he was all...mage-y
watcher6161: ... I just remembered I don't have a clear idea of what Elf-boy looks like. O.o I got the weapons and the pointy ears.
Midnightepyon: His ears are sharply pointed, btw. Mali's are low and slope downwards. Elfalis' are up and...very...very pointy. o_o He also has flaming red hair, cropped short (subject to change). The bangs cover his right eye. Lost it when he was posessed by fire demon. A fellow Malan shot him to stop him from burning down the entire Realm. o.o Red eyes, too.
watcher6161: Ah. ^^ Coolies. *goes to stalk*
Midnightepyon: oh, and he looks...permanently aggravated. ^^
watcher6161: *just cackles* I could have guess that.
Midnightepyon: ^_^ Gee. Was it that obvious?
watcher6161: Well, he kept trying to hit me in the head, and he's always threatening me...
Midnightepyon: ...really? I hadn't noticed. ^_^
watcher6161: It's true!
Midnightepyon: Well damn. ^_^
watcher6161: Oh! *rumages*
Midnightepyon: o.o ne?
watcher6161 wants to send file F:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Reggie\Desktop\12 - One by One.mp3.
watcher6161: Jetta!music. What I listen to when I need inspiration on her culture. O.o
Midnightepyon: o.o
watcher6161: I'm still buidling. ^^ I've decided they eat their dead. *nods.*
Midnightepyon: ...ew. x_x
watcher6161: Well, they don't burry them, and they don't leave the bodies for the scavengers. What's the best way to take someone with you than eat them? They sort of, return to the tribe thing.
Midnightepyon received F:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Reggie\Desktop\12 - One by One.mp3.

watcher6161: That and I was figuring they were starting to sound far too idealistic, so I needed to give them some disturbing culture traits.
Midnightepyon: worked. o.o
watcher6161: And you really don't wanna know what they do with the bits they can't eat.
Midnightepyon: I don't. x_x
watcher6161: *just cackles* Wonder what Elf-boy will think of THAT. *snerks* Anyway, listen?
Midnightepyon: *listens* ...*grin* Jetta. yep. ^^
watcher6161: Mm-hmm. ^^ Anyway, her people aren't exactly the top of the food chain, I've decided. *nods* There are things on the plains that are much bigger and meaner, and capeable of eating them. ^^
Midnightepyon: Makes sense. ^_^
watcher6161: Thus - she's a little high-strung on occasions. *nods* I am developing a plot! And timeline! And Deta is involved! And some of my abandoned characters!
Midnightepyon: DETA!! XDDD
Midnightepyon: *squeakifies*
watcher6161: *kicks him out* Have fun. He has a hair-style now. It does this... clippy thing. I'm not sure how to describe it. It gets gathered at the base of his neck, gets folded up and then flops back down again, kinda like a pony-tail.
Midnightepyon: Hey, I do that to my hair. ^_^
watcher6161: And he's not really going to be a god anymore. He's an 'Avatar.' Ohhh. And he did the marius thing with his 'bangs.' (Ie: they're not tied back.)
Midnightepyon: *squeaky*
Midnightepyon: What's an Avatar?
watcher6161: A gods representative, of sorts. Something like a priest, but not really associated with a church. (Though churches have been known to spring up around them. Damn)
Midnightepyon: o.o sweet
watcher6161: They have a few nifty powers, but are otherwise mortal. (Ie: grow old and DIE.) They also, as a rule, have this bad habbit of being amnesiacs. Something about coming into contact with the higher powers does wierd things to their heads. They're a little loony.
Midnightepyon: *cackles* ...wait. he DIES?! o_o *wibbles*
watcher6161: Of natural causes?
Midnightepyon: still. *wrinkles her nose*
watcher6161: He gets old. Not all that gracefully though. Maybe. I'm still building on plot.
Midnightepyon: ^_^ Hee.
watcher6161: It's all subject to change. ^^
watcher6161: *snuggles an elf*
watcher6161: Midds?
Midnightepyon: sorry. I just found the entire Fourth Legacy Album off someone from WinMX o.o
watcher6161: Ah. Perfectly understandable then. ^^ ... it's it getting late for you? O.o
Midnightepyon: it's only 4 am. I have two days off! *sparkles* XD
Midnightepyon: *has found 'Glory'* Mwah. ^_^
watcher6161: Of man. Powers that be protect us all. ^^ *snuggles.*
Jetta: *goes to look for Elf-boy, to see if he wants to go to The Tree (tm) with her.*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *instead of hunting, is...taking a nap in the forest*
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