watcher6161: *slinks over*
Midnightepyon: heya. ^_^
watcher6161: Morning. ^^
Midnightepyon: evening. ^^
watcher6161: You were right.
Midnightepyon: o.O I was? ... What about?
watcher6161: Everything.
Midnightepyon: ...Well now I'm confused. I don't recall...stating anything that was debatable. o_O
watcher6161: *huggles* You were right, always have been, and I'll be going into re-hab when I get home.
Midnightepyon: re-hab about what?!
watcher6161: *blinks at* You know! You sugjested it. O.o
Midnightepyon: ...I did no such thing. o_O
watcher6161: ... ok, I'll stop now. *pats* I was pulling your leg Midds. o.o
Midnightepyon: o_o right then.
watcher6161: Sorry - I just woke up and I'm kinda... 'wooo.'
Midnightepyon: o.o maybe need more sleep? Or a good wake-me-up? ...Go dip your head in water!
watcher6161: I think I'm just hungry. O.o *eats trail-mix*
Midnightepyon: ...ew
watcher6161: ... hwat?
watcher6161: what?
Midnightepyon: trail mix = ew
watcher6161: It's just a huge bag of mixed nuts. O.o
Alexia: *snerk*
*stuffs in a box.*
Midnightepyon: trail mix has crackers and pretzels and whatnots in there too o.o
watcher6161: I didn't run into crackers and pretzels. There were a few things I didn't reginize, but those I didn't eat.
Midnightepyon: I just...avoid it all together. o.o
watcher6161: Mm, crunchy.
Midnightepyon: ew x_x
watcher6161: ... it's sunflower seeds mids.
Midnightepyon: I buy my sunflower seeds in a SEPERATE bag where they remain UNTAINTED. o.o
watcher6161: Well, there's penuts too. And cashews. O.o
Midnightepyon: x_X untainted. I like my nuts untainted!! ....that so sounded wrong. x_x
watcher6161: *just cackles* We're talking about nuts Middy, what were you expecting?
Midnightepyon: I expected my brain to remain on the subject at hand and not wander off for a stroll in the gutter! But it never listens, I tell ye! It needs a leash!
watcher6161: You know what it'd do with that leash Middy. x_x
Midnightepyon: x_x agh
watcher6161: *pats* You tried.
watcher6161: Oh, and that comic you mentioned was neat.
Midnightepyon: which? Reman Mythology?
watcher6161: Yep. Neato. Luff.
Midnightepyon: I adore it. XDD I love Paeter. Hee.
watcher6161: I don't have all their names down yet. O.o
Midnightepyon: Paeter...the talkative one who teaches her how to fly?
watcher6161: Ah, yes. ^^ He's great. Fire-boy.
watcher6161: Gotta love yer pyro's. *watching X-Men 2*
Midnightepyon: indeedy. ^_^ *pets Elfalis*

Elfalis: *scowls*

watcher6161: *snuggles Elfalis* So Pyro-elf-boy, what'cah think of ol Jet'?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *raises one eyebrow* What?
watcher6161: *enunciates slowly.* Je-tta. You seem to like her awful lot.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: Perhaps because she's one of the few around here who don't make a habit of annoying the fiery hell out of me? *pointed look*
watcher6161: *whines and gets off - doesn't want to get speared again*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *dusts off his clothes*
watcher6161: *blinks at him.* ... how old are you?
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *blinks* Over 3000. Why?
watcher6161: *just... snickers* Jetta is going to think you're bloody ancient.
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: I care not. Let her think what she thinks.
watcher6161: *cackles* It's practically cradle-robbing!
watcher6161: *coughs* Well, I'm getting ahead of myself anyway. *sketcdhes*
watcher6161: *sketches*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: It's what? And what is this 'it'!? *jabs a dagger towards her threateningly*
watcher6161: Nothing. *doodles - trying to figure out what the hell Jetta's folks would wear as pants. Or skirts. Cause she's not falling into the loincloth cliche'*
Midnightepyon: Elfalis: *narrows his eyes* ... *snorts and walks off to annoy Malithil*
Midnightepyon: o.o I was trying to find out where I wrote down his specific bloody age, and couldn't find it. But I did find some ficcesh-es with Mali and Elfalis. o.o wow these are old.
watcher6161: *blinks* Well, it's just that she's about 57. O.o And her folks only live to about 450. The oldest recorded was 1000. O.o
watcher6161: ... how old are you talking about? O.o
Midnightepyon: 3000. He was 3700 and ... 64. o_O *is suddenly remembering this? Wtf* 3764.
watcher6161: That's awful. ^^
Midnightepyon: How so? o.o He looks like...30
watcher6161: *pokes at him* I guess that's his folks equivelent of 30 then. O.o He's old.
Midnightepyon: Well, yes. He was the most powerful Firecaller in his Realm, after all. That take centuries to train for. o.o The oldest elves are closer to 10,000 though.
watcher6161: Duuuuuuuuude. o.o ... ... can I watch him set something on fire? Please?
Midnightepyon: He's not that powerful anymore. ^^ Like Aven, he's had most of his powers repressed in case it happened again.
watcher6161: That sucks. O.o
Midnightepyon: Yeah. ^^
watcher6161: Jetta's a minor talent. o.o She about... what, 26th in line for Shaman? O.o In a tribe of about 300?
Midnightepyon: Mali, however, is only 60. Such a young'un ^^
watcher6161: *squee'S, glomps him*
Midnightepyon: And Aven is 746.
watcher6161: But he has years ahead of him. O.o *luffs Mali*
Midnightepyon: And Mali has been reincarnated a good hundred or so times throughout the generations, so he's really....really old. ^^
Midnightepyon: And.../end elf age rant
watcher6161: Jetta's folks are like... uh, seriously young to them I guess? O.o Jetta's almost an adult at 57. o.o
Midnightepyon: what is coming of age for them?
watcher6161: About 60, 62. Once they take down a 'big hunter' they're considered an adult, and that's usually the age when one will attempt that.
Midnightepyon: that's creepy. 60 is coming of age for my elves, too o_o
watcher6161: *is just... so amused.* I can imagine. Is that it though? Like boom - 60 you're an adult now?
Midnightepyon: Pretty much. That's usually when an elf chooses their occupation, as well. Some start early for apprenticeship. Guardians, for example, have 150 years of training, 50 years in each realm, before they can join the ranks.
Midnightepyon: *realizes that might have to change, as has 2 new realms to introduce* o.o oops
watcher6161: *pats* Always room for modification.
watcher6161: ... Arg. ^^
Midnightepyon: ne?
watcher6161: My Dad is babbling at me. x_x *can't... concentrate*
Midnightepyon: o.o
watcher6161: Help... meee....
Midnightepyon: o.o *attempts to pull Skys through the computer*
watcher6161: *wails*
Midnightepyon:'s not working, is it? o.o
watcher6161: ... I think he's shutting up now. O.o
watcher6161: Yes!
watcher6161: He'll go on and on and on about history. o.o I don't mind it most of the time, but does he have to do that when I'm talking to people? x_x
Midnightepyon: Apparently. o.o My dad does that too. But he's just silly. ^^
watcher6161: Yea, mine's silly too. But he'll talk history, when I'm on the computer. x_x
Midnightepyon: dad just creeps around the corner and turns all the lights off while making 'mwahaha' laughs in the darkness.
watcher6161: ... I'm actually pretty good at that. Only I sound like a man when I laugh like that. x_x
Midnightepyon: I can do ze ULTIMATE evil laugh! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ...damnit, you can't hear that. o.o
watcher6161: I know.
watcher6161: I also have a high-pitched, not-quite-right-in-the-head laugh, but it hurts my throat. O.o
Midnightepyon: ...x_X I can't do that.
Midnightepyon: I don't think I can even fathom a laugh that high. o.o
watcher6161: It's painful to listen to as well.
Midnightepyon: I can imagine. o.o
watcher6161: Obviously I don't do it often. I like my Muwahahah one, but it's loud and requires a lot of air so I can't do it very long. x_x
watcher6161: Le sigh.
Midnightepyon: Nyar? *offers elves?*
watcher6161: *snuggles Aven - hasn't bugged him in a long time*
watcher6161: Muwaha!
watcher6161: ... there has to be something intelligent I can say. O.o
Midnightepyon: Aven: *blinks, smiles* Ah...^^;;; hello?
watcher6161: Hi Aven! ^^ Sup?
watcher6161: *braids his hair and sits on his head*
Midnightepyon: Aven: ... Now this... has not been done in many a month. *peers bemusedly up at her*
watcher6161: Well, that's cause I've been bugging the other folks. *pats him
watcher6161: Oh, for Deomer. *gives him a bottle of hand-lotion.*
Midnightepyon: Aven: So I've noticed. *chuckles, then takes the lotion with a shake of his head* His hands really aren't that bad, you know. There is nothing wrong with them.
watcher6161: He could take better care of them though. And for the both of you *gives a bottle of lube* so you guys don't wind up using the hand-lotion instead.
Midnightepyon: Aven: *eyes the lube* Ah... in...deed. *looks flushed, pushes the two bottles into his bag*
watcher6161: *twitters* So how's Deomer doing lately?
Midnightepyon: Aven: He is well. We took a small journey north to visit the Saevien's. Two took us flying. I don't think I've seen him look that excited before. *smiles fondly*
watcher6161: Uh, what are Saevins?
watcher6161: Saeviens that is.
Midnightepyon: Aven: Flying elves, basically.
watcher6161: Ohh. ^^ Neat.
Midnightepyon: Aven: Have you met Cahil? He is one.
watcher6161: I don't think so. o.o
Midnightepyon: Aven: Ah...well, should you ever meet him. He is a Saevien. Though you wouldn't be able to tell. *frowns*
watcher6161: *blinks* How do you tell?
Midnightepyon: Aven: If they have wings or not, obvioulsy. Cahil's... were removed.
watcher6161: Ouch. x_x
watcher6161: *wibbles - wants to glomp*
Midnightepyon: Aven: He was attacked on the way to Aelori. Werewolves. His wings were torn off, and his sight taken from him. You could meet him, if you like.
watcher6161: I do. o.o
Midnightepyon: Aven: Middy? *peers around* Cahil, if he's not-

*Squeaky* XD CAHIL!! *dances, runs off to fetch*

Aven: ...Ah. Right. o.O

watcher6161: *is making a fucking huge cushion bed with a tray of sweets and has Deta (who is all 'o.o?') in a corner making music* *squeaky!*
watcher6161: *oh, and fruit. Must not forget the fruit. And nice smelling candles.*
Midnightepyon: Aven: *tilts his head* Whatever are you doing?
watcher6161: Urania: ~... she has a soft-spot for the 'tragically maimed.'~
*is all squeaky*
watcher6161: *is going to spoil the poor sod if she can get away with it*
Midnightepyon: Cahil: *enters the room on the arm of another elf. Long blonde hair reaches the floor, but his eyes cannot be seen under the bandages. Light scars, obviously from claws, peek out from underneath them* ...Eflis?
Eflis: *Solien elf, has evenly cropped dark blue hair past his shoulders and bright hazel eyes* Forward, My Lord.
Aven: *hops down from his tree* Don't attack him, Skys. Introduce yourself first.
Cahil: *lifts his head* Aven? Who is with you?

watcher6161: I'm SkySong. *flutters about. and sits on his shoulder*
Midnightepyon: Aven: *starts forward* Skys...!
Cahil: *raises a hand* Quite alright, Aven. Eflis, a chair please. Skysong, was it? A pleasure, child. Would you care to sit upon a chair instead?

watcher6161: Aww. I had all these nice cushions set up too.
Midnightepyon: Cahil: Hmm? *turns his head blindly to once side*
Elflis: It's true, My Lord. Shall you?
Cahil: Yes. Yes please.
Eflis: *slowly turns Cahil and guides him towards the cushions so he can sit upon them*

watcher6161: Oh! And I brought out snacks too. ^^ *flutters about happily.* Deta, play something nice would you?
Detalis: *has a 'why me?' expression, but does so*
Midnightepyon: Cahil: *frowns slightly as he focuses his hearing on the new sounds, then settles down a bit* Your hospitality is most gracious.
Aven: I apologize if we interrupted anything, My Lord. But she was most anxious to meet you.
Cahil: *turns his head slightly towards Skys and her fluttering* Really?

watcher6161: Mm-hmm! Oh! I brought out fruit and sweets. *nudges the plate towards him* Unless you want something else?
Midnightepyon: Cahil: *smiles graciously* Fruit is lovely, thank you.
Eflis: *waits a moment, as if pondering, then chooses a few pieces of fruit off the plate and hands it to Cahil*

watcher6161: *Twitters about happily*
Urania: ~She will spoil you silly if you allow her to.~
*sheepish* Well, yea. O.o
Midnightepyon: Cahil: Shall I refuse then, when she has placed so much effort into such a simple meeting? It is not necessary, no. But it is not unwelcome either.
watcher6161: Urania: ~It was simply a notification.~
Suqee! ^^ *perches on his shoulder again* Anything else you'd like?
Midnightepyon: agh. x-x That's it. Bed for me.
watcher6161: Aw, ok. *huggles* Ja!
Midnightepyon: night!
Midnightepyon signed off at 11:29:56 AM.
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