watcher6161: I live! Kinda. Sorta.
Midnightepyon: o.o
watcher6161: Arg. ... where the hell are those little thingies I use for smilies on this keyboard? Hi Midds.
watcher6161: ... Sup?
Midnightepyon: ^^ <-- copy and pastE?
Midnightepyon: ....e*
watcher6161: Hah. ^^ Thanks. Sup? ... ... ohh, text change.
Midnightepyon: not much. look chipmunky and whatnot. BUT!! ...I've stopped throwing up!! *proud*
watcher6161: You... what? O.o Been sick?
Midnightepyon: Wisdom teeth got yanked. o_o
watcher6161: Ah. Yes. That made you throw up? o.o
Midnightepyon: uhm...nuu...Taking 2 Tylenol 3's on an empty stomach did. o.o
watcher6161: More like heave you did. Ca't throw up when there's nothing TO throw up.
Midnightepyon: I threw up blood? ...and that chicken I dared to eat. o.o But too late it was. x_x
Midnightepyon: oh and bile. Can't forget bile
watcher6161: O.o Ew. Glad you're feeling better. ^^ Copy and paste. Gotta love it. *still looking*
Midnightepyon: Mada mada dane. ^_^
watcher6161: O.o ... English translation?
Midnightepyon: Not too sure, really. o.O
Midnightepyon: There are many translations given. But it's just fun to say. ^^
Midnightepyon: Like....Nanjaro Hoi hoi!
watcher6161: No clue what that's supposed to mean either. Is it like "wai" or "caw caw, tookie tookei?"
Midnightepyon: Nanjaro hoi hoi is a nonsense saying, yes. ^^
watcher6161: Ok. *still looking, yes* *scribbles Nanjaro hoi hoi on a piece of paper*
Midnightepyon: Ne. ^_^
watcher6161: *sits upon* So yes. I returneth triumphant from the land of Hungaria!
watcher6161: Sounds kinda like the name of a country one would find in a movie about teenage girls actually being the princesses of foriegn coutnries yes?
Midnightepyon: Sounds like Hungary ^^
watcher6161: Oh bite me.
Midnightepyon: o.o *bites?*
watcher6161: *beams* I have been bitten! ... I found it! ^^
Midnightepyon: ...*leeches intelligence* XD
watcher6161: *has none to speak of. Is intelligence void, and steals some from Middy, which is never to be seen again* ^^
Midnightepyon: o_o *cries*
watcher6161: That'll teach you to try and leach off a black hole.
Midnightepyon: *flails* Mine! Give it back! Onegai? Onegaiiii~~~~ ;_;
watcher6161: Hold on. Lemme try and find it. *rumages* ... here it is. I think. This cow might have eaten it *gives a cow*
Cow: Moo.

Midnightepyon: o_O ... *tips the cow over*
watcher6161: Cow: *falls over* Moo. o.o
Uh, yea. You may have to wait for it to come back out Midds.

Midnightepyon: ...-_- ... o.o *sits upon Skys head* .... I claim this land as my own!! *preen*
watcher6161: o.o But I'M the one who's supposed to sit on people's heads!
Midnightepyon: ...nuu! Mine! *latch*
watcher6161: No! Me! *sits upon Middy's head*
Midnightepyon: o.o how is that possible!? ...*sits upon Skys head* o.o ... *nails self to Skys head*
watcher6161: *duct-tapes herself to Middy's head* Hah!
Midnightepyon: gah! foiled!! ... x_X
watcher6161: Behold, the power of duct tape. ^^
watcher6161: Charas: o.o ... ... ...
Midnightepyon: ...damn you!! ... wait!! *lubricates Skys* Ha!! Now you can't stick!!
watcher6161: *is already stuck! Hah!*
Midnightepyon: If should slide off!! ...>.> *eyes Chev, who almost had her type off as 'out'*
watcher6161: `*cackle!* Not unless it gets UNDER the duct-tape! Which it shall not.
watcher6161: Oh, hi Chev.
Midnightepyon: Chev: Ohayo gozimasu~
Midnightepyon: ....>.> *removes Skys+duct tape...sticks both on the cow* ...HA!
watcher6161: o.o *clings to Middy with her feet*
watcher6161: Alexia: *Wants to tip the cow but can't* x_x
watcher6161: I win.
Midnightepyon: you do no such thing! *kicks* ... *kicks* ...>.> .... *floats away*
watcher6161: Nuu! *straps on jet pack and chases ... with the cow*
Cow: Moo. o.o

Midnightepyon: o.o *hides under mountain*
watcher6161: *chases everywhere!*
Midnightepyon: ...o.o *disappears!!*
watcher6161: o.o *cries* She does't love me anymore!
Cow: Moo. *wibbles*

Midnightepyon: *squeaks!!* ...*tackles from behind*
watcher6161: *flails* Wai! ^^ *luffs, adores*
watcher6161: *clings to* ... I win.
Midnightepyon: Fine fine fine. You win. x_x
watcher6161: Yay! ^^ *huggles* ... now what? O.o
Midnightepyon: Chev: ...Now you dance for my amusement.

watcher6161: I knew you'd say that!
Alexia: Ressurect meee~!
Oh shut up... what happened to the duct-tape I shut you up with? O.o
Alexia: ^^
... nevermind. *blinks* I know! Pineapple!
Midnightepyon: Chev: Bah on you. *shakes a fist* You can wait!
watcher6161: Alexia: No I can't I've waited a month! And there's this real hottie just down the street and I wanna-
*bops her* x_x Stop that!
Alexia: *grins* I'm kidding. But being dead is boaring. x_x
Midnightepyon: o.o Boaring? ....surely you mean boring. ...I hope. o.o
watcher6161: Alexia: So my creator can't spell. That's my fault?
Midnightepyon: ...yes. you are the new scapegoat for today. *noddity*
watcher6161: Alexia: o.o Why!?
Midnightepyon: Because...I ... am the Middyness. o.o And I deem it so?
watcher6161: Alexia: Not good enough.
Midnightepyon: o.o And Chev deems it so, too?
watcher6161: Alexia: *lifts her nose in the air, all snooty like* No.
Midnightepyon: ...*and, thusly...incapacitates Piper* Hah. Now you stay dead! >D
watcher6161: Alexia: How can I be the scapegoat anyway? I'm... o.o hun? *hovers around Piper*
watcher6161: *eyeroll* Oh brother.
Midnightepyon: Chev:...He's a little incapacitated at the moment, love o.O;;;
watcher6161: Alexia: *camps out next to him* Hmph. This sucks. And it doesn't swallow either.
Midnightepyon: Aw, so cute. ^^
watcher6161: I... guess. O.o *doesn't see how* She's going to wind up sticking to him like a burr whenever he's around. >< She needs to get a life.
Alexia: That's what I'm trying to do.
watcher6161: ... point.
watcher6161: *turns into a fairy - like the one from Moulin Rouge* Muwa.
Midnightepyon: o.o slut fairy from HELL!! *runs*
watcher6161: *chases* The hills are alive with the sound of muuuuuusiiiiiiiic!
Alexia: *has ploped herself down next to Pip and isn't about to move anytime soon*
Shiva: *stares at the creators* ...
Midnightepyon: *SCREAMS* Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
watcher6161: *chases - singing*
Shiva: *grabs Skys by the wings when she goes by* Ok, when the hell did I have a middle name?
Uh... heh? ^^
Midnightepyon: Chev: o.O Oy?
watcher6161: Shiva: *gives her creator a shake* It's not a big deal, just suddenly I have a damned wierd middle name out of no where. What do I need a middle name for? *shakes again*
*teeth rattle*
watcher6161: It seemed like a good idea?
Shiva: It's a damned stupid name! Who has a name like that these days?
You do?
Shiva: *evil eye*
o.o Meep.
Midnightepyon: o.o question? Me? ...please? Onegai? *ahems, clears throat* ...What's her middle name? o
Midnightepyon: o_O*
watcher6161: Valeria. Shiva Valeria Amana. Twinkish no?
Shiva: *just... twitches. And gives her creator another shake*
*brains scrambled*
watcher6161: Shiva: I've never heard anything so god-awful in my life! Take it back!
But imagine! I can so hear your mother going, "Shiva Valoria Amana what is going on here!?"
Shiva: That doesn't mean you SHOULD! Oh come on already!
Midnightepyon: neee ne. Bed for us. x_X *glomps* Night!
Midnightepyon signed off at 10:45:33 AM.
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