Quote File Part 2!

2004 June-July


SkySong: Oh bite me.
Middy: o.o *bites?*
SkySong: *beams* I have been bitten! ... I found it! ^^
Middy: ...*leeches intelligence* XD
SkySong: *has none to speak of. Is intelligence void, and steals some from Middy, which is never to be seen again* ^^
Middy: o_o *cries*
SkySong: That'll teach you to try and leach off a black hole.
Middy: *flails* Mine! Give it back! Onegai? Onegaiiii~~~~ ;_;
SkySong: Hold on. Lemme try and find it. *rummages* ... here it is. I think. This cow might have eaten it.


Middy: o_O Just a bit...yeah. *stabs at Sorin* ... and I have no idea why he's wearing such huge-ass pants. He's not allowed to have huge-ass pants. Those are MY pants damnit
SkySong: Really? Are they black by any stretch of imagination? o.o
Middy: ...I have two pairs. One orange...one black. So...yes? ^^
SkySong: ... I have pants like that. x_x Not exactly that design, but big-ass black ones with huge pockets.
Middy: Though his might be like...tan. Cargo...ish. o_O
watcher6161: Go cargo?
Alexia: Because we know they're carrying big cargo!
SkySong... where are the little swirlies on this thing? You know, the 'at' sign? I desperately need it right now.
Middy: @
SkySong: Thanks. @_@


SkySong: I think I'm just hungry. O.o *eats trail-mix*
Middy: ...ew
SkySong: ...  what?
Middy: trail mix = ew
SkySong: It's just a huge bag of mixed nuts. O.o
Alexia: *snerk*
SkySong *stuffs in a box.*


SkySong: ^_______°
SkySong: ... O.o
Middy: o.O
SkySong: °.°
Middy: *is...most amused*
Middy: *FLAIL* o_o
SkySong: °.o
SkySong: O.°
SkySong: Lopsided.
Middy: *cries* Mommy! Skys is scaring me!
SkySong: Muwahahaha! Behold the °.° !


Valgroston: ... ATMS MUST BURN! *goes RUNNINg by hope- topples her- hacks at ATM machine that... randomly appeared.*
Hope: ... ... ... he hasn't changed a damn bit.
ATMs: *beep in a mocking manner!*
Hope: *stares at them* ... ... ... that is just fucked up.
ATMs: *beep - nevah!*
Hope: *short-circuits them with water*
ATMs: o.o No fair!
Hope: ... ... how the fuck is that not fair!?
ATMs: You're supposed to go woosh! And swish! And smash us with... uh, stuff!
Hope: ... ... ... no.
Val: ..... Water. o.o AMAZING........
Hope: *dryly* It must never have occurred to you before, I know. You have trouble thinking beyond 'Hulk Smash!' Nobody holds it against you. Really. *sarcasm*
Val: .. Actually, I'm rather butchered by a stereotype of classic behavior somehow bestowed my persona during my first 'romp' throughout an IM. Utterly odd, isn't it? anyway... *SMASHES*
Hope: ... ... holy shit, he said something using words with more than one syllable. Check the icecaps, they might be melting.
SkySong: ... ... ... *checks.* Nope, they're still there.
Hope: ... ... is sarcasm utterly lost on you?
SkySong: ... I don't know. *rummages through her clothes for the lost sarcasm.*
Hope: ... ....


SkySong: I've seen people doing the strangest things at red-lights... o.o
Angie: Really?
SkySong: Uh-huh.  Picking their nose/ears, doing makeup, reading a book, giving themselves a pedicure...
Angie: ... Pedicure?
SkySong: Uh-huh.  One guy I'm assuming was checking e-mail, or something.  He had his laptop out.
Angie: That's insane.
SkySong: Well, people usually are.  If there was a more liberal definition of 'clinically insane' most people would be in a room with padded walls methinks.
Angie: This is true.  I mean, I can see some things.  Lipstick or getting out gum or something but a -laptop-?
SkySong: A laptop.  There was also a girl with a dog in her lap.  Not one of those foot-ball pooches that you can chuck a good ten yards - but a good mid-sized dog.  Head sticking out the window.
Angie: *rolls eyes*


SkySong: ... so, Bad RPers suck, but they don't swallow?
Angie: It all depends on the type of the game, I'm sure.
SkySong: Maybe.  I wouldn't know. *stabs bad RPers and hangs the heads in the front yard*
Angie: Wow.  Now that's a new kind of lawn ornament.
SkySong: Yea well, the lawn gnomes were scaring the neighbors.
Angie: What about flamingos?
SkySong: In Florida?  How tacky is that?
Angie: Delightfully so!
SkySong: But I don't want tacky!  I want tastefully bloody.
Angie: Red instead of pink?
SkySong: Of course.  Pink is evil and must die.
Angie: ... I like some judicious pink.
SkySong: ... you sadist.
Angie: *beams*


2004 August


Chev: x_x You're trying too hard. Let the Val come to you.
Middy: .....I think I need to lure him in with donuts
Chev: Now there's a plan.
Middy: ...alas, I have no donuts. x_x
Chev: ...*huggles* ...*offers donuts* ...*with holes*
Middy: *cackles*
Chev: I wonder just how many men have used donuts as stimulation? o.o
Middy: ...can you say 'police force'?
Chev: I was thinking along those lines, yupyup.
Middy: Then what do the lady officers use? ... longjohns?
Chev: They'd be longer than anything they could find at the police station, that's for sure.
Middy: what about them baton thingies?
Chev: The nightsticks? Ooh, and they have ribbed gripping, too.
Middy: stimulation, baby. And hey, they have the handcuffs, the uniforms... they can play good-cop, bad-cop...
Chev: God. Imagine having sex in an interrogation cell.
Middy: don't those have double-sided mirrors?
Chev: Yup.
Middy: free porn!
Chev: Wow. Am I the only one who wanted to stick a character in a cop-station and let them be sexually deviant?
Middy: ...this is me, you're talking to. I wanna stick Sorin in there, after being arrested on a huge car-theft operation...
Chev: Prison gang bangs! ...Yeah wow, I did not say that.
Middy: but I'm sure it happens o.o
Chev: ...I should not laugh at that. xD
Middy: ^^


Alena: On another note, I don't think anyone I know online is straight.
Chev: o.o; How queer.

Chev: shootmeNWO.
Chev: ...nwo
Chev: ..wnk
Chev: NOWE>
Chev: ...*bursts into tears*

Chev: ...I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or...
Chev: some absurd combination of boht.
Chev: bothk
Chev: ...bothk
Chev: ...BOTH<
Middy: ^^;;;

Chev: So anyways, Athonial is all '@_@' lately and stuff...it's starting to drive me batty. DAMNIT, SB, FIX YOURSELF.
Chev: ...Athania.
Chev: ...Athanail.
Chev: ...ATHANIL
Chev: ...
Chev: ...
Chev: ...
Chev: Athanial.

Chev: It's...not...FAIR
Chev: ...

Middy: riiiiiiiiiight
Chev: *glare8!
Chev: ...
Middy: ^^;;;
Chev: ...I...I...I...am...gonna...just...OHGOD. My life is OVER.
Midnightepyon: o.o calmness.
Chev: I am clam!
Chev: ...


Middy: well, next to the one where the guy tried to melt the ice off a propane tank with a blowtorch
Chev: Heheheheheheheh.
Chev: That still makes me giggle in a most amused manner.
Middy: dork? what now?
Chev: Nothing. Just, the night I read the report on the moron and the gas tank, there was also a post about a beached whale in Japan, and people would file past it to see its humungous PENIS OF DOOM.
Middy: oh riiiiiiiight. I remember that ^^
Chev: It amuses me. I mean. It's a whale. It has a penis. ...I fail to see the attraction.
Chev: It's big enough to SLIT OPEN and STEP INSIDE. ...I mean. Seriously. Ewh.
Middy: ....ewwwwww, I did not need to know that. x_x
Chev: It's like, a penis cocoon.
Chev: ...or, as the case may be.
Chev: A cockoon.


SkySong: ... well, I could glomp you, but then I'd have to deal with your scathing wit more than I usually do.
Shay: Oh, by all means, glomp away. *studies the cookie amusedly and then shrugs, decides it won't kill him and nibbles on it* My scathing wit, as you call it, is the least of your problems.
SkySong: O.o ... *glomps him* So what is the greatest of my problems then?
Shay: *dryly* Is this the part where I go all mystical, lift my eyepatch to reveal a crystal ball, and read your palm?
SkySong: Uh-huh.
Shay: Ah. Well. Apologies. I'm not hiding a crystal ball behind this--*taps the eye patch* And if I've an aptitude for fortunes, it's news to me.
SkySong: ... that was cheap. *sighs*  What do I have to do to get a decent fortune around here?
Shay: Sing a little ditty and tap-dance, perchance? *smirk*
SkySong: ... I could do that.

Shay: Well by all means, don't let me stop you. *raises his hands in a gesture of surrender* Maybe a fortune teller shall fall from the sky.

SkySong: *does indeed, sing a ditty - kinda.  Ball of Baleynor probably wasn't what was intended by the word 'ditty' but that's what got sung while dancing around the caldron was had.*
Shay: *snorts dry amusement*
SkySong: *sulks when no oracle falls from the sky as intended.*
Kelany: *falls out of the sky and onto Skys* ...Well...o.O That ...was unexpected.
Shay: *snickers and saunters off to the kitchen*
SkySong Yay!  Are you the oracle-type person I wanted?
Shay: *quirks an eyebrow at Shiva, steps around her and fetches himself a glass of water*
Kelany: ...o.O...Uh. Maybe...? *holds a hand out* Kelany Lisbet. Tada.
SkySong Yay! ^^ *grabs hand and shakes enthusiastically* Do me!

Kelany: Honey, we haven't even had a date yet! But that's sweet of you, really. ^^


Athan: Endless ectoplasm. God that sounds...*snerk* Dirty.


SkySong: I know!  Eight days without the net!  Without ... uh, without the net, really.
Middy: And without my iced tea! *died when she tried your iced tea* ...your iced tea is disgusting. x_x
SkySong: I won't dispute that.  I think it's gross too.  I have however, finally caved in regards to coffee. x_x
Middy: my gods woman o.o
SkySong: I like frappachino's.  Or however that's spelled. x_x
SkySong: I feel so... so ashamed.
Middy: *shakes her head sadly* I've lost you. ;_;
SkySong: ... it was mocha?
Middy: ...it had coffee. That's all that matters. >.>
SkySong: I'm sorry!
Middy: you'll be sorry! It'll make you short!
SkySong: I'm 17! I'm not about to hit a major growth spurt!
Middy: it'll shrink you!
SkySong: No it won't. o.o
Middy: >.> Yes it will.
SkySong: Prove it.
Middy: ... uhm...
SkySong: Thought so.
Middy: ...damnit


SkySong: Stayed up way too late last night?  Exhausting physical labor?  All of the above?
Chev: ...Wow. The first thing I did was combine both those assumptions and my mind just SCREAMED 'SEX!'


SkySong: *sighs* Well, I can only hope that in the event that I stick my head out the door I won't get decapitated by a flying trashcan lid.
Chev: ...That would go down in the record books.
SkySong: It's already been done, I assure you.


Chev: ...You amuse me. ^^
SkySong: I aim to please. ^^


2004 September


SkySong: It's all good if it's in the name of mental trauma.
Angie: It's our motto.
SkySong: Not only is it a motto - it's good for the soul!
Angie: We should get t-shirts made.
SkySong: Or banners.  Or bumper stickers.
Angie: All of the above.
SkySong: Oh!  And hats!
Angie: Baseball hats!


SkySong: It's not helping though because the supposed 'help' isn't loading.
Angie: Gah!
SkySong: ... this is perfectly normal. x_x *sigh*
Angie: Not normal.
SkySong: Yes it is.  It's Microsoft.
Angie: Good point


Chev: WoOt~ So. Anyways. Why did Alexia want to talk to Piper? o_O
SkySong: Yes.  I think he should be afraid, really. o.o
Chev: o_O...Um. Why?
SkySong: She quite specifically used the words "We need to talk" if memory serves me right.  That's like a dead-giveaway to run for the hills.


Middy: ...Is it wrong that I can picture Sorin doing the MC Hammer 'You Can't Touch This' song? o_o
SkySong: *pause*  No.  Though now I'm seeing it too. O.o
Middy: ...I want to draw this >.>
SkySong: Middy!
Middy: Y'know...wearing the 90's flair pants o.o
SkySong: O.o ... For shame!  Evilness!
Middy: ...it amuses me o.o
SkySong: But it brain-damages the rest of us!
Middy: *gigglefit* XDD
Sorin: And damages my reputation! o_o Bloody hell, woman.


Raps: ... *beyond. amused8 XDDDDD Skys. just... lol. XDDD
SkySong: Yes, amusing aren't I?  I also make mean French Toast and can train men to wear leashes and say 'yes mistress' every five minuets but I digress...
Raps: ... that's so scary....
Atre: I dunno. I kinda like it. XD
Raps: ... *BEATS. HIM.*
SkySong: *giggles*  Lo handsome. ^^  Interested in lessons?
Deta: *looking miserable with leash and leather, is signaling "no no no!"*
Atre: *Cackles madly* ^___^ o.o Deta! *BOUNDS and leaps upon him* .. hi!
SkySong: Detalis: Ah, hello Atredius? ^.^  Would you mind helping me and removing this .... thing? *gestures to the leash*
SkySong:  Does he look cute?  It took forever to get the leather on him cause he kept screaming bloody murder and running away, but I won that one obviously.
Detalis: -.-
Atre: ... Oh. Oh. Oh god. I'm going to behave- REALLY I am....


Atrekitty: Atre: .. *gigglefull*
Raps: -_- Do not flatter the redhead. He is ebil.
SkySong: Oh no he's not. ^__^  It'd be like saying... uh,  Shiva is a girly-girl with a secret crush on... uh, Athana!  It's not true!
SkySong: .... that hurt my brain.
Raps: ... Skys. hat hurt my brain.
Raps: ..... that, I meant to say. and see-- we both got hurt. X_X


Atre: o_O .... If you mean sexually- you're right. ^^ if you mean something else... well, you're also right,. X_X
SkySong: I know.  I'd be tempted to put you as a business executive but you've done that too! >.<
SkySong: Someone else.
Atre: ... *He smoothes his hair behind his head and grins.* Oh yeah. I'M THE MAN. ^^ Raps: Um. *hee!* - My lovely bonded. XD

SkySong: The one in the Safety Deposit Box?  Hmm... a cross-dressing blatantly homosexual lumberjack.
Atre: ....... Wow. I have to admit. That's pretty bad. o_O
Rap's: *Has died* X_X


SkySong: Yay!  I'm screwed! ^_^
Shiva: ... not the good kind of screwed.
SkySong:  ... oh.  ... Damn.


SkySong: Mm-hmm.  And there's a 31% chance I'll repopulate the world.
Raps: ... *dies laughing* XD I got a -5% chance
SkySong: *is vastly amused*  So I guess this means you're not going to be the father of my children.
Raps: Actually. Wait. Misspelled my name. XDDD Now I have a -39% chance. Christ. XD
SkySong: ... O.o ... Hey! You scored higher than me! >.<
SkySong: .... I'm blaming Atre.  It's all his fault. ^^  Anyway, sup Raps?
Raps: *cackles at Atredius' results. CACKLES* XDDDDDD o.o Yes. Yes it is. ^^ I’m okay!
Raps: He has a 67% chance. XD
Raps: .. And Marius takes the cake, with a 96% chance.
SkySong: Well, if I remember correctly about half of Endiness was descended from him. O.o


SkySong: Hmph.  *dumps her meager bish-range down* Ok. ^^  Pick one.  ^^
Deta: *has the cutest damned expression at the moment*  Mr... Jingles...? X_X
SkySong:  Alright, he's yours. ^^ *tosses him at Atre*
Deta: *loud clanging* ... Jingles?! X_X


SkySong: *does the whole Amazon warrior thing*
Atre: o.o I wanna be an Amazon! *dresses up as XENA* XDDDDD o.o *waves sword around*
Raps: ... At the very least, he's fem enough to pull it off. X_X
SkySong: True. o.o  But what is Xena without her lesbian lover, Gabrielle?  *Decks Marius out too and laughs at*
Atre: .... Sweet.
Marius: .... *Sighs*
SkySong: Now have at it you too. ^_^  *waves loki-potion-gun around in a non-so-threatening manner*
Atre: .... Since when have you approved of teh_yaoi? XD
Marius: I am not doing *anything*
SkySong: I've always approved of Teh_Yaoi. O.o  And yes you are 'Rius. *prods him with loki-potion-gun* ... I'm making an abbreviation for that thing.  It is now known as.... LPG!  ... I swear that also stands for something else but I don't remember what.
Marius: I happen to be immune to it, in most events.
Atre: ... He's no fun. ---
SkySong: ... no, he isn't. ... Fine!  I'll get a different blonde!


October 2004


Slr Fireruby: But Blonde with Pink highlights would be cool.
Slr Fireruby: Pink is light red.
Slr Fireruby: Haruki's genes are kinda like sorta there.
Taiki Justice: Who cares about genes?
Taiki Justice: Mamoru + Usagi = Chibiusa.
Taiki Justice: Black + Blonde = Pink.
Slr Fireruby: Yeah, but that's only because Mamoru boinked Pluto and they had to magically teleport their child into Serenity's WOMBS which caused the pink hair. SO THERE.
Slr Fireruby: ...womb. oo
Taiki Justice: Ow. Serenity has more than one?


Val: Excuse me, little person, but I am looking for ATM's to unleash my HOLY WRATH upon. Where might I find them?
SkySong: Um, that way?
Val: - Excellent! *runs... That Way.*
Hope:  *was using an ATM*
SkySong:  *goes to watch the carnage*
Hope: ... what the fuck is WRONG with you? *beats Val with her purse*
Raps: ... omfg. *DIES LAUGHING*
Val: - All in a day's work! *hunts more ATM's* XD
Hope: *just stares after him with an expression of disbelief*  Holy fuck, are you supposed to be on RITALIN or something?


SkySong: And damn you for making me decide to submit Deta to the ES.  He is UBER!Uke.  x_x
Raps: *points at. cackles*
Deta: ...  Nothing I say at this point is going to make a lick of difference.  x_x
SkySong:  ... lick.  ^^
Deta:  >.<
SkySong:  Oh, and what was it Chev called you...
Deta: o.o!!
SkySong:  Oh yea:  dingle-ball.
Deta:  -.-
Raps: *DIE*
Deta: ... I'm never going to live this down.
SkySong:  I certainly hope not.
Raps: Dingle-ball. *jingledingledeta!*
Raps: There's a theme song here, somewhere.
SkySong: Dingle bell dingle bell dingle all the way!
Deta:  Oh gods...
Raps: Atre: - Dingleball, dingleball, dingle-through-the-day! Oh what fun it is to ride le' Deta in the hay, yay!
-- Atre. omig.
Deta: *turns an unhealthy color*  x_x


SkySong: Yes, a homotriangle. ... that so reminds me of a love polygon.
Raps: ....X DDDD
SkySong: The homotriangle of luuuurv.

Raps: XDDDD yes.
SkySong: In other words:  done.
SkySong: And it was pretty.  Oh so pretty.  Pretty, and witty, and well, rather gay.
Raps: ^_^ Now, select white on your brush tool. Again, if your opacity is at 100%, it'll put a white black in the middle of your triangle if that's where you poke it. o.o Instead-- keep the opacity at 30. And touch around the middle. Ech time to apply the brush-- it'll get a little whiter, and you'll notice that you're creating a pretty glow instead of a white blob. Move it around a little. ^_^
SkySong: ... move it around a little.  x_x ... mind out of the gutter.
Raps: ^^ Shh. I'm dealing with Atredius, you know. He startled cackling as soon as he heard 'stroke'.


Atrekitty: *nods* I was about to go into cardiac arrest. X_X
watcher6161: Over which one?  O.o
Atrekitty: Atre. ^^ The fanfic hurt too. X_X
watcher6161: ... I thought Atre usually sent people into cardiac arrest?  O.o *gets zapped*  x_x  *smoking*
Atrekitty: Atre: ... o.o I'm not... THAT ugly. ^^ *Sweatdrop* Just kinda ugly.
Atrekitty: Atre; *peace sign* XD
watcher6161: No, not that.  I mean it's just... Atre.  O.o  Is it possible for someone to become their own cliche'?


SkySong: Ah.  ^^  Go Xaimath!  *huggles Xaimath, nibbles on his shoes*

Xaimath: ...........
SkySong: *makes wibbly fangirl eyes at him*  ^______^  Raaaaps?  Can I keep him?  Please?  Just for a little while?  I won't molest him too badly. *puppy-eyes*
Raps: .. um. sure> XDDD
SkySong: Yay!  *bondage-ises Xaimath and proceeds to salivate*
Raps: That.. is so scary. XD
Marius: ....... I did not need to see that.
Xai: ... -_-


Raps: .... My brain broke while reading that. Xd
SkySong: Glad to be of service.  ^^
Atrekitty: XDDDDDDDD
SkySong: SkySong - Breaking Brains since 1999.  ^__^


Charles: *to Athan* Your pretty friend seems social. *shakes his head* And who are you?
Athan: Oh, he is. ^_^ *grins, sneaks over to Shay...ruffles his hair*
Shay: *quirks a brow*
Athan: You love me. Yes you do.
Shay: *smirks* If you say so.
Athan: ...Ahem. >.> Anyways. I'm Athanial Medina. The Jackass is Shaodyn Liaska. Call him pookums, if you're so inclined.


SkySong: o.o  *tails after Crysa, worships*
Chev: Crysa: ...*turns abruptly, POUNCES ON SKYS* ARGH.
SkySong: Arg matey!
Chev: Crysa: I would eat you, if you weren't so spoiled. *wrinkles her nose* ...So...hungry. Dying now. Oh my god I need FOOD. *pounces back to her feet and stalks off in search of a salad. It shall not escape her wrath*!
SkySong: *blinks - looks horribly confused*


Chev: Piper: Did you...ah, still want to go to Celes?
SkySong: Alexia:  *laughs*  My luggage has been wondering why its still sitting packed at the door.  ^_~  Of course I want to go.
Chev: Piper: Bring a...what do you people call them? A bathing suit?
SkySong: Alexia:  There's pools there?  Or an ocean?
Chev: Piper: Hotsprings, actually.
SkySong: Alexia: o.o  *runs back to her room to get a bahting suit*
Chev: Piper: *sighs in annoyance. picks at the sandwich* ...I won't be joining you in that endeavor, so you don't need to worry about that.
SkySong: Alexia:  *comes back, with a swimsuit - itty bitty skimpy thing.  Has no shame*  Eh, why not?
Chev: Piper: ...*stares at this* ...Do you even fit in that?! ...*coughs to clear his throat* Not very fond of water.
SkySong: Alexia: Oh, right.  *nods*  And yes, I do fit in this.  Look damn good in it if I do say so myself.
Chev: Piper: ...*is...scandelized* You let people SEE you in that? X_X Alexia.
SkySong: Alexia:  I've worn less.  x_x
Chev: Piper: O_O; ...-.-...o_o;;;...o_O...ALEXIA!
SkySong: Alexia:  O.o  What?


Chev: *pets the poor...dingle-ball*
SkySong: ... dingle-ball.  *just DIES*
Detalis:  ... X_X  I am so screwed.
Chev: *cackles* Yes, yes you are. ;_; Poor boy. Um. *pets*
watcher6161: He's just begging to be the kidnapped princess.
Deta:  I am not! >.<
SkySong:  Figuratively. *snerks*
Chev: ...Well...if you put him in a dress...
SkySong: And he has the hair for it...
Detalis: o.o *BOLTS*


Chev: Fuck I hate parents. XD Don't they realize that they're repeating their own parents mistakes? By forbidding us to do something, they're basically handing us a backstage pass to disobedience.
SkySong: Mm-hmm.  And you'd think they'd realize -  if your kid doesn't do drugs, doesn't like alcohol, and thinks that boys are the plague, there's a pretty good chance that gee, they won't wind up doing any of that stuff?  Health basically gave me a fear of sex and pregnancy.  It reminds me of Aliens.  With the alien popping out of that one guys stomach and going "WHEE~!"


Chev: *huggles and gives a fruit*?
Piper: ...I am NOT a fucking FRUIT.
Chev:  Hee. XD
Alexia:  Oh!  The implications.  ^^
SkySong:  ... can I eat him anyway?
Alexia:  *twaps*  No.
Chev: You have to pay a surcharge if you want to eat him. He's a highly trained male whore. ^_^
Piper: O_O;; ...X_X
Alexia: o.o ... ^___^
SkySong:  o.o *dives for the the little ticket-tab waiting line type thing*
Alexia: *fights off SkySong*  I got it! *waves it around triumphantly* ^____^
Chev: Piper: ...*jerks the collar of his robe up around his ears and hunkers down. yes, he looks like a human version of a turtle, and NO he does not care*
Chev:  o_O;;; *just. ...wonders. wtf?*
SkySong: Hmm, y'know how sometimes, instead of having you wait in line, certain places make you take a number and wait?  ^^  I lost.  x_x
Alexia: *pats Piper*  Oh don't worry hun - you know I just like to pull your leg every now and then.  ^^
Chev: *mutters* Yes, but which leg?
Piper: ...*escapes to the kitchen*
Alexia: *evenly*  You said it, not me. *follows him to the kitchen*  


Piper: So what, you're telling me that if I suddenly became a sexually philandering manwhore that they'd leave me the hell alone?
Alexia:  Probably not, but if you'd stop making those oh so amusing expressions every time they shock you with some sort of blatantly sexual commentary they might not do it so often. ^^


Piper: -.- You frustrate me beyond moral comprehension.
Chev:  ...I swear to god I almost wrote 'copulation' o_O Wtf kind of Freudian slip is THAT?
SkySong: I almost wish you had.  It would have been so damn funny.  ^_^  Well, we know what goes on in YOUR subconscious.


SkySong: Oh Chev!  My love!  You have returned to me!  *all dramatic and stuff*
Chev: Yes, yes I have! The war was long and hard, much like a good man, but I triumphed at long last!


SkySong: *is a pile of ooze*
Chev: o.O *pokes with a stick. captures. puts in a bottle* Yay, lube!~
SkySong: o.o ... YAY!
Chev: o_O;
SkySong: I'll be going all sorts of places now!  ^____^
Chev: You might not enjoy all those places.
SkySong: ... I can enjoy some of them.  It's not everyday I get to be inside of a bottle!  ^_^


Alexia:  Well, you have good taste in steak then.  ^_^ *bastes them for a bit*  Now, what was that about your robes earlier?
Piper: *sigh* ...It...I was in a neighboring duchy, and the lady there took a bit...of an interest in me...on more of a personal level. Bastard of a king or no, I still had the ear of the throne. Metaphorically. And...ah...
Alexia:  *grins*  And?
Piper: *very, very quickly* Andshewaswearingabroachandtherobestriedtogoforitandsheendedup...*pauses. flushes a rather interesting shade of crimson* Rather...shirtless.
Alexia:  *laughs*  Did it manage to keep that brooch?
Piper: Probably. >.> I've never looked for it. And I was thrown out shortly after that...incident..
Alexia: *chuckles*  Understandably.  Though I suppose she would have wanted her shirt torn off eventually eh?  Just in... Different circumstances?  *grins, takes the steaks outside to the grill*
Piper: X_X ALEXIA.


SkySong:  @_@  Middy!  You should know better!
Middy: o.o mew?
Sorin: *creeps out and hugs the wall to avoid being seen*
SkySong: You know that the second you say something with the slightest hint of innuendo your inner Sorin will come creeping out!
Middy: hai hai. x_x
SkySong: Good girl.  ^^  Now go and play with your toys.


November 2004


Angie: That's both horrid and nice.
SkySong: It's blinding.
SkySong: Blinding in a bad way. x_x Sunglasses do not go with my huge pinkish fluffy jacket.
Angie: Not even cool big sunglasses with rhinestones?
SkySong: ... that's just tacky. I'm hardly a pimp. *blinks* Well, not that kind of pimp.
Angie: *grins* Never claimed I was stylish.
SkySong: ... true. What with the suggestions of pink flamingo's. x_x
Angie: ... I said something about pink flamingos?
SkySong: Yes. A long while ago.
Angie: You have a -good- memory.
SkySong: Just for odd things. Ask me what I ate this morning and I wouldn't know.


SkySong: Bush is winning. *hiiiiissss* Bush 16 // Kerry - 11.  Several big states still haven't decided yet, so it could change.
SkySong: So I'm hoping.
Chev: o.o Sou ka.
SkySong: *goes to grab a voodoo kit and wish a plague or something on Bush*
Chev: Well, keep me updated with the status, yes? I'm interested~
SkySong: If all goes as planned Bush will keel over from some rare and uncurable disease.
Chev: o_o Vicious.
SkySong: Optimistic.


Chev: ...I just dropped gum down my shirt.
SkySong: *cackles*  ^__^  I didn't do it.
Chev: Gum. Boldly going where no man has gone before.
SkySong: ... stop trying to make me laugh, otherwise my Oreos are going to wind up where no man has gone before.
Chev: And the funniest thing, the package says 'may contain traces of nuts'. Well gee, wouldn't it go further south, if that was the case?
SkySong: *just howels*  Oh stop it!  You know who pops up when innuendo flies.
Alexia:  ^^ Hi.
SkySong:  x_x  *shoves her back in the closet*  You stay out of it.
Chev: She's like...a genie. You rub the lamp, she pops up. Same thing if you slap an ass.


Chev: And. Well, he could have lost an eye in a tragic...teacup accident or something.
Chev: ...*pauses. considers that* ...o_O...*dies laughing*
Raps: It'd be fine. ^^ And hey- will all the crap these people go through? XD i'm sure there's a viable reason. And Chev. JESUS. *dies laughing* XDDDDDDD
Raps: the TEACUP. XDD
Raps: "Wow, Shay. you must have lost your eye in a great battle!" - "teacup, actually." / "...Is that.. some sort... of weapon? / "If you count the spoon, maybe."


Chev: ...Tragic teacup accident.
Raps: God. *wants to do a crackcomic with that* XDD
Chev: I don't know if I'm cruel enough to actually do it. XD Not that he'd care either way.
Raps: .... Chev. retain his dignity. XD And save it for amusing chibi pictures.
Chev: He doesn't give a rat's ass about dignity. This is a man who--quite calmly and not at all with any embarrassement, spent an entire day in a pink fluffy bunny costume.
Raps: ...... XDDDD Flufffyyybbunnnyyyy....
Raps: didyougetPICTURESomigbbq?
Chev: And then there was the time that Athan'd handcuffed him to a bed 'cause Shay had died his hair pink. So he broke the bed, got up, sauntered out--naked, mind, and dragging a headboard. And calmly went to get a glass of water.
Chev: dyed, not died. wtf?
Raps: .... omig. We love shay. yes we do. so much. XD


SkySong: o.o ......... @_@    ..... @__________@ ... I'm running out of emoticons for what I'm feeling.
Chev: Whoops o.o


Chev: Bah. I wouldn't lie to get the office. *is quite sure that wouldn't get it anyways. but dreams, yay~*
SkySong: Then you're not suitable for being president Chev.  *pats*  You have to lie, cheat, and frequently browbeat everyone.  Not to mention not be too bright so your party can manipulate you.
Chev: *cries. is honest, hates cheating and no good at brow-beating. and is REALLY FUCKIN' SMART, damnit all*
SkySong: You won't work.  Lawyers make good politicians though - they do that sort of thing naturally.


SkySong: x_x I have no sexual leanings towards fruit, thanks.
Alexia: *snickering* Well, it's no worse than what they were talking about earlier.
Chev: ...so you do like 'fruit'.
Piper: x_x They're too young to be discussing such things.
SkySong: ... y'know, now I'm not entirely sure what kind of fruit we're talking about. x_x
Alexia: Oh come on, they're not any worse than I was at that age.
Piper: *scandalized* Need to know basis. And I didn't need to know.
Alexia: *grins* You're such a prude hun.
Piper: Well, what did you expect? Sexual philanderings and orgies for all? Ahahaha. No.
Alexia: Hardly. But you WERE a teenager once. ^_^
 Piper: An unreasonably long time ago, yes.
Alexia: *just eyes him* True. Keep forgetting how old you are, though you certaily ACT like an old man often enough. Hrrm... 
Piper: *folds his arms* Well. Beg your pardon, thou-who-art-a-spring-chicken.
Alexia: *preens* Thou art pardoned thou grumpy, stringy old man.
Piper: *affronted* I'm not stringy!
Alexia: *bursts out laughing* It's not like there's evidence to the contrary now is it? ^____^ *giggles*
Piper: >.> Well, I'm not. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Alexia: I can't believe you got all huffy about that. ^^

Piper: That's not huffy. That's moderately annoyed.
Alexia: *waves a hand* Semantics. ^_^
Piper: ...*facepalm* You would say that, wouldn't you?
Alexia: *preens* I already did.


Alexia: ^_^  Then your observational skills will note that your robe is trying to steal ... O.o... hey! That's mine! *grabs at the bra*
 Piper: ...*stare* ...But...it only goes after shiny things! *turns around, trying to...figure out just...wtf?*
Alexia: It is shiny. Kinda. Made of a vaguely shimmering material? Don't ask. *is TRYING to get it back*
Piper: X_X It's not my fault! *sneaks out of the robe. eyes it in annoyance. and...starts to go through the pockets. note. there's about a hundred. And they're like hammerspace, in a way*
Alexia: I know, but honestly! That was my bra! ... admittedly, I hadn't worn it in ages but still. *also going through the pockets* ... did you know you have a can of cocktail weenies in this thing?


Chev: ...Do you KNOW where I am right now? ...Uh. Wait. That sounds bad. o_O;


Chev: You know that any innuendo gets her coming.
Chev: ...Um. Ow.


Chev: ...XDDDD *pets Alexia. Offers Piper*?
Alexia: *snerks* Define 'offer.'
Piper: *growls* Whatever you're thinking--just. Stop it. >.>


Chev: ...o_o...I so meant group.

Alexia: 'Cause for the most part you've given up arguing with me.
Piper: There's no damned POINT in arguing with you. You...always WIN.
Alexia: *muses* Y'know, maybe I shoulda been a lawyer.
Piper: You'd frighten people.


Chev: o_o; Omgwtf~! END OF THE WORLD.
Alena: I know, it totally blew up an hour ago. Didn't you notice?
Alena: Oh, wait, you're three hours behind.
Chev: Yup. So I only have two hours left to live. Damn. I need to lose my virginity.
Alena: PICK ME! PICK ME! *jumps up and down and waves hand about**
Chev: But you're in the future. Ergo, you're already dead.
Chev: Maybe I'm just talking to myself. OMG RUN.
Alena: You have A Beautiful Mind, love.
Chev: Well you're Crazy in Love. =P
Alena: *points* You have no proof of that! You're like a Runaway Jury!
Chev: How...how DARE you! You're acting just like Dracula! Vicious and blood-sucking! >.>

Alena: Ha, YOU'RE the bloodsucking one! Don't make me go Van Helsing on your ass!
Chev: Bah. You do that and I'd just turn into the Demolition Man. Yay, destruction! And that'd be all. Game over!
Alena: Pfff, there's no game over for someone who's Unbreakable.
Chev: You? Unbreakable? You're Too Much.

Alena: You just Envy me, hon.
Chev: Envy? HAH. You're living in a Field of Dreams if I ever saw one.
Alena: You're transparent, babes. Enough of those Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.
Chev: Sorry, babes. This is as Good as it Gets.
Alena: If this is as good as it gets, then I'm leaving -- all I need is Me, Myself and Irene.
Chev: Irene? Didn't you hear that she's Dead Again?
Alena: Dead again. Jeez, Irene, You Got Served.
Chev: ...Well, now I know the truth. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, yupyup.


SkySong: ... bite me?
Chev: *chomp*
SkySong: Good girl. Do I taste like cookies?
Chev: Nope. More like burned rubber.
SkySong: ... damn. I need to fix that.
Chev: Um. Can't help you there o.o
SkySong: Yes you can. I just need a bunny, a fuzzy slipper, and 23 gallons of liquid prozac.


Chev: ...o.o *eats chocolate* If you're a butterfly, you realize your lifespan just became like. Five days?
Raps: I am a mutant butterfly, damnit. I bend the rules!
Chev: And the boys. *sage nod*
Raps: *.... bends boys?*
Cheviraness: Now you give them to other boys...
Raps: *bends boys* ... *to fit them together with other... boys?* .... It's like playing tetris.
Chev: o.o Gay man tetris. This could be...profitable.
Chev: Like...you line them all up...and make them all...fit together. o.o It's like a giant...bendy...orgy.
Raps: ..... *mind image of small, randomly descending gay men turning in the air to connect with other gay men arranged in various kinky positions* ..... *tilts head*
Chev: ...I always wondered why the blocks sported all the colors of the rainbow. Now I know. *sage nod* It's a euphamism for gay orgies.
Raps: *Tetris theme begins to play.* .... o_O *Is not sure if she's disturbed or what*
Chev: And, I mean. In the game, the 'subjects' have a habit of coming faster, as you...get up...in levels.
Raps: ... Another little piece of my childhood just died.
Chev: My goal in life has been completed.


Chev: ...*snickers* ...Wait, what the fuck? Seafoam?
SkySong: Family recipe. Something involving pineapple, walnuts, and whipped cream. ... ... x_x Ow.
Chev: ...o_O...That is onnnnnnne fruity bowl of somethings.
SkySong: Oh, and pistacio jello mix.
SkySong: But it's good.
Chev: ...It actually doesn't sound half bad. o_O;
SkySong: It's not. I just have to be careful with the nuts since my fillings don't usually agree with sticky things.
... not one word Chev. Not one word.
Chev: ...*coughs*


SkySong: *is confused* ... Proud of what? O.o
 Middy: proud of...being... up? >.>
SkySong: ... *just cackles*
Middy: >_> ignore that innuendo damnit. ignore!
SkySong: Hey, you just HAD to say it!


SkySong: ... are you immune to everything? x_x
Xai: Generally, yes.


Raps: Xai. Be... sociable.
Xai: I *am* being sociable.

Urania: ~Indeed. We're in each other’s presence after all.~
SkySong:  ... That's socializing? x_x
Urania: ~Yes.~
Xai: Quite.
Raps:  *brain dies*
Urania: ~Mm... rather fragile isn't she?~
Xai: ~They always are. Creators don't respond well to intelligence.~
Urania: ~They don't respond well to fish hooks either.~
Xai: ~True. But then, things get messy.~


SkySong: Atre! Do something! She ate the yaoi! That means you and Marius can't shag anymore because she's DIGESTING it! .... that came out wrong.
Atre: o_O NEVER! *shags Marius?*
Marius: *SMACKS*
Atre: XD See? I GENERATE yaoi. nothing can defeat me!

Note: The funny going ons between Piper and Alexia will no longer wind up here.  I only put up a fraction of the amusing stuff, and it already takes up... more than enough space.  And most of it follows a fairly predictable pattern anyway.  ^^


Angie: ... I don't like that phrase. "Five in the morning". It's unholy.


SkySong:: ... ... evil. Chev - learn from your computer.
Chev: I already have. >D
SkySong: Yes. But truely study it. For you get to see True Evil in practice.
Chev: I am true evil. Pft.
SkySong: Naw. You're benvolence in disguise.
Chev: Oh really. o_O
SkySong: Mm-hmm. So well disguised you don't even know it.


Sarah: What do you prefer, strawberry or chocolate pocky?
Chev: Guess?
Sarah: ... Chocolate?
Chev: Good girl. *pat*
Sarah: Plain or with almonds?
Chev: O_O; Plain. No nuts. I like my sticks without nuts.
Sarah: I never knew you fancied eunuchs.
Chev: No, just dipsticks.


Jchan: it's never wrong to amuse oneself.
Jchan: whoever says otherwise is a twit.
Chev: Or against masturbation.


Chev:  Didn't you see any of the looks they gave each other? o_O Plus, Paine was all 'OMG I HAVE TO GO SAVE HIM' when he was in trouble when they were fighting the Penis machina.
SkySong:  ... the penis machina? O.o
SkySong:  Vagagun? O.o
SkySong:  Viagragun?
SkySong:  ... I'm going to stop now.
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