Quote File


Piper: ...Oh my god. She is so frustratingly idiotic.
Alexia: Naw, she only acts like it... well, I certainly –hope- she's acting.


Alexia: *laughs* Oh come on. You might like having a conversation every now and then.
Piper: Conversation? PAH. It does nothing but annoy me.
Alexia: Oh? How come?
Piper: Because there are very few that are worthy of hearing what I have to say.
Alexia: *arches an eyebrow* And what is it you have to say then?
Piper: ...*slightly sheepish look* ....*COFF* None of your business >_o
Alexia: Oh come on, who am I going to tell?
Piper: The walls have ears >_o

Alexia: But how do you know? And if they did, how would they speak? *arches an eyebrow*
Piper: ...Stop being logical, you O.o;;;


Alexia: Ok, how about this: You be civil and try to talk with me, and I'll stop mocking you.


Piper: Civility is not a strong point of mine.
Alexia: We can work on that, just talk and I'll mock you when you're not civil. ^.^
Piper: ...Why should you bother? Chevira has other characters >_o
Alexia: Because I like you for some reason. *pats his shoulder, and goes into the kitchen* Mocha?
Piper: ...LIKE?! *sounds absolutely abhorred, as though it's a particularly nasty swearword* What did I EVER do to you?!


Aven: x_x This is ridiculous and humiliating. *hides behind an orphaned child*
SkySong: Whee! *flying tackle glomp*
Orphan: o_o ... Mommy...


SkySong: *climbs into Sorin's pants.* Spaaaaaceee Paaaaants!


Shiva: *twaps her creator* You don't chase the undead in little circles!
SkySong: Why not? *pouts*
Shiva: It's degrading and I won't have it!
SkySong: ... why?
Shiva: .... ..... ....
Aven: Shiva, isn't the one Skys chased but a mortal in a costume?
Shiva: It's the principal of the thing!


Kahran: Want to do something?
Amina: Like? *tilts her head*
Kahran: Go out for ice cream... stay in for ice cream... go out for a glass of wine... *winks* stay in for a glass of wine...
Amina: *innocently* Or whipped creme.
Kahran: *coughs loudly, blushes profusely*
Amina: *sweetly* I can also think of some interesting ideas for vanilla icecream...
Kahran: *doubles over in the middle of his cough.. manages to get a word in through his tears-of-mirth streaked face* Oh?
Amina: *gives him a baffled look at his behavior* Yes. I like having vanilla icream on pie. A la mode. *arches an eyebrow*
Kahran: Wha? You mean... *laughs again, this time even louder*
Amina: *confused* ... what?


Jezzic: *clears throat* Might I do my own introduction, my fair lady? *grins roguishly and winks* I am Jezzic Demaré! Thief of the Moor, and Bard of the Seven Wonders! *elaborate bow*
Hope: ... who is this fruit, and what's he doing here?


Gabel: o.o What is so wrong about not eating meat?
Sephira: It's a social thing! People for ... time beyond count have gathered together just to eat spicy chicken wings!
Gabel: o.o The poor chickens...
Sephira: Hey, don worry 'bout the chickens, they like it.

Gabel: o.o Chickens are not masochistic!


Piper: >_o You've never seen them go after squirrels.
Alexia: ... squirrels?
Piper: Yes. -.- Squirrels.


SkySong: I don't think therefore I might not be?


Piper: Well. Some are better at that aspect of things than others. It all boils down to intelligence and talent. Joy. *curls a lip*
Alexia: Which can be sadly lacking. *sighs*
Piper: Yes. It is as though humanity has but one collective brain cell. And every human takes turns using it.


Alexia: You and Satan. What isn't Satan to you?
Piper: o.o...I plead the fifth.


Alexia: ... the hell?
Agon: Heaven?
Alexia: Damn?
Agon: Blessed?
Alexia: ... fuck?
Agon: What?
Alexia: Dunno. x_x
Agon: Me either. x_x


Atre: But it's fun! o_O *SIGHS* ^_^ o_O? *slinks closer to Agon* ... Ooo... Do you bite things with those?
Agon: Yes. They're teeth. I'm supposed to bite 'things' with them.

Atre: - Big things? ^^
Agon: *eyes Atre* What kind of things did you have in mind?


Val: *has been muzzled up and wrapped in duct-tape thanks to Atredius* X_X

SkySong: Wai wai wai! *luffs, licks him clean from chin to forhead.*


SkySong: ... You need a life. ^.^
Piper: And you need a brain -.-
SkySong: I have one! *holds it up in a jar*
Piper: Great. Can I perform the lobotomy?
SkySong: The what?


SkySong: I am fluffy!
Chev: And I am--snuffleufagus...
SkySong: Nice to meet you Snuffles. ^.^
SkySong: *cries* You're not dead! I knew it! *tackles.*


Sorin: *curls up around Alexia's feet - yes, in human form - and grins impishly* Mew.


SkySong: ... there was a vote?! And no one told me! O.o
Chev: ...*cackles* Yes, you little peon. buwhahah.
SkySong: *tackles and sits upon* I shall vote!
Chev: ...*sat...upon* ..
SkySong: *takes out a little ballot, scribbles on it, and sticks in Chev's mouth before pulling an imaginary lever, making a 'ching' noise.* There.
Chev: o.O....


Shiva: *squeaks and jumps* O.o
Chev: ...She's so silly XDDDD
SkySong: I know. Isn't she cute? ^.^
Shiva: ... I'm not cute. >.<
Chev: So cute~!
Shiva: I'm not cute! *pouts... cutely.*


Demi:  HIYA! ...Do you have internal organs? Can I cut you open and see? Please? Pretty please?


Zeff: I'm not entirely sure how being the universal scapegoat works, myself. But *nods* everything is my fault.
Shiva: ...*eyes* I'm pretty sure I'm not your fault. I blame my parents for that one.


Alexia ... what's the point of a "destroy the world" spell? You only get to use it once.


Piper: So you'd find it funny if I stripped down to my skivies and juggled flaming oranges?

Alexia: ... yes, actually.


Chev: I was proving my point. Buddah's don't do the whole 'gay sex' thing. In fact, on more than one occasion, they cut their own testicles off o.O;
SkySong: ... dude. *blink blink* ... but I don't have testicles.
Chev: ...Well, that's true o.O;
SkySong: Oh well. ^.^ We can sacrifice Piper's, since he never uses them anymore.
Chev: ...*topples over cackling*


SkySong: *is in a state of deep, spiritual agony because she has no cheese.*


Chev: Yes. In all seriousness, sometimes...he probably pissed them [his robes] off. They're worse than a jealous boyfriend or something.
SkySong: O.o ... *dies laughing*
Chev: ...*snicker* And hey, they can ride his ass, too!
Chev: ...OhgodIdidNOTjustsaythat! *dies of mortification*


Chev: XD Jackie Chan is so cool


Chev: Count yer lucky stars XD
SkySong: I do. I have approximately 23.


Alexia: *pats him* Don't worry. One day you'll understand.
Piper: ...You're touching me. *eyes her*
Alexia: Yeesh! *stops* Well, then again, the robes might eat me. O.o
Piper: They just might. *snorts*
Alexia: Those things disturb me, really. O.o

Piper: Well, you're welcome to try and get them off. ...*pause* ...*facepalms* Waitwaitwait, I didn't mean it...like...THAT.
Alexia: *laughs uproariously* Aww Piper, I thought you'd never ask! *teases*
Piper: *cringes* ...I didn't mean it like that and you bloody well KNOW it, Alexia.


Piper: -.- I have a very strong urge to call you a brat. ...Don't ask, I don't know why.
Alexia: O.o "Brat?" I could understand a few other words or prhases - liike "bitch" - but ... brat? Now I feel like a five-year-old. >.<
Piper: Well, I wouldn't call you a bitch. *manages to look vaguely amused* After that, my list of appropriate insults dwindles rather fast.
Alexia: HEY! I'm hurt! Surely I'm not that nondescriptive!
Piper: Alternate descriptions are needed, though. I don't want to have to insult you to get my point across. *snorts*
Alexia: Alright alright. *grins* Ok, here's a bomb-dropper: how WOULD you describe me then?
Piper: *shrugs* Generally obnoxious and annoyingly aggravating?
Alexia: *coo's* Aww, I feel so loved.
Piper: *dryly* As well you should. Most other people, I don't even bother to use my imagination with such harrowing descriptive words.
Alexia: That's because you're too busy being grouchy.


Alexia: You do know what a microwave is right?
Piper: Only because I was told it was an interesting way to dry small animals off after giving them a bath.


Crysa: *tips glass in a salute* Thanks. ...All right, so *sits cross legged* XD What's your story, love?
Alexia: Nasty, ugly, and still far too painful to comfortably retell - the parts of it I actually understand anyway. *sips her drink* Lets talk about something pleasant. Or at least something that's not going to make me wince thinking about it. ^.^
Crysa: ...Sex!
Alexia: *bursts out laughing* That works! *tips over on the couch*
Crysa: *laughs* It always does, doesn't it ^_^
Alexia: It can't fix everything but it can sure make things feel better. *sniggering*


Chev: Yes. Rewind O.o; USE THE DAGGER OF TIME!
SkySong: ... time's a dagger? O.o Can I stab people with it?


SkySong: Go fourth my army of rabid ninja monkeys, and return with loot and plunder!


Malithil: ...Skys? That IS my creator you are chasing with your....righteous flames of all that is sporkish. o_O


Sorin: Pie!! *opens the door for them and bounds in*
Alexia: *laughs as she gets pulled in* The pie's not going anywhere! *steers him to the counter*
Sorin: But we might miss out on the good ones! ^_^
Alexia: There's not exactly a crowd!
Sorin: ...*smiles* Come on, love. Humour me. ^_^ *bends over to look at the pies on display*
Alexia: Alright alright... *mock-serious* I think you should get that one. It's larger and has better texture than the others.
Sorin: ....*bursts out laughing*
Alexia: *grins toothily* Hey, you did say to humor you.
Sorin: *laughs* Smart-ass. Come on, let's order.


SkySong: O.o ... ....
Middy: ....don't ask o_o
SkySong: ... I don't know what to ask. x_x


Sorin: ^_^ well, I'm wet. *soaking wet, actually* Been out in the rain for a while. *grins down at Mali - who glares up at him* Hey love, *to Alexia* Want an elf? He's got pretty ice-blue hair and sexy ears and an ass to die for.
Malithil: SORIN!!!


Sorin: Really. It was like I had a stick up my ass. o_O
Alexia: *snerks* And of course you'd know what that's like!
Sorin: *grins* Well not a STICK stick but I've had other things of a stick-y nature up there.


SkySong: *Quoting the book, “Good Omens”* And so the Lord spake unto the angel that guarded the eastern gate, "Where is the flaming sword which was given unto thee?"
Said the angel, "I had it here only a moment ago, I must have put it down somewhere, and forget my head next."
And the Lord did not ask him again.


Alexia: Sorin! *melodramatic* Where have you been!? You never call! Never write!


Alexia: Oh, so now you're trying to bribe me!
Sorin: Is it working? ^^
Alexia: Almost. ^.^


Agon: ... ... ... *much swearing is had involving Middy's ancestors, offspring, and the things they do with penguins.*


SkySong: *goes to make Cinnabuns*
Shiva: *tries to consume one.*
SkySong: *wacks her* They're not even cooked yet! >.<
Raps: .... ! XD lol! Shiva, the oven is your friend. ^^
Shiva: No it isn't. It burns.
SkySong: Get away from there. -.-


Chev: ....I want...Jack Sparrow. Shaken, not stirred.


Midnightepyon: *shouts* ALEXIA!!! SORIN AND KIRB' ARE DOING THE NASTY!!!
SkySong: MIDDY! >.< *twaps*
Alexia: *pops up, in a towel - apparently was in the shower* Oh! Where?
SkySong: ... she's not a slut. Really.


Middy: KEKEKE, says I!! KEKEKE!! *shakes fist*


SkySong: ... look Val, I’m trying to hit on you, pay attention.


SkySong: *Shows off her army of Smurfs.*
Raps: .. *eats them*
SkySong: ... *cries*
Shiva: *blinks* That’s a lot of smurfs.
Raps: *indigestion* X_X


Jez: Yes, I know you hate me and yes I know I'm acting like a little whore.  I'm enjoying it, damnit.
Hope: Jez, I’M the whore.

Atre: - Actually, IM the whore.
Hope: ... I’m not going to argue with that.


SkySong: Ok ok.  So I just wanted your measurements so I could compare it to other guys.

Lucid: oh?

SkySong: ^.^ I have a list. *waves little notebook.*

Charas: *wince*

SkySong: I'm trying to find out if there is such thing as the 'average guy.' *snerks*

Lucid: I see

Lucid: um, I'm six feet with a 36 waist. *blinks* um, I don't really know my measurements

SkySong: Thanks. ^.^ *scribbles it down*


Chev: ...Urgh. I don't want to explain the whole thing ^^; Just know that he and Crysana, while they met and were friends, were never involved, he's not after Daeim any more, and...he spent two hundred years on a penal colony. Say it with me and snicker.


SkySong: *haunts* I'm the ghost of Christmas past...
Chev: ...O.o;
SkySong: ... what? So I've put on a little weight. x_x


Middy: lmao. ^_^ I had....chicken. REALLY REALLY CUTE DEAD CHICKENS!! XDDD

Chev: o.o? 

Middy: XD They were really cute! ...and dead. and yummy.

Chev: ...You amuse me. Like, really. 


Chev: Lol XD Yeah. 


Middy: o_o before what spreads?! Viral diseases? ...kinda too late, really. o_O

Chev: No, the 'lol'

Middy: ...it can be a viral disease if it tried hard enough o.O

Chev: ...Yes, it could be o.o;

Middy: shall we have to start frisking people who use the feared 'lol' then? ^_^

Chev: ...Yes ^_^

Middy: Excellent. Always good to have an excuse for frisking. Doing it randomly gets you in trouble. o_O


SkySong: Wai! *glomps* No matter what, we have eachother! Even in the face of tooth decay, hair loss, and herpies!
Chev: ...Ew. Well, maybe not completely...
SkySong: ... not even in the face of rabid chickens? *wibbles*
Chev: ...Well, rabid chickens, okay ^^


 Crysa: Jesus H. Christ, who died and made me god? O.o


SkySong: ... Righteous Flames of all that is Sporkish!
SkySong: .. SPORKISH!
Middy: doom, damn you!
SkySong: Spork! *shakes fist* ... *blinks, goes all teary eyed* Oh Middy! We're having our first political debate!


Piper: ....Are we there yet?


TV: *turns on suddenly* Now you too can have a larger penis! *turns off.*
Piper: *freezes* O.O...*turns to face the t.v.* ...O.o...
TV: *silent... yet somehow menacing*


Shiva: o.o … who was that, and why did she try to molest me?


SkySong: ... Piiinooooochiiiooooo~!
Middy: sorry!
SkySong: ... you're not Pinnochio.
Middy: really? *touches nose* ..hey, you're right. o_O That Jiminy lied to me!
SkySong: He's lied to all of us. *pats*


SkySong: Headpsace- the OTHER destination.


SkySong: Rubber ducky, you're the one... rubber ducky, you're lotsa fun...


Alexia: Do you mind!? Some of us are trying to masticate!


Middy: I live!!
SkySong: No you don't.
Middy: o_o yes I do
SkySong: Not.
Middy: >.< *stomps* I do too! If I didn't, Shiva'd be out here picking at my bones!
Shiva: ... she has a point.


SkySong: ... what do you have to say about THAT huh? ^.^
Chev: ...I say that you should be Scarlette!
SkySong: ... naw, wearing a dress like that must be hard as fuck.
Chev: ...Hard as fuck >D
SkySong: ... *cackles*
Chev: Depends on the man, I suppose ^_^
SkySong: *just DIES laughing* That's going in the quote-log.
Chev: How big's that thing gotten, by the way? ...The log, not the penis.


Vaughn: Fuck, man, I call most everything cute. Like--the other day--OH MAN, I put one of those pocket-poodles in the microwave--it fucking exploded! *crows* It was so great!
 SkySong: You're the one that told Piper that putting small animals in microwaves was a good way to dry them off weren't you?


Alexia: ^_^ Alright, so we'll head to New Orleans before we go to Costa Rica.
Piper: ...What is that? Isn't that a spice?
Alexia: No, it's a country.
Piper: ...A country named after a spice?

Crysa: What am I, a dog? >_o
SkySong: .... I am not going to say a thing. *pets*
Crysa: Ahahah. Yeah. That's smart. I'm a genie now. XD I could give you the UBERSMACKDOWN!
SkySong: ... genie? ... *griiiiins* So you're a genie in a bottle eh? *is shot*
Chev: And no XD
SkySong: Aw, why not?
Chev: Because her talisman is a flute?
SkySong: ... aw. Damn. ... *cackles* So do people have to blow her flute to get her to come out?

Chev: ...Okay, that's it. Alexia needs to be put in a box and dropped in the ocean.


SkySong: Thou shall look upon the fraternity of maternity with horrified eyes! Childbirth eruption! *cackles madly*


SkySong: Care to share?
Chev: Mrowr? ^^; Nuu. Dunna wanna trouble ya
SkySong: But it's good to share! You share your toys, your food, your air, your nuclear warheads...
Chev: ...I don't have toys, I hate food, I share my air because I can't live without it, and DAMNIT, the nukes are MINE!
SkySong: *DIES laughing* I mean you share the nuclear warheads by launching them at people.
Chev: ...Oh ^_^ Well, okay then


SkySong: So Shay's a masochistic little bottom boy isn't he? ... ... *snickers*

Chev: Yup ^^

SkySong: ... so bottom's up?


SkySong: In the beginning... god made chicken, and it was funky.
Chev: ...And then it died. And not only WAS it funky, it SMELLED funky, too.
SkySong: So then he made light.  There was nothing, cept a funky chicken carcass, but now you could SEE it.
Chev: ...Sweeeeeeeeeet.
SkySong: Like, totally.
Chev: Like, OMIG.
SkySong: 5\/\/33t.


Yash: ...*impassive* ...
SkySong: *slinks over, pokes his shoes*
Yash: *quirks an eyebrow and remains--yes, you guessed it--impassive*
SkySong: *nibbles on them*
Yash: *moves his foot* O.o...
SkySong: *pounces on it*
Yash: ...*shakes foot*
SkySong: *clings to it* Mrr!
Yash: ...*SHAKE*
SkySong: *CLING!* Grr!


Athan: ...Lovely. ...So anyways. What the hell was Skys talking about? o.O Your discussion with my brother?
Shiva: *coughs* Which part?
Athan: o.O Dunno. She said I should ask you about it--so I'm assuming you KNOW which part.
Shiva: I'm guessing the part where Yashena asked if you'd ever slept with me - or tried to. @_@  Told him no.
Athan: ...*boggle* ...He. ...Uh. ...He...WHAT?!
Shiva: I think you heard me the first time.
Athan: ...Oh no he didn't X_X I'm gonna kill him. Skin him. Boil him. X_X SOMETHING. Eww! No!
Shiva: *laughing* I'd be offended if I didn't find this so funny. ^_^


SkySong: I should run for president. *nods* My platform : a spork for every person. *nods* And doritios. ^_^
Middy: doritios?
SkySong: Doritos.  Chips.
Middy: CHIPPIES! ...I have Ketchup. ^_^ I demand Ketchup
SkySong: Alright, and ketchup.


Alexia: *looks UP* ... o.o Ok, when the HELL did you get a growth spurt?
Sorin: Today, actually. Apparently I was too short. ^^;; o_O why? am I too tall now? I can..kneel or something for ya.
Alexia: *laughs*  Oh, chivalry lives.  Now, it's ok.  Just - stand back a bit, my neck's starting to hurt. ^_^

Sorin: *steps back two paces* ^^;; sorry.
Alexia: It's not your fault your creator decided you were too short! ... did anything else get any bigger?
Sorin: *smirks* Hey, I have to be proportionate.
Alexia: *laughs* Just checking! ^_^


Shiva: ... are you done yet?
SkySong: Hmm... nope. ^_^
Shiva: Wrong answer. *ZAAAP!*
SkySong: @_@ *smoking*


Alexia: *singing - to the tune of Hakuna Mattata* Vagina dentata~ what a wonderful phrase! Vagina dentata ain't no passin' craze! It means no wiener for the rest of your days! It's a penis-free vasectomy! Vagina dentata!


SkySong: My Aunt Fred should be coming over soon. ^_^
Chev: ...
SkySong: ... what?
Chev: ...Aunt? ...Fred?
SkySong: Fredine.  
Chev: Oh. Thank god o.O
SkySong: No, my aunt is not a transvestite.


SkySong: And look! An ATM!
ATM: *beeps in a mocking manner*
Val: ....... DEATH! *DESTROYS ATM*
*suddenly, an army of ATM's spring up from around the corpse of their fellow - and beep.*
Val: ... *Twirls his two prettiful swords and engages in battle!*
Shiva: *sitting on the community couch, munching on popcorn and watching the epic battle*
ATMs: *beep mockingly and display confusing numbers!*
Val: ... Argh! NUMBERS! You defile my eyesight! *smote*
ATMs: *more numbers!  and beeping!  and useless paper receipts!*
Shiva: ... ... ... how long is this going to go on?
Raps: ... probably longer than is healthy! XD
Val: X_X *Stands in a battle field of EVIL ATM'S!* ... ^^
Shiva: ... Val is absolutely bonkers.


Shiva: ... Val, you done yet?
Val: .. *hath finishe* - yep! I rule! *BWAHHHH*
Raps: ... o_O
SkySong: .... I hope his psychosis isn't from anything I did to him.


SkySong: *snuffs* But master!  Where would I be without you!
SkySong: ... uh, *snuffs
SkySong: *sniffs!~
Midnightepyon: ....snuffs...XD
SkySong: I'm not a druggie!


Piper: ...Oh look. ...A dog.
Alexia: ... ... Piper? That's an armadillo.


Alexia: Yes, yes YES
SkySong: ....................................
Middy: o_O
SkySong6161: Alexia: ^_^
SkySong: O.o .......................... *hides behind Middy*
Middy: Herbal?
Alexia: Yep. ^_^
Middy: XD Ha.
Alexia: *cackles*
SkySong: ... >.<
Middy: *uses Herbal too* ^_^
SkySong: Ditto.  Except I don't go, "Yes, yes YES!" in the shower.
Alexia: *smirks*  And you are proof that blondes really don't have more fun.
Middy: Neither do I. o_O
Sorin: ... women that get turned on by Shampoo. What next? o_O
Alexia: Body wash.


SkySong: Well you know what they say-
Alexia: Never bathe a cat?
SkySong: No-
Alexia: Wash your hands before you eat?
SkySong: No, it-
Alexia: Size does matter?
SkySong: NO! >.<
Middy: NEVER bathe a cat. o_o *still has the scars from THAT experience*
Middy: ...so what DO they say? ^^
SkySong: Timing is everything. ^_^
Alexia: ... ... and you say I have a dirty mind.
SkySong: .... >.<
Middy: *dies* ^_^


SkySong: *sweatdroping* Middy, I'M the one who's supposed to be clueless.
Middy: says who? I can be clueless too *pout*
SkySong: No you can't - that's my job.
Middy: then what's my job? o.o
SkySong: Being witty. ^.^  You're the witty one, Chev's funny, and I'm the one in the back going, "Huh?"


SkySong: Yea. ^.^  I was shuffling 'duties' around, and I came accross some stuff and went, 'hey, why doesn't Rick know this?  He fucking lived through it.'  And thus, he got more shit.  Anyway, that's me. ^_^
Chev: But that's always a handy thing to be able to do ^^ I can't do that with Athan--no matter what timeline he's in, he's always had at least some experience. GodDAMN that man gets around. X_X;
SkySong: Um, care to clarify that? o.o
Chev: Take it in any sense, really. -.-;
SkySong: .... ok. ^_^


Chev: *blinks* I think we should just rescue him [Piper]. The ping-pong match between he and Alexia is headache-worthy at the best of times.
SkySong: Ping-pong? *snickers*  Never thought of it like that.  ... Oh god, there's some bad pun in there about balls somewhere, I just can't find it.


SkySong: Short guys have it rough.
Chev: Only if they hire a dominatrix.


Athan: o.O You could always try sucking it out of me. *snickers, as yes, he knows just how wrong that sounds*
Nique: -has a mental meltdown- LMAO. Squee.
Nique: Got a straw?
Athan: ...God. That almost made me feel inadequate about my size. I now need a bottle of lube and a mirror to reassert my manliness.
Nique: lmao >< Well asking for a tube would be too much of a compliment.

Yash: ...You're a human. *said as though this answers everything*
Shiva:  Close enough.   Johnny, tell our contestant what he's won!
Yash: ...Maddening little creature.
Shiva: Over-sized god. ^.^
Yash: ...*is...impassive*


SkySong: CHEV! ^_^
Chev: ...SKYS!
Chev: PORRRRRN!  ...Wait, that wasn't in the brochure...
SkySong: *cackles* YAAAAOIIII~! And that was in the brochure. ^.^
Chev: ...Oh, I see it now. Right here under 'Insane fangirl presentation.'
SkySong: *affirmative* Yaoi. ^.^
Chev: Shounen ai. ^_^
SkySong: Smut!

SkySong: Uh... smut. ^^


Neptus: *was rumaging in the fridge* *pokes his head out* *blinks at Shay*
Shay: ...*sidesteps around him, gets a glass out of the cupboard and goes to the sink*
Neptus: ... Hi! ^_^
Shay: *eyebrow quirk* Indeed.
Neptus: *is a six year old* You're grumpy! ^_^
Shay: *chuckles and sips at his water* You're hyper.
Neptus: *awed*  How'd you know? o.o
 Shay: I'm--aah. Observant like that.
 Neptus: Neat! ^_^  Do you have lazer-eye vision too?
 Shay: *snorts and taps a finger to his eyepatch* Nothing of the sort.
 Neptus: *eyes the eyepatch, clearly impressed*  Are you a pirate? ^_^
 Shay: *mildly* Arrgh.


Neptus: That means we must go pillage the kitchen! *more waving of the cutlass*
Shay: Plunder the kitchen, not pillage. There's no point to 'pillaging' unless you're in a hurry. *smiles vaguely and starts after him to keep him out of trouble*
Neptus: *blinks at him*  There's a difference? *crashes into a table as he isn't used to the eyepatch* x_x ...


SkySong: ... ... ... *gives a dolphin*
Chev: ...*grin*
SkySong: ^_______^  Hah!  Now you can't say you don't have a dolphin.
Chev: Mwahahah. XD I must share the dolphin with Middy.
SkySong: Now you be nice to your dolphin, and make sure to pet it and love it like you would any other dolphin.
Chev: And slather it in lube. And latex.
SkySong: And get all sorts of accessories for it. ^.^
Chev: *cackles*
SkySong: And get it a leash. ^.^
Chev: Are you having fun, love? ^^
SkySong: Yes.  I want to make sure you get the best use out of your new dolphin.
Chev: Hah. I'm me. Of course I will
SkySong: Still. It DOES come with a warranty just in case.



Raps: XD Wai! *runs around him happily*
Detalis: *stares at Raps, utterly baffled and backs away... and jingles*
Raps: ... XDDD. He jinglessss! o.o WEE! *Pats the pretty jingly hair and runs before can be... thundered.*
Detalis: O.o ... why are you doing this? *sheep-clouds chase Raps for a bit, before going back to him*
Raps: *Eyes Sheep clouds* o.o That is so cool. XDD o.o Huh? OH! ^^ I'm a creator, that's why. I'm curious about you and your clouds!
Detalis: Ah. O.o Thank-you?  But was the ... odd dancing and the touching of my hair really necessary?
Raps: Yes. It's a creator ritual that denotes happyness and fangirlism. ^^ *Is so smart*
Detalis: O.o I suppose... is it over?
Raps: .... Almost! *running tackle/glomps!* MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH!!! ... And! Now it is over. Yet I must remain attached to your leg for about five minutes. XD *attached.*


Raps: ... *DIES* Say it isn't so, skys!
SkySong: ... it isn't so? O.o


SkySong: Life sucks.
Chev: Life does suck.
SkySong: And it doesn't swallow.
Chev: Ew. Who would?
SkySong: It happens I'm sure.


On, to part 2!

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