Wheel of Time Chronicle
(currently untitled)



Tarek - Our GM

Regina - Signy Mallory - 12 year old wilder from the Two Rivers area.  Tends to be a little waspish.  Possibly because she went to being twelve, to eighteen, to twelve again.  Also being dragged away from home and being hunted by trollocs tends to do that to a person.  That and she thinks she's traveling with a bunch of lunatics.

Megan - Reilan Mezono -A woman recently risen to initiate status.  Also known as "the Aes Sedai," since despite how long she's been around, she has never bothered to give anyone her name.  Is unbelievably strange at times.

Justin - Bael of the 9 Valley's Sept and the Chareen Aiel, a.k.a. "Bal," "Bub," and "Hey You" - an Aiel searching for the car'a'carn.  Is known to have odd, suicidal streaks.  Thinks Signy is an Aes Sedai.

NPC - Bob - An old blind man with a cloth wrapped around his eyes.  Is more than he appears obviously.  Bob isn't his real name.  †

NPC - John - 15 year old gambler and booze-maker. Also from the Two Rivers.  Formerly played by Kurt, who lost interest in the game.  †

First Session
Summary:  Reilan is sent to look for a wilder.  Meanwhile, Signy (the wilder Reilan is looking for) is traveling with John, a boy she's known since childhood.  John's out to make money, and Signy is a sort of trust fund since she can make shinnies, find shinnies, and sell them.  John goes to a late-night bar, while Signy, bored with the notion of gambling and dead tired at midnight, curls up in front of the fire for a nap.  Right next to Reilan who happens to be looking for her (but doesn't recognize Signy as the wilder she is looking for).  John does really well in his betting, and is called a worshiper of the dark powers.  Cue the inquisition, err, white cloaks.  There's a lot of fuss, Signy screams a lot when she gets woken up, but in the end John, Signy, and Reilan all wind up unconscious and dragged to a dungeon.

John wakes up in a dark cell with Bael, while Reilan and Signy wake up with an old man across the hall.  After some chit-chat, Signy dubs the "spiffy old man" "Bob" since he wouldn't give his name.  A couple of guards come with a guy in a dark cloak to inspect the new prisoners - confirming that the Dragon Reborn isn't among them - and thus were left to the mercy of trolloc henchmen.  A fight broke out however, one was killed, John got hold of his weapon as it flew into the cell, cut off a bed-post for Bael since he wouldn't take the sword then picked the lock while the remaining two monsters were fighting.  Reilan, meanwhile, created shitloads of light, temporarily blinding the trollocs, giving Bael plenty of time to beat one of them to death, and for Bob to suddenly push the cell door open and brain the other trolloc in the process.  Shortly there after, Bael and John brained one guard who comes through the door at the end of the hall looking to rape the two women (Signy and Reilan), then wait for a while poised to kill the other guard who they heard on the other side of the door.  Eventually they lure him out, and managed to kill him too.  People get back all their stuff as well as some extra loot, and escape on (mostly) stolen horses (John's was the only one which was originally his), with Signy riding with Bob (and directing him), and Bael running (he refused to get on one of 'those wetlander beasts').  After a while they camp, Bael gets a dream that tells him to take everyone north.  And lo it was good.

"You have a tired, bored 12 year old."
"Get a room."
- Taric and Justin

"The disturbingly attractive 12 year old..."
- Regina

"I bite him."
"He doesn't flinch, but blood just gushes into your mouth."
" 'Ewww!  Ack!'  She spits it out."
- Regina/Signy and la GM

"John?  What happened?"
"I think I cheated."
"... you don't know?!"
- Signy and John

"John, I'm never running away with you again!"
- Signy

"What's the password?"
"Coconut smoothies!"
- GM and Kurt

Second Session
Summary: So after a week of running from white cloaks and living off cheese, our group of intrepid morons - err, adventurers come across an old, abandoned and seemingly burned out cottage in the middle of some random woods.  Having no clue where they are, and dead tired, most of the group decides to hide inside (Reilan and John going so far as to take the horses they were riding inside the house) though Signy decided to hide her horse in the back of the house before going inside.   John, Reilan, and Bael explore the house some, and find some particularly odd things about the kitchen - mainly that there is a cooked turkey in the oven though the rest of the place is completely barren of anything resembling cluttery, let alone actual food.  Signy and Bob come in at this point, and more food - as well as chairs and a table to eat at - seem to appear with no one actually noticing.  Bael is rather leery of this, and Reilan refuses to touch the food though Signy and Bob have no trouble eating it at all.  John, meanwhile, decides to go explore the upstairs of the house, and ages a year in a strange time inconsistency, when he gets back, no one has changed, and it seems he hadn't been away that long (despite his newly grown beard).  Frustrated that no one seems to really understand, he goes to try again - and gets stuck on the other side of the door at the top of the staircase (after finding himself going downstairs when he was sure he was going up).  For the curious, he did not starve to death due to having an insane amount of cheese on him (though he was getting quite sick and tired of the stuff).

While John was having an escapade on the other side of the upstairs door, Signy decided that since she was now well fed, it was time to get underway on exploring this particularly odd house.  As Bael and Reilan went to follow her, she came across an odd stone set into the floor near the front doorway, and on impulse - and some particular urgings from an undefined outside source - Signy touched it, triggering an explosion of white light.  Bael came through first, and noticed that the house now seemed to be completely fixed.  Eventually Reilan and Signy woke up as well, and they all decided to explore their vastly changed surroundings.  Bob was still in the kitchen, John was nowhere to be found (he was still stuck on the other side of the door) and so eventually they came to a bedroom.  Signy's first reaction was to try and rummage through everything - particularly a chest at the foot of the bed.  It was spelled closed.  Reilan similarly tried to get into a large wicker wardrobe.  Bael, however, was in the process of stalking the bed, since there seemed to be something under the sheets.  Signy, once done, decided to climb up on the bed next, and lo and behold, there was John, all nice, grown up, and vaguely disturbing.  Signy realized this almost immediately, and fell off the bed on her ass babbling, "That's not John that's not John that's not John" over and over, while Reilan and Bael seemed rather confused.  Signy eventually calmed down enough, to actually contradict her early statements and seemed quite friendly towards "John," though the illusion dropped and Reilan and Bael could see quite clearly that it was a myrddraal.  Bael tried to strike it several times unsuccessfully, since Signy was in the way.  However, Reilan once again pulled her 'let there be light' schnick, causing it to loose control of it's compulsion over Signy, who took one look at it, shrieked in holy terror, and ran like hell while Bael and Reilan continued to battle the myrddraal.  Signy grabbed Bob, and they broke the real John out (who Signy was initially distrustful of), and she got dragged back to the bedroom where the battle was going on.  Signy, terrified beyond belief, at that point actually shifted her own block and overchanneled, causing an awful earthquake that fatally damaged the myrddraal, toppled everyone except Bael, as well as knocking herself and Reilan out of commission.

Bael picked up Reilan, John got Signy, and they both went upstairs, which ceased to exist once they got there, and instead featured only an eternal hallway with only one door that moved every time one tried to approach it.  In the time it took to figure out the mechanics of the door, everyone aged about six years due to the strange time mechanics involved.  Signy outgrew her own clothes and had to wear some of Rielan's winter wear.

However, the place they wound up in was not one anyone recognized.  There was a large spring of water that Signy quite happily took a bath in, while John went to search for firewood.  It wasn't long however, until Bael spotted something burning that was falling from the sky.  Curious, he went to investigate.  He found a crashed airplane, and the ground littered with the dead.  He went about burying the dead, as Reilan and Signy approached the scene.  As Reilan went through the items dropped by the plane.  Soon, however, trollocs showed up.  Cue Bael fighting them, and Signy blowing them all up with a well tossed Grenade.  Whoops.

"I shall use both arms to my full advantage!"
- Justin

"You're pulling her off the horse eh?"
- Justin

Third Session
Summary: Suddenly, everything went "bzzzt!" and everyone found themselves back at the spring.  Including the recently deceased Bael who was no longer recently deceased.  Cue everyone going back to check out the crashed plane.  Reilan finds a spiffy bracelet and puts it on.  When the trollocs come around, they can't get  closer than fifty feet.  Apparently the bracelet warded against trollocs.  Bael, becoming true to form in what would be an apparently increasingly suicidal Aiel, went to check this out.  He waved his arm around, looking for the barrier.  It guarded against trollocs - not their swords.  He lost his arm and died (again) of the trauma.  Que the "bzzzt!"  By now, everyone has figured out that they've been traveling back in time.  Repeatedly.  Kinda sucked.  Well, Bael decided to pick up a shiney thing at the bottom of the lake (passing up several, seemingly impossibly checks along the way) and came up with a magical... whatsits.  It was a rock, and it made his spear burst into flames.  Repeat going to plane again, only without Bael dieing.  It turned out that the rock would stay with him despite all time-traveling wackyness.  While Bael was doing his fishing expidition, Reilan had a talk with Signy about her being a channeled.  Unfortunately she didn't do a very good job at it.  Fortunately, Signy did a good job of interpreting what the woman was trying to say.

Eventually, Bael decides that attempting to climb the mountain would be a good idea.  Reilan and Signy stare at it for a few moments, while Bael does mountain climbing, and instead decide to take the path that went up the thing.  After passing Bael up on it, he decides to give up a career in professional mountain climbing and just takes the path with the women.  Along the way, Signy thinks she sees something... abnormally large, actually rising over the mountain before sinking back down again.  At the top, Bael - who had taken the lead - comes across an Aiel being tormented by a bunch of trollocs.  Bael lept into the fray to save the Aiel, but then time went backwards again.  Cue everyone tromping up the mountainside, this time Signy bringing Bob along.  Cue Bob and Bael fighting trollocs, and the Aiel running off, after saying something about following "the way of the leaf."  Bael thinks he's nuts.  Signy again sees the giant shadow thing and points it out, and notices that whatever it is is made of the same stuff as Bael's rock.

Cue time warp.  This time, Bael dragged Signy to the giant portal stone at the edge of the clearing, and got her to touch it.  Cue everyone going to yet another land.

"You're not very good at explaining things are you?"
"Well, no.  I'm not."
- Signy and Reilan

Fourth Session
They wind up at a battle field.  They wind up running like hell from a huge swarm of crows.  Cue Bael shooting at them, Signy telling him he's an idiot.  Since he usually hit something, there was a nice, long trail of dead crow bodies leading up to the cave Signy spotted and yelled at everyone to hide in.  Once deep in the cave, the crows break off their attack, and Signy and Reilan notice that they can't feel the One Power anymore.  They had found a stedding.  Further progress into the cave had them attacked by a wild cat that lived there, nearly killing John who was saved with some last minuet medic application, as well as some healing... potions Bael had brought along with him.  Bael killed the thing with his flaming spear (which was also used to illumination and apparently unaffected by being in the stedding.  He killed the cat by shoving the spear up its ass. ... and there was crispy crunchy kitty food.  Once they were out of the cave, they set camp within the stedding which extended to a nearby lake. 

Sillyness ensued when Reilan and Signy decided to get a drink from the lake - Reilan pushed Signy in, and Signy in turn, started splashing Reilan.  Bael thought they were both crazy wetlanders, but Bob corrected him, "Women."  Anyway, they both took a bath - Signy swam with what was having to pass as her clothes, though Reilan stripped and swam around, before getting out and running circles around the camp while bopping the men on the back of the head, naked.  John turned several interesting shades of red and hid his eyes.  When Reilan got to Bob, she tripped over on the way back to get her clothes.  From his chuckling, she guessed he had tripped her somehow, and kicked him.  At some point, Reilan stole one of Bael's shirts.

Anyway, dinner was had involving crispy crunchy kitty, and cheese.  Later that night, Bael snuck into Reilan's tent to try and get his clothes back.    Unfortunately, Reilan was woken up by the fact that somehow a rat had snuck into her bedrolls.  Bael was nearly killed by the rat when it bit an artery in his hand while he was trying to grab it.  Oddly enough it was hard to kill too - took him a while to squeaze it to death.  A few minuets later, Signy was heard screaming in her own tent, and was then seen swinging her staff at the ground shrieking, "Die shadowspawn!"  Apparently she had found a rat too, though it had gotten away.   Not much longer, everyone heard a band of trollocs heading their way.  Bael went to go check it out, and unfortunately was spotted, and then chased by the trollocs back to the camp in the stedding, which helped.  John, Bob, and Bael stayed to fight the trollocs, while Signy and Reilan bolted - they weren't much good in that situation.  However, they didn't have to go far to reach the edge of the stedding.  Once there, Signy unleashed an earthquake, which took care of a good deal of the remaining trollocs.  However, it did not take care of three creatures.  A myrrdral, and... Padan Fain.  Padan killed Bob and John, but Bael managed to chase him off before going to rejoin the remaining two of his party.  However, while he was fighting with Padan Fain, several darkfriends came accross the two women, but immediately bolted when Signy cast 'flaming sword,' which sent her staff aflame.  Reilan plucked one of them out of the saddle with Arms of Air, while Bael shot down the other.  Signy was all for letting the darkfriend live long enough for them to wring information out of him, but he made the mistake of insulting the two women, and Bael killed him immediately.  Signy ranted about that for a bit, before they quickly moved on, not trusting to remain at their former campsite, of which not much remained.  There were no signs of John's or Bob's bodies either.

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