There is good and there is evil. And evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armegeddon, i shall not compromise in this - Rorschach

The Watchmen Community Script Project!

Welcome one and all to the site.

What is this about? Its about change.

Its about passionate and involved members of the Watchmen Fanbase

Getting together

To ensure that the movie doesnt end up being teh_ghey

How does it work? Simple:


1. Pick an issue, or a scene from an issue, or even just a single event from an issue, and write how the movie script of it should look. If you dont know how to format a script, dont worry. Hayter and Tse don't appear to either. (J/K) Just imitate their layout/format

2. Then, once its all nice and polished, change its filename as:

"Script_Chapter"[Issue Number]"_p"[page number]"_"[UserName]".doc"

for example, if G3265 wrote the whole of Issue 4, he'd save it as:


Or, if I wrote the Rorschach capture scene from chapter 5 (pages 25-30), I'd save it as:


3. Then just browse over to and log in as

Username: WatchmenScript

Password: RAMESES_2

(Password is case sensitive)

I will then take in all parts of the script uploaded so far (most likely once a week) and try to combine them into a single coherent script (though not necessarily a single movie *wink*). A link to this will be placed on this site's front page when the first edition is completed. If enough people like it, then I'll see what I can do about getting it to the hands of someone important. If any of you have some *connections*, I'd love to know of them.

If nothing else, we can say we wrote a mighty fine script to the greatest hero comic of all time.

Don't Know where to Start: Head over to the HINTS AND TIPS page

For a list of all scripts, check here: Scripts

This site created and maintained by Jordaan M.

There is good and there is evil. And evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armegeddon, i shall not compromise in this - Rorschach

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