The Watchmen Community Script Project!

Hints and Tips


Want to contribute, but don't know where to start?

Well, why not download the Alex Tse Script from HERE, and then just modify it at a point where you think it goes wrong (no shortage of those)

IF nothing else, it should help you with formatting, and with inspiration (this is what its gonna be if we don't do something about it!)

Other Hints:

When getting into a dialog, really get into the characters minds. The biggest problem with the Tse script is that all the the characters come across as hollow costumes. no personality at all. Remember their backstories, and their lives. Rorschach is an insane social outcast who limits himself to only the required amount of words to convey a message. Veidt is a pompous uppity jackass. Comedian is rather rude and brutish.

Avoid introducing cliches/stereotypes, especially with one-liners to end a scene. Avoid at all costs, unless you plan to actually travel to the 80's when that was acceptable. If a character os BLACK, don't always make them talk Street. Gay guys don't have to say FABULOUS every 2 seconds (and gay women dont need to say HOME DEPOT every 2 seconds).

Write practically. By this, i mean, dont write 100 pages for the funeral scene by itself. I've always held that this film should be done as a trilogy of 3 hour films, which gives each issue 45minutes. On average, they contain 30pages each (not including Under the hood, or the covers), so that works to about 1.5minutes per page. Of course, this is not concrete, as with most Alan Moore comics, some pages are absolutely littered with plot and dialog, while others are limited. This is just an average.



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