
Duckball Home Video
The Pennsic War: A Video Documentary
Special Edition
$25.00 + $3.50 p&h

(click on the box cover for more info)
coverThis product features the original 68-minute documentary, an additional 47 minutes of bonus footage, a hard plastic case with full-color cover, and informative "where-are-they-now" brochure. This video is a definite "must-have" for the SCAdian library. It is the largest and most complete documentary ever released of the Pennsic war, containing the woods, field, castle, and belted champions battles, several tournaments, music by Jack-In-The-Green and others, peerage ceremonies, opening and closing ceremonies, courts, the fools parade, classes, archery, artisans, shopping, and interviews with some of the early founders of Pennsic and the SCA, along with younger members who have since gone on to become peers and royalty. It is not only a wonderful document of this historic event, but also an ideal introduction to the SCA, useful at demos, meetings, or just showing people what you do for a hobby. Originally shot on Super-VHS and Hi-8 video, this program was digitally remastered and duplicated on high-quality, hi-fi VHS tape. It is a SCA documentary of the highest order!

Advertised on www.Pennsic.Net - Alexander's Pennsic War Pages

Captain Zorikh � Three Chord Monte
$5.95 cassette $7.95 CD
+ 1.50 P&H

Captain The musical side of Zorikh Lequidre. In this recording, Captain Zorikh displays the high-energy, irreverent acoustic rock & roll, rockabilly, blues, country, and roots rock that have made him a hit at clubs, bars and parties all over the northeast and the New York City Subways! This recording contains 7 cuts, some of which are two�song medleys, originals and covers, including �You Got Me,� �The M&M Song,� �Johnny B. Goode for the Lower East Side,� �The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins in the Style of Arlo Guthrie,� and more!

Some things that have been said about Captain Zorikh:
"...the more than brilliant Zorikh Lequidre...has an enticing stage presence and a gift for humor. With his convivial act, he proved he was much more than a handsome guy in a kilt." - Hi! Drama Review, By G.S. Bowen
You just sang the longest song in the world, and had every person on the edge of their seat the whole time!" - Milady de Winter, Biggs-Rosati's "Les Trois Mousketaires"
"Mostly Talented, yet somewhat insane" - That guy at Kenny's Castaways
"Blocking passenger flow" - Officer Freel, NYPD
"Case dismissed" - Hearing officer, Transit Adjucation Bureau

The Death Star Repairmen � A Night in Mos Eisley
$4.95 Cassette $6.95 CD
+ $1.50 P&H

After a long, hard, day of fixing the controls that extend the bridge, figuring out what shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level, and filling in all the blast points on the Death Star, a couple of hard-working repairmen kick back and play a few tunes at a small cantina in town. Enjoy five rockin� songs inspired by the most successful space opera franchise of all time, including �Come on Lady Jedi� and �Red Five!�

Watch This Space: The Internet Generation
comics and stories

$4.95 + $1.50 p&h

Watch This Space Comics and Stories cover This black-and-white magazine contains an original 5-page time-travelling comics adventure set in Medieval England, written and drawn by Zorikh Lequidre, and the first part of The Amzing Grendel Conspiracy by Allain Atienza.

The Ironfowl Songbook: Volume I
$2.50 + $1.50 P&H

This collection of SCA-inspired songs has delighted and amused folks around campfires for years. Now you can own the lyrics to the these and other hits:

The Iwonfowl Songbook: Volume II
$2.50 + $1.50 P&H

Continuing with more musical mayhem from the minds of Ironfowl, including:

The Collected Ironfowl Cartoons
$3.50 + $1.50 P&H

This volume collects the original Ironfowl Cartoons into a convenient book, with extra bonus cartoons and art, including the famous �Crusader Knight and Man at Arms�Then and Now� by Ervald the Unlucky (Zorikh Lequidre) and savagely biting �So You Want to be a Fair Freak?� by Timur Bloodeyes (Allain Atienza). It is a collector�s edition you will enjoy reading again and again.

The Original Ironfowl Cartoon Pages

There one-sheet pamphlets, containing 3-8 cartoons in each issue, started the tradition of irreverence and cutting-edge satirical observation that became the hallmark of Ironfowl.

Each �page� is 25 cents. P&H is as follows:
1-5 pages: 60 cents. 5-10 pages: 85 cents. 10-20 pages: $1.25. Contact the office for larger orders.

To order, simply send a check or money order made out to:

Watch This Space Enterprises
c/o Zorikh Lequidre
182 Graham Ave #2
Brooklyn, NY 11206

for further info, questions, etc, you can e-mail me at [email protected]

Read my photo-illustrated essay on Pennsic XXV
Read my time-travelling adventure comic
Read the time-travelling adventure of The Amazing Grendel Conspiracy
See the ultimate list of SCAdian-interest movies
See an exhaustive list of SCA armorers

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