Join Us for Some Cruising!
s/v Dreamtime
What's New/Where are we now??
Updates - August, 2009
What's our Story?
A bit about our History
Why Dreamtime?
All about the Boat:
Captain's Corner
Exterior Projects and Systems
Interior Projects and Add-ons
Sewing  Projects - Dodger, etc.
Head Remodel
All about our travels in 2007/2008:
Spinnaker run in Venezuela
Los Testigos, Venezuela
Blanquilla, Venezuela
Bahia Redonda Marina, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela
Medregal to Mochimo, Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela
Colonia Tovar, Venezuela
Merida, Venezuela
Angel Falls, Venezuela
Gran Sabana, Venezuela
All about our previous travels:
Dreamtime in the Eastern Caribbean, 2006
Dreamtime in the Exumas, 2006
Bahia Redonda Marina, PLC, Venezuela
Dreamtime goes  to New England, 2005
Dreamtime in the Abacos/Berries, 2003
Abaco, Bahamas Photos, circa 1990
Other Areas of Interest:
Salty Links:
Cruising Friends Pages
Morgan Owners Page
Cruising  Orgs and Sites
Anchorage in Laguna Grande, Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela
Guide to Sailing/Cruising Stories
On-Line Magazine Links:
Sail Net   (love the articles!)
Cruiser News On-Line
Cruising World
Lats and Atts
Weather Links:
Caribbean Weather
Weather Underground
We're Proud Members
Great shots from Asa Wright  - Trinidad.
Our Mail Forwarding Service - they're great! 
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